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Favorite grow podcasts old or new


Haven't updated in a while.
I listened to the Heavy T's Grow Show for the first time.
There was some great grow talk. Only downside is the commercials. This podcast by far has the most commercial and advertisements. Just skip through it but they the commercial breaks seem much longer than regular TV.

Also listened to high times green room. Only episodes I found interesting so far was interview with Soma, and episode with Sherbinski


I like VaderOG’s channel on yout ube. It’s entertaining. He has a video on Punnett Square basics that made me realize I knew jack shit about breeding and I needed to start doing my homework.

Up until that point I mostly just made S1 feminized seeds of stuff I liked and ran batches of girls to get F1 regular seed. And mostly because seeds are expensive. Now I’m backcrossing, collecting landraces and making my own cubed strains that I’ve selected for more than just volume of smoke.

So yeah. I’m sure it may not have the same effect on some of you out there, but I like VaderOG’s channel.


Active member
I like VaderOG’s channel on yout ube. It’s entertaining. He has a video on Punnett Square basics that made me realize I knew jack shit about breeding and I needed to start doing my homework.

Up until that point I mostly just made S1 feminized seeds of stuff I liked and ran batches of girls to get F1 regular seed. And mostly because seeds are expensive. Now I’m backcrossing, collecting landraces and making my own cubed strains that I’ve selected for more than just volume of smoke.

So yeah. I’m sure it may not have the same effect on some of you out there, but I like VaderOG’s channel.

VaderOG is great, but just to be clear this thread is about podcasts - Not Youtube channels. :p


Señor Member
I've been on a cannabis podcast binge, and I feel qualified enough to say that the vast majority of them suck. At least, what I've found so far. It's disappointing. The best one I found so far was called The Cannabist, which is a podcast produced by the Denver Post, so it lacks that stoner cheech and chong, and/or sideways-cocked trucker hat vibe. You know what I'm talking about. And I'm not trash talking those vibes, either, for the record. I know a lot of people are into them. I know a lot of people want to see tie dye and lava lamps in the background with a Phish soundtrack playing... and I know a lot of people want to see cash stacks and bling in the background with a mumble rap soundtrack. It's totally cool.

All I'm saying is that's not for me. I was hoping to find a more science-based podcast, that still discusses the culture, and various goings on in various communities, but I was hoping for less "scenester" kind of vibes.

Looks like I'm going to have to start my own podcast, now. :biggrin:


I've been on a cannabis podcast binge, and I feel qualified enough to say that the vast majority of them suck. At least, what I've found so far. It's disappointing. The best one I found so far was called The Cannabist, which is a podcast produced by the Denver Post, so it lacks that stoner cheech and chong, and/or sideways-cocked trucker hat vibe. You know what I'm talking about. And I'm not trash talking those vibes, either, for the record. I know a lot of people are into them. I know a lot of people want to see tie dye and lava lamps in the background with a Phish soundtrack playing... and I know a lot of people want to see cash stacks and bling in the background with a mumble rap soundtrack. It's totally cool.

All I'm saying is that's not for me. I was hoping to find a more science-based podcast, that still discusses the culture, and various goings on in various communities, but I was hoping for less "scenester" kind of vibes.

Looks like I'm going to have to start my own podcast, now. :biggrin:

I watch Adam Dunn on YouTube lately because they won't upload to CastBox but mostly just listen to the podcasts- while driving, yard work, and grow work.
So I could care less about what's in the background of their studio.
That being said- I do care about content so I know what you mean about the "vibe".

Recently listened to another few episodes of Heavy T's Grow Show. I don't want to hate on anyone, especially when they have something they're willing to teach or share. But.. I couldn't imagine Tad, Shango, Chip or the like referring to a plant being pollenated as
"the nut hittin' dat egg".
They take calls from listeners that are clearly beginners, but sometimes don't have the patience to answer without being rude. I felt sorry for one particular lady - I have only listened to three or four episodes (and i think they said they have had the show for almost ten years)so maybe it's not always this way. And I know it's gotta drive them crazy answering the same old newbie questions over and over, but that's what they signed up for.
Now if you happen to really like cannabis game- rap music, this might be for you. Not sure how many times they played "let your nuts hang" (not sure the tile, just the chorus). A rap by a group of cannabis breeders/growers/rappers.
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I'll give another shout out to the Dude Grows Show. They now only do grow show on the weekends, so I don't listen to every single episode. They now add a description to the episodes which I love. If it doesn't interest me I don't download.

They consistently put out a show with excellent audio everyday. That's something.


VaderOG is great, but just to be clear this thread is about podcasts - Not Youtube channels. :p

Got it. I read the whole thread and noticed a few YT references and thought maybe someone would get some good info. I was not trying to derail the thread, but thought a YT reference would be okay since others mentioned YT channels. I guess my reasoning is that If there’s audio, and you can learn something, then I should share it. And as far as YT is concerned, I usually pay less attention to the video than I do the audio, ex. the last time I trimmed I listened to the Joe Rogan podcast on YT sans video (my phone was blaring the audio). And I do realize this is a thread for weed podcasts, but the guest was Dennis McKenna, so hopefully that is acceptable.

And I thought I would give this thread a bump, because there is a lot of good info in the specific podcast mentions. And that is what I am utimately looking for: good info.

There is nothing more irritating to me than listening to a twenty minute long video/ podcast with some dipshit who got haf and can’t handle putting a sentence together who just videos his plants and does bong hits the entire time while you wait for them to mention what you are waiting for and it never happens. Longest run on sentence ever right there.

And I do realize you have to start somewhere, so I should probably not be an asshole to beginning podcasters, I just needed to vent. And I’m not excluding myself from the list of people who do bong hits and babble about shit. I do that all the time...

That being said, I’ll say it again: bump.


K+ vibes
I'm diggin the heavy t show already lol. Never heard of it before... I dig the mix of humor, already.. Plus they know their shit out the gate its obvious.
I can't do the permafried hosts/vibe shows that seems more interested in every other drug equally or more than weed..


Señor Member
I just recently came across a podcast called Shaping Fire, which is pretty awesome. Focuses on a lot of the science, along with some industry topics. My favorite episode had a scientist on talking about terpenes and entourage effect. Highly recommend.


I just recently came across a podcast called Shaping Fire, which is pretty awesome. Focuses on a lot of the science, along with some industry topics. My favorite episode had a scientist on talking about terpenes and entourage effect. Highly recommend.

Yes Shango is awesome. He also has other videos on Youtube. (Not shaping fire)


I listened to another Heavy T's Grow Show. It was much better. They were nicer to the callers this time. In all reality - the episode I listened to before could have been a just a bad example for a first time listener.
They definitely hook up callers with swag. But that's why they have all those extra long commercial breaks that the others don't have.


Besides YouTube, how is everyone listening to your podcasts?
I use CastBox. I like that I can download episodes to listen to later without signal.
The part that I don't like is episodes are not updated as frequently as YouTube.
Adam Dunn show and Heavy T's update very irregular.
Heavy T put an episode out on September 20th but didn't update again till November 20th when they added 5 episodes at once.
Adam Dunn is missing a bunch of episodes on CastBox.

I hate using my data for a video when I just want to listen to it anyway.


Active member
Trying to open my mind or broaden horizons with things. I don't use many mobile apps, older phone lower bill little data use. Although I am familiar with computers. Look at how many people use apps for different things and even make a living from speaking etc. I am not up to date with writing apps like kids from Seattle even though I'm a city dweller some people are just more into tech. At some point you're learning from one another, farming in the hills and what not.

For downloading I use youtube-dl. Keep it updated with -U and run it from the folder where it was downloaded or else set up environment variable path location so you can run it from other folders. Here is a shortcut:

youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 "playlist_URL"

This will take a video, song, podcast or playlist link and download an mp3. No ads but some reading necessary.


Trying to open my mind or broaden horizons with things. I don't use many mobile apps, older phone lower bill little data use. Although I am familiar with computers. Look at how many people use apps for different things and even make a living from speaking etc. I am not up to date with writing apps like kids from Seattle even though I'm a city dweller some people are just more into tech. At some point you're learning from one another, farming in the hills and what not.

For downloading I use youtube-dl. Keep it updated with -U and run it from the folder where it was downloaded or else set up environment variable path location so you can run it from other folders. Here is a shortcut:

youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 "playlist_URL"

This will take a video, song, podcast or playlist link and download an mp3. No ads but some reading necessary.

You are light years ahead of me in tech I assure you. For instance: no idea how to go about that. I don't want to sound stupid but,. Is that a line of code? Where would I type that?


Active member
Yea it takes a while if you are unfamiliar. Works on desktops I am not sure about phones. Search youtube-dl if you want to read the documentation. In windows you want command prompt, or cmd,exe. Right click start button -> Command Prompt as admin, or else search files for cmd.exe. You might have to read about ms-dos commands or unix commands if you aren't sure how to change folders/directories. This is an example: cmd.exe or equivalent

cd ..
cd ..
cd ..

cd Users/Home/Downloads/

Where the last line is your downloads folder from your web browser. Then you can run the earlier line. All of this can be combined into a script or file of some sort. But phones need to update or stop working for one reason or another sometimes. This is a lot slower initially but it can be useful. Some apps might be free but there is a barrier to writing phone apps because it requires approval from the one store. Unlocking is discouraged prohibited and all it means is you can use the device like a usb drive or mini laptop, neither of which I have been too interested in since the screens are so small.

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