Obviously it's a loophole that they are using. As far as fucking up their part of the world as I said before, it's the west that has hunted the whales to the brink of extinction, not the Japanese and then they have the balls to say countries with those tradition can't hunt. I don't think anybody wants any animal hunted to extinction but the west fudges the numbers and Japan fudges the laws. Honestly I don't think any whales are threatened to be erased from the planet by their "research" (soy sauce or ketchup). I also don't think that's the main reason westerners are against it, I think it's a tourist thing and a feel good 'free willy' thing. People who want to oppose their values on the rest of the world should feel happy that whale consumption is down in Japan and it has fallen out of taste. The market place just doesn't need that much.
I would love to see a bunch of Hindus attack Australian ranchers to protect the cows. I don't eat whale because like you people, I think it's a crime to destroy such beautiful animals for meat nobody seems to want to eat, but who the hell are we to tell people what to do or eat? Prohibition sucks in all forms.
I see what you are saying...some fundamental differences in opinions that will probably never change. Hypocrite's on both sides.
I fucking hate that American asshole that captain's the Sea Shepherd...most Australian people do.
Take it easy.