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Fasten Your Seatbelts


Active member
I wish I could afford a PV setup and backup LP generator... and a water well with filter system and storage.

I don't know if Sessions' BS will affect me here, if I'm caught growing my few plants but it doesn't affect what I'm doing. I need the meds to treat a neurological issue.


Boreal Curing
Wow.... sessions is making everything go sideways.

You guys need to start voting for scientists instead of businessmen.


Well-known member
You guys need to start voting for scientists instead of businessmen.

I have been saying this for years. Unfortunately (or not) in a capitalist society, businessmen are always going to rule. And, the US is definitely a capitalist based nation.

Wouldn't be weird to have the science community govern our laws? LMAO Most of the scientists I know are, at best, a little goofy. Very VERY logical. And, not at all very good at presenting things... especially bad news. They, usually just spit it right out. Most of them at not very good at lying and don't really see the need.

And, this one is pretty 100%.. never met a scientist that was a good dresser. LMAO

On the other hand, I never met a scientist that I didn't like and I never never never never ever met a stupid scientist. Ever. And, I spent much of my business career in one kind of a lab or another and have met more than 1 or 2 scientists.

Still, having them run the show...... not sure if that's funny or scary.


New member
The US economy is fueled by oil. Manufacturing has gone elsewhere so PV, wind gen, etc. profits will go to those countries. When oil fails, the US economy fails.

that is the problem. oil is a poison. it poisons environment and everyone in it. But you are wrong US can and will survive past oil. The Earth receives enough energy form the Sun in one hour to power the whole planet for one year. We just have to put our money and efforts to harness that power.
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New member
At present do you think “eco power” is going to power all vehicles if they are electric? Hey, I’m all for green but reality also has to play a part. The electric car argument always puzzles me. Just plug it in, no toxic emissions, good for the environment. The big question is, where is all this electricity going to come from?

it can/will come from solar wind and nuclear it does not have to come from burning fossils that is so inefficient not to mention harmful The fact that we still use 70 year old tech to power cars is simply ridiculous. Thanks God for Tesla (which single handedly is changing the whole ICE industry).


Well-known member
Don't worry guys, in another 30 years or so, you'll all be getting your energy from urdridium. You have not discovered it yet, but a nobody from Kansas is going to discover it soon and all this nonsense about oil is going to be history. Well, actually, it already is to some of us. LOL

See ya then.


Boreal Curing
Don't worry guys, in another 30 years or so, you'll all be getting your energy from urdridium. You have not discovered it yet, but a nobody from Kansas is going to discover it soon and all this nonsense about oil is going to be history. Well, actually, it already is to some of us. LOL

See ya then.

ol' timer? lol


Active member
that is the problem. oil is a poison. it poisons environment and everyone in it. But you are wrong US can and will survive past oil. The Earth receives enough energy form the Sun in one hour to power the whole planet for one year. We just have to put our money and efforts to harness that power.

Yes, oil and coil... as well as ALL other forms of energy commonly in use... are poison (including nuclear). Even the manufacturing of PV and other "renewable" energies poison our planet.

Yes, the USA will survive... but will deteriorate to Third-World status as "profits (powers)" alter.

Even PV, wind and wave-energy have their ecological drawbacks.

In other words, our selfish "comforts" have their "prices".

It's human nature to self-destruct in order to be "more comfortable" (while we, as individuals) live here. I don't think anyone can argue with that.


Well-known member
Don't worry guys, in another 30 years or so, you'll all be getting your energy from urdridium. You have not discovered it yet, but a nobody from Kansas is going to discover it soon and all this nonsense about oil is going to be history. Well, actually, it already is to some of us. LOL

See ya then.

i read that they were going to start up a breeder reactor system running off of unobtainium, the worlds rarest isotope. use that to power the interstates just like the slot cars we raced as kids...:biggrin:


it can/will come from solar wind and nuclear it does not have to come from burning fossils that is so inefficient not to mention harmful The fact that we still use 70 year old tech to power cars is simply ridiculous. Thanks God for Tesla (which single handedly is changing the whole ICE industry).

People never seem to stop believing the wind power fairy tail. Would have to put them on every square mile to make any significant impact to replace any kind of power plant. Solar? That is developing but still insignificant. Nuke plants while my preference are always going to have greenies freaking out.
Do none of you keep up with what will actually be the worlds power source in 30-50 years? Trials should start in a few years.


New member
Do none of you keep up with what will actually be the worlds power source in 30-50 years? Trials should start in a few years.

I do not know about the "rest" and I am not "green" I just like organics and Love our Planet (which makes me a hater of Monsanto, and Exxon lol). I am very excited about fusion power but it is still ways before being finished and it already cost billions of dollars. Hopefully French will be kind enough to share and hopefully the technology will be further developed and simplified. In meantime solar is the answer. Everyone who owns a house could potentially make enough electricity to meet the needs of entire household just by installing solar panels. You are off the grid essentially if you do that. Centralized power plants could play only supportive and insurance roles.


I do not know about the "rest" and I am not "green" I just like organics and Love our Planet (which makes me a hater of Monsanto, and Exxon lol). I am very excited about fusion power but it is still ways before being finished and it already cost billions of dollars. Hopefully French will be kind enough to share and hopefully the technology will be further developed and simplified. In meantime solar is the answer. Everyone who owns a house could potentially make enough electricity to meet the needs of entire household just by installing solar panels. You are off the grid essentially if you do that. Centralized power plants could play only supportive and insurance roles.
You obviously didn't look at ITER beyond the home page. It's not the French's to share. There are 35 plus countries involved and it was first approved and started in the Reagan Gorbachov era. Trial are slated to start in the next few years. Then bootstrap up to more efficient and upgraded designs to be built as actual plants to supply the worlds needs. I think last thing I saw was in 20 years or so they could be coming online world wide. Unless something new usurps them but without help from little green men THIS will be the future power for our children and grand children.

Dave Coulier

Active member
The problem with fusion is that it's always 10 or 20 years away.

In another 10-20 years, it'll be 10-20 years away, and itll continue to be just on the horizon. The powers that be will never allow cheap or free energy for the people. They would lose too much money, and the control they have over people.


The problem with fusion is that it's always 10 or 20 years away.
The science is proven obviously. The world wont let profit dictate this kind of progress forever. And there are working examples on very small scales now. I will hold my judgement for a few years but if you will at least look at the projected timeline which has been kept to up to this point.
Sure someone is going to make money off of it. And sell you the power. Who the fuck do you think is funding all of this now? Al Gore? Michael More, his money is tied up in pizza. Its not going to be free but in the future who knows what happens. So many of the eco warrior type use any excuse to push their political agenda not the true interest of humanity developing clean power for the future. The term is watermelon.

Anyway this is a fascinating project that will take many more years but it is real and being built. Here is the timeline page.

There are YouTube links as well that show current and projected construction.

This is this generations version of a moonshot but sadly will take a bit longer.


The solution isn't high tech, years away or even beyond our reach as individuals.

Globally, we landfill 1.3 billion tonnes of aptly named "waste".

Instead of landfilling that waste, we should use it to generate electricity.

Instead of raping the planet for coal to burn, we should burn that 1.3 billion tonnes of waste.

Individuals could have their own waste fired steam generators that need consist of nothing more than an incinerator, a boiler, steam pump and a generator. All very low tech, inexpensive and simple to use.
Each evening, the days household waste could be burned tp provide the next days electricity and at the same time, get rid of the waste.

Solar, wind and hydro are all negated by geo engineering sabotage - you won't even break even on the investment, ever and the impact of making the technology they require is very harmful to the planet so these technologies are WORSE than useless at present.


Boreal Curing
Politicians are administrators ONLY. Apart from safety and keeping the playing field even, they add ZERO value to humanity. Only science has helped us by adding value, healing the sick, growing our food, cleaning our waters and lighting the night. From the invention of the plow to the discovery of penicillin to the creation of ITER and LHC, every advance and standard of living increase is the direct result of science, not politicians. We wouldn't have a lot of our life saving medical devices and everyday items (even simple velcro) if it were not for the space program. It's why I will vote for a scientist regardless of political stripe and any "business experience". The world needs more scientists in government just to keep the government from fucking us up with lies. Hell, tylenol kills more people than any other drug and an 8 year old can buy it.

I don't think it's a conspiracy to keep it from us at all. It's just frigging hard to do. If it was a conspiracy, ITER wouldn't exist. They make huge leaps forward, but there's still a long way to go. I think that eventually, we'll get there, but don't be surprised if a simpler and better solution doesn't surface before it's ready. It's just how science goes.

Spaventa, I agree. There's a company burning garbage in little Ottawa. It's almost a viable tech, but still needs a little research to produce more output than input.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but rather “That’s funny …”
— Isaac Asimov


No the solution is not to burn our trash.
We should start reducing the population. as that is the only way to save the planets resources before 10-20 or 100 billion humans eat, drink, mine, fish, cut all forests and pollute the entire planet and oceans.
You can not fight high population once it gets way to high, we all need to do something today to stop the increase.
Maybe we should consider giving a $1000 award to anyone that will commit to not having children before they do, or et them adopt. There must be a way to insure that one birth child is the norm, just by allowing people to make that choice. I am not for forced sterility but it might be better then where the world is headed.

The solution isn't high tech, years away or even beyond our reach as individuals.

Globally, we landfill 1.3 billion tonnes of aptly named "waste".

Instead of landfilling that waste, we should use it to generate electricity.

Instead of raping the planet for coal to burn, we should burn that 1.3 billion tonnes of waste.

Individuals could have their own waste fired steam generators that need consist of nothing more than an incinerator, a boiler, steam pump and a generator. All very low tech, inexpensive and simple to use.
Each evening, the days household waste could be burned tp provide the next days electricity and at the same time, get rid of the waste.

Solar, wind and hydro are all negated by geo engineering sabotage - you won't even break even on the investment, ever and the impact of making the technology they require is very harmful to the planet so these technologies are WORSE than useless at present.


Well-known member
No the solution is not to burn our trash.
We should start reducing the population. as that is the only way to save the planets resources before 10-20 or 100 billion humans eat, drink, mine, fish, cut all forests and pollute the entire planet and oceans.
You can not fight high population once it gets way to high, we all need to do something today to stop the increase.
Maybe we should consider giving a $1000 award to anyone that will commit to not having children before they do, or et them adopt. There must be a way to insure that one birth child is the norm, just by allowing people to make that choice. I am not for forced sterility but it might be better then where the world is headed.

I have a great idea to help reduce population. Take everyone who's I.Q. is under 150 and shoot them in the head and throw them in a big hole.

Not only will this solve so many problems associated with over population. But, it will also make life so much more pleasant for those who are left behind. LOL