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Farmerlion's Greenhouse learning experiments.


Microbial Repositories
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Rismooth, very happy to have you around my friend. I'm pumped about the genetics this season. These are what I should have been growing last season for my latitude. But I'm a sucker for pure sativa's. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Plant Explosion

Plant Explosion

Hello all,
Here is a couple of pictures of the ladies. Some rain this morning, but the sun is out now. The girls have really hit another gear in growth. Seedlings to the third node seem normal growth rate. But soon after they grab another gear. The growth isn't just up but seems to be structural vigor.



Auto Malawi x Northern Lights f4's

Early Bubba Hash


Altruistic Hazeist
Looking super healthy!

Funny but aphids nor white flies seem to touch mine outdoors! (but had trouble indoors!)

My Lebanese is about the size of yours, do you apply neem or any other preventives?


Microbial Repositories
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A few more pictures

A few more pictures

Panama x PCK green phenotype.

Bangi Haze f29 reversed x NepJam f6

Trifoliate Panama D/C gaining mass quickly.

Canopy of Panama D/C. This plant has acted like it's on steroids. Time wise it may not be as extreme as it feels when I see them. I've had a very busy week so far. I water early in the morning in a rush and again as soon as I get home about 9:30 or 10:00 pm.

Off today so I'm trying to do a little cleaning. I hope all of you have a great upcoming weekend. Peace :tiphat:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Repuk, I haven't used anything yet. My supplier is out of Ladybugs right now. I was just looking at Neem solutions and some soaps. I've been looking under leaves too, but there only seems to be bite marks. I had one leaf on the Panama D/C that had an odd sticky crinkle. So I cut it off and put it in the burn barrel. I'm not real worried about it at this point, but stuff can go sideways in a hurry when your busy. I'll contact the company and see how long before the restock comes in. Have a great weekend my friend. Peace


Well-known member
Oye, farmermate! How old is that auto? It looks almost identical to mine...at last, some proper growth under way...gotta love that greenery... :)

Off to a running start it appears.. nice looking lineup Farmerlion..!!

The Pan Deep Chunk is certainly vigorous and true to name..!


Microbial Repositories
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Orfeas, 3 1/2 weeks now on the Auto Malawi x Northern lights. I believe I put the seeds in on the 12th of May. Notebook is in greenhouse.

Thermal Rider, good to hear from you brother. I'm not sure what to expect from the Panama Deep Chunk. I decided to feed her fairly heavy, even at the expense of the Blueberry plant in same bag. Unless she should show signs of stress or an over feeding. So far they both seem happy.
The other Blueberry in a separate bag is a little further along. That one has burgundy in stalk and branches already.

As far as the bite marks go. I can't see what is leaving the marks. It's not hurting the growth in any way yet. So it is what it is, when I release the Lady bugs they will have something to eat. You can't build up a tolerance to something you've never had. Peace


Active member
Lots of happy green growth!

This lineup is a great one.

The Lebanese seems to be nice and stout with lots of branching. looking forwards to more!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey Nup, I was just out and can see growth just from this morning. I planted a sprouted seed of Bubba Kush x Purple Nepjam. I also have a Bubba Kush x PCK. They both should have great color by the end of harvest. The newest addition should get 6 full weeks of vegetative growth. The BK x PCK will get 8 full weeks. The Erdpurts that I have outside have recovered from the heavy wind and rain earlier this week.
I will post pictures again Sunday. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Some other girls

Some other girls

Hello all, Here is some other ladies in the greenhouse this season.

Blue Thai, Blueberry x Lemon Skunk Thai

Critical Cheese, Critical x UK Cheese

Kush n Cheese, OG Kush x UK Cheese


Microbial Repositories
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A few more girls

A few more girls

EDY, Original Delicatessen. I have been sitting on these seeds for some time now. The EDY and the Upstream I've wanted in the rotation for a few years now. If they weren't exceptional genetics they wouldn't be on the Ace website. I feel bad for just getting to one of them now. There isn't much for information on any of their genetics. I will try and do a decent explanation for all of us here.

Peyote Purple, CBG. This is one of the favorites out of my grow each season. My daughter and a couple other friends really enjoy it.
Flavor, taste and a quality high and the bag appeal will turn some heads as well.

DJ Shorts Blueberry, this one has been around for several decades and needs no introduction. About ten years ago I ran some of the True Blueberry. I failed miserably and also wasted a pack of Highland Oaxaca x Blueberry from Chimera. I would love to have those seeds back again.
Well I hope all of you have a great weekend. I'm working Saturday, but get to help a friend wire in a hot tub I get to use year round. I'm really looking forward to that especially this winter.
Peace God Bless :tiphat:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I have two others that will get posted up more soon. The Bubba Kush x PCK and the Bubba Kush x Purple Nepjam. The colors and aroma's should be outstanding. I'm sure my daughter will take notice while these are being cured. My two Erdpurt's that are outside are doing better than any other outdoor plant this season so far. Heavy rains and gale force winds have kicked their asses. One Original Glue is fighting like hell and doing pretty good. The other Glue and the Panama x PCK could be in an ugly plant contest.
I wish you all well, I'm going to finish my Guinness Blonde American Lager. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Early update

Early update

Hey Syd it's great to see you here brother.
I had a great crew today and finished a couple hours early. I grabbed a cold beer and the camera, this is what caught my eye today.

One of my Lebanese ladies.

A Blueberry and the Panama D/C, less than two days separate them in age.

Can't see the Blueberry in this canopy photo.

My two Early Bubba Hash plants. They are really taking off in the last few days. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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WE ARE LOOKING FOR LONG TERM POTENTIAL BUYERS. WE ARE GIVING OUT 30% DISCOUNTS ON ALL PURCHASES ABOVE 1/2LB. OUR GREATEST CONCERN.?We grow them at our farm and sell to our customers directly. It means we can offer them at very good prices,and we are sure of their quality.?

You come to the Ace forum's with two posts spouting this shit. Your only ripping off others hard work and passing off knock off genetics as your own?
Let me fill you in on a little secret. You don't entice long term potential customers. YOU EARN THEM !!!
Dubi didn't build Ace seeds by screwing people or stealing their genetics. If you want to sale seeds, travel the world collecting rare genetics. Stabilize the best characteristics in phenotypes, genotypes and chemotypes. Have outstanding customer service and interact with your customers.
But if you think your way is going to earn any respect here at the Ace forum's. PLEASE LET ME BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU TO GO TO HELL !!! :tiphat: farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello my Ace family, please excuse my outbreak of anger in the above post.


Well-known member
WE ARE LOOKING FOR LONG TERM POTENTIAL BUYERS. WE ARE GIVING OUT 30% DISCOUNTS ON ALL PURCHASES ABOVE 1/2LB. OUR GREATEST CONCERN.?We grow them at our farm and sell to our customers directly. It means we can offer them at very good prices,and we are sure of their quality.?

You come to the Ace forum's with two posts spouting this shit. Your only ripping off others hard work and passing off knock off genetics as your own?
Let me fill you in on a little secret. You don't entice long term potential customers. YOU EARN THEM !!!
Dubi didn't build Ace seeds by screwing people or stealing their genetics. If you want to sale seeds, travel the world collecting rare genetics. Stabilize the best characteristics in phenotypes, genotypes and chemotypes. Have outstanding customer service and interact with your customers.
But if you think your way is going to earn any respect here at the Ace forum's. PLEASE LET ME BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU TO GO TO HELL !!! :tiphat: farmerlion

You tell em' Farmer; let that Lion out of the cage!

Hello my Ace family, please excuse my outbreak of anger in the above post.

Fuck the spammers bro. No need to apologize for that. Thankfully GN already banned him.


Plants looking killer bro! Max'd my rep for the day. :tiphat:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Kaskadian, I was caught a little off guard. I was more pissed that anyone would disrespect the Ace forum's in that way. It's going to be a beautiful Sunday brother. May everything in your day be blessed. Peace