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Farmerlion's Greenhouse learning experiments.


Well-known member
Well, I don't know what the hell I did since last season. If one of you computer savvy people can tell me what to change so pictures show up properly. I would appreciate it, I hate clicking on links to see stuff. I doubt any of you like it either. Peace

Hey broski! What I do is upload to photobucket then copy the "IMG" link and paste it into the thread. It then uploads directly into the post at the original size.

Do yourself a favor and also attach the pictures (paperclip icon here) because I've had more than one photobucket account banned for uploading cannabis pics... :laughing: It's annoying going to read some really interesting threads and finding 1/2 the pictures are missing.

Late addition to the grow this season. I will be adding two of DJ Sorts Blueberry to the mix. I have grown his True Blueberry in the past. To have a cross with the Lebanese, I can't pass up that chance.

I think DJ's Blueberry will be an exciting addition to the greenhouse! I ran the older version many years ago but haven't tried any of the newer productions. I'll be excited to see how it comes out. Fingers crossed you find some real blueberry tasting phenos.

Looking forward to everything you've got going on my friend. :tiphat:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Kaskadian, I'm pretty stoked as well. I decided to dump the Dinafem Blue Cheese. Neither parent of the strain is even Dinafem genetics. It sounded cool at the time, so what the he'll I bought them.

Thanks for the advice on uploading pictures. I will work on it in the morning after coffee.
Peace brother


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi farmerlion :)

It's always exciting to choose the new genetics for upcoming season. Thanks for choosing many ACE strains for this year outdoor season, your interest in our latest work is greatly appeciated :thank you:

I think you will be one of the first growers to have the chance to grow the new Lebanese x Erdpurt regular F1 and the new Malawi/PCK # 47 x Purple Nepjam fem hybrid.

I'm also very curious to know how the Bangi Haze F29 x Nepal Jam fem compares with its reciprocal cross: Nepal Jam x Bangi Haze F29, same parental plants were used in both F1s, just crossed in the opposite way in each F1 hybrid.

The comparison beetween Auto Malawi x NL F3 vs F4 generation will be very interesting as well :)

I know how much effort, passion and motivation you dedicate to your greenhouse grow :huggg: Please, let me know in case you have any doubt during their development.

Wish you and your family are doing well.
Best wishes for 2018 outdoor season! :ying:


Altruistic Hazeist
Subbed! I need to learn growing in soil, greenhouse, orchard...

To properly display your pictures:

1. Make sure you click on Go Advanced button when posting (bottom of page):


2.- While in Advanced Post mode, click on Insert Images button, another window will pop open.


3.- You seem to have uploaded the pictures to an Album: set the dropdowns to From: Pictures and Albums and (this is where you did it wrong) As: Original only, then click on the image you want; forum code will be inserted in the post to display the images right in the post.


Caveat: No more than five pictures per post. Smileys count as one picture.

You may need to change Show: to the "2018 Greenhouse Grow" Album you uploaded the pictures to if having a different album selected, or to set it to display All my photos.


  • Captura de pantalla 2018-04-16 a la(s) 14.18.30.jpg
    Captura de pantalla 2018-04-16 a la(s) 14.18.30.jpg
    89.3 KB · Views: 47
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Altruistic Hazeist
It will display like this:

Farmelion said:
Hello, Here is some pictures of what's going on today.


This is one of the soil bags that I'm breaking up and adding amendments to.


This is Part of the Leonardite being added in thin layers.


This bag has been partially filled and watered so the microbial life can start forming. The top three or so inches will be filled with chicken poop, worm castings and some fresh top soil. I will sprinkle another thin layer of Leonardite on top again and re water.


As you can see I have a lot of work in cleaning once I get all the bags filled and ready.

I will sweep, vacuum and spray bleach carefully around border walls and the floor. Then organize the bags where I want them according to size of bags. 45 gallon bags will go in the center aisle.
The 35 gallon grow bags will go on the outside walls. The anticipated plant height's will determine on which side the individual plants are placed. The sun is slightly south of me during the summer. Shorter plants will be placed on the south and west end. Taller plants will go on the north and east end.
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Dubi, thank you for your kind words and help my friend. I'm always seeking your expertise. Momma and I are having coffee then it's out to the greenhouse and work.

Repuk, I see in your post what I did wrong. Thank you for taking the time to help me. Much appreciated my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing your grow this season. Peace brother


Active member
ICMag Donor


It will display like this:


One of the major values in using Leonardite is to make your inputs more available.

This means if you take your inputs and mix them with the Leonardite, you will make them all much more available and less likely to wash through.

There is of course, good leonardite and bad leonardite.

I would do a small test if you can, one bag with 10% of the dosis, another with 50% of the dosis and they watch the rest which are 100%. See if you pick up on the differences, especially in fade.


Altruistic Hazeist
Looked for Leonardite around... I found it in powder form, "Kumita 20" by local company RizHum Nature SL, 10€ for 1,5Kg, or 37€ for 25Kg.

Made from animal matters and muds from water treatment plants.

Seems to be concentrated, as the dosage instructions say about 2-5 grams per liter of soil (8-19grams per gal) or 100-200gr per sq meter (per each 10 sq feet) when surface fertilizing.


Total Organic Matter 40,0%
Humic Extract Total 20,0%
Humic Acids 18,0%
Fulvic Acids 2,0%

Total Nitrogen (Organic) 1,40%
Phosphorous (P2O5) 0,4%
Potassium (K2O) 1,2%
Calcium (CaO) 4,5%
Sulfur (S) 8,6%
Magnesium (MgO) 2,5%
Silica (SiO2) 32,0%
Iron (Fe) 3,2%
Manganese (Mn) 0,16%
Copper (Cu) 83 mg/Kg
Zinc (Zn) 380 mg/Kg
Boron (B) 76 mg/Kg
Molybdenum (Mo) 28 mg/Kg

Maximum Humidity 8,0 %
C.I.C 63,0 meq/100g
C.E 2,5 mS/cm
pH 4 – 5

Does it look good?

I have a free source of chicken poop, should it be mixed with soil and left to mature prior to dressing the top of the pots of mature plants?


Altruistic Hazeist
farmerlion said:
Repuk, I see in your post what I did wrong. Thank you for taking the time to help me. Much appreciated my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing your grow this season. Peace brother

A pleasure :tiphat: peace!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
This season my top dressing is going to be about 3" thick. I will go a little lighter on the chicken poop and heavier on the worm castings and dried Icelandic kelp.
I'm waiting for the kelp to be delivered later this week. Then I will finish off the top layer and rewater. I have a couple weeks for the microbial life to start growing.


Well-known member
Subbed! I've perused your previous threads and have been really impressed. A greenhouse is a goal of mine, and having formerly been a nursery worker, I love seeing all the prep work going into this year's grow.

Looking forward to seeing your progress and the results of your experiments!


Altruistic Hazeist
This season my top dressing is going to be about 3" thick. I will go a little lighter on the chicken poop and heavier on the worm castings and dried Icelandic kelp.
I'm waiting for the kelp to be delivered later this week. Then I will finish off the top layer and rewater. I have a couple weeks for the microbial life to start growing.

Ok, so it's important to consider this soil "conditioning" stage as a "growing", in the sense you need to mix in, water, and then leave it for organic life to spread and stablish... note taken.

Guess chicken poop is the higher (hottest) in nitrogen from the three? (chicken, worm castings and kelp?)

I assume the leonardite break it down faster than just leaving the fresh chicken poop mixed with the soil?

Do you have a picture of the leonardite sack? Been researching as as you pointed out, looks like the ultimate ammendment for soil, would like to check if the local source I found is worth or not.

Soil in my garden is very rich, but has high clay content, guess leonardite will help making it more porous and enhance drainage. It's plenty of earth worms, at weed out time while pulling out the biggest weeds from the ground tons of them appeared; what I mean is I believe this soil would be perfect with the right ammendment.
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Djimb, as a nursery worker you have a great understanding of greenhouses I'm sure. When thing's go wrong they can go really wrong really quick. The old saying an ounce of prevention??? Peace brother

Repuk, yes you are correct in your observations. The bag/sack the Leonardite comes in is unmarked as it came from a wholesaler. If you have time, here is the website for my supplier. Www.LeonarditeProducts.com

Cherie Harms is the plant Mngr. They have retailers in Spain. She may be able to get you contact information for them. Under the agriculture tab on site they have some generalized information. It comes in a liquid concentrate and varying grinds in dry form. I purchased the very finest grind. It is like talcum powder. I hope this helps you to get the same stuff. The highest quality Leonardite comes from North Dakota and in South America. Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Repuk, the product you posted isn't exactly what I have but looks very good all the same. I would certainly give it a shot myself. Yes the chicken poop can be very hot. I try to break it up very well and mix it thoroughly. I will use the ground kelp as a slow release supplement. I can make a tea with some and am also using Neptunes fish and seaweed as main fertilizer for plants.
Peace brother


Altruistic Hazeist
Thanks a lot for the pointers! Will email her. :thank you:

The local source seems to be an "artificial" leonardite made of recycled animal matters and subproducts (organic muds) of the local water treatment plants, whose employ organic treatment pools. A big chunk of Spain fertilizer / commercial soil production uses those as sources.

I'm thinking adding leonardite to a compost pile should have really positive effects, shouldn't it speed up the process and made it more thorough?

I'm curious, do you use straight well / tap water or treat it in some way?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
My water source's are rain, well and mostly lake water. The lake water has the most consistent Ph levels. I collect rain as well but I can only hold about 110 gallons at a time. I use the rain water quickly so it can refill barrels. My well is very high alkalinity levels 8.4 average. Good drinking water very clear and clean. To much for plants on a regular basis. Peace brother


Curious Cannivore
Texas Tea, thanks for stopping by. I just checked out your girls. I'm looking forward to growing them even more now. Very nice looking grow!
I use CFL and HPS lights, what are you using?

FL, I am flowering under LED cobs...Bridgelux Vera 7 and Crees. Fantastic lights and so nice to be able to dim them and easily control temperatures. I have units from Timber and also Tasty LED which is now closed sadly.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Ready for the girls

Ready for the girls

This will be the basic layout inside this year.

Just a shot from the other end of greenhouse.

This is a close up of the finished top soil layer.

I did re-use most of the soil from last season. I removed the root balls and the larger roots from soil. I left all the finer roots to decompose and be eaten by the worms when they are introduced.

I won't be putting the worms in for at least another week or so. I may add them when I do the wholes for the potting soil. Pull out about a 2 1/2"plug of soil and set them underneath, then fill with potting soil. I will press in the potting soil firmly. It seems to break up easier when you water. I have had seeds float up and move around in the past.

I wanted to double plant the 45 gallon grow bags. I think now I will just single plant everything and have better light for all plants.
With the two extra 35 gallon grow bags this season. I could end up screwing myself being greedy.

For the comparison grows of the Bangi Haze reversed f29 x Purple NepJam f6 and the Purple NepJam f6 reversed x Bangi Haze f29.
Also the comparison of the Auto Malawi's f3 and f4 plants. My numbers are so limited. Going from two plants to one plant shouldn't be a big deal anyway. I'm also running two of the (Purple Malawi x PCK#47) x Purple NepJam f1's. These genetics I would like to run several as well. But with only space for 19 grow bags, numbers are low.

I have four Lebanese in the hopes of getting a male. One Lebanese x Erdpurt and two Peyote Purples. Certainly not last or least but One of my favorite plants this season will be the Early Bubba Hash.
I may as well mention the others as well. From my friends at Cannabeizein I'm running one of their NYCD x Second Sight. From Old World Genetics of DJ Short. The freebie is Miners Wife (Nepali OG x ChemDawg = Mothers Milk) x Blueberry f4. I'm also running three of DJ's Blueberry f4's. Years ago when the True Blueberry first came out I tried them and failed miserably. The grow wasn't bad but I had cull the entire grow due to safety reasons.

Well anyway my weekend was busy and now everything is ready for germination of seeds. I wish you all a happy and safe grow season. Peace :tiphat:
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Trying something different

Trying something different

Pictures still not uploading properly. I was dragging picture from album and dropping it. Try the double click this round. OK!!! Thanks to all of you that chimed in and gave my old ass directions. I guess if I'd done a winter grow. I wouldn't have forgotten how to do this. Now I'm really excited to grow! It's a good thing Ace has such great genetics. Sometimes I can screw up a one car parade. Peace
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Well-known member
WOO HOO! Awesome stuff my friend. I'm looking forward to watching that greenhouse become a proper jungle.