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farmerlions first greenhouse grow


Microbial Repositories
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This is the Golden Tiger. Bottom picture of last post is the Guawi. Sorry, I had my head up my ass. (edit here).

The rest are just pics from in a corner or down the middle.

It's funny to me. I can drive a semi, shift gears while eating and holding a coke. But trying to post with pizza in my hand is kicking my ass. Good thing I don't do this for a living. Peace:tiphat:


Well-known member
The disproportion of containers and contents is somewhat bizarre...yet, it'll definitely turn to the favour of the contents when growth thrust forces take the lead... :)
neat as can be!

:tiphat: from the Aegean blue ;)



Microbial Repositories
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Orfeas, my plant numbers were planned in a mad theory for productivity. I know what I can get indoors under lights. I'm looking for the edge of organic soil productivity in the greenhouse now. I have similar strains in different size pots and in different numbers to see overall productivity. I'm sure some I will regret putting 3 in same bags. 2 in a 45 gallon bag may work well. 2 in a 35 gallon bag may not. I felt now is the time to experiment while it's my money and not someone else's. I don't recuperate anything financially from my grows just experience. If this explanation makes any sense to anybody other than me I don't know. Maybe my endeavor is just an excuse to over plant and try and justify it under the guise of research. lol. Either way I'm having fun. Peace brother


Well-known member
Orfeas, my plant numbers were planned in a mad theory for productivity. I know what I can get indoors under lights. I'm looking for the edge of organic soil productivity in the greenhouse now. I have similar strains in different size pots and in different numbers to see overall productivity. I'm sure some I will regret putting 3 in same bags. 2 in a 45 gallon bag may work well. 2 in a 35 gallon bag may not. I felt now is the time to experiment while it's my money and not someone else's. I don't recuperate anything financially from my grows just experience. If this explanation makes any sense to anybody other than me I don't know. Maybe my endeavor is just an excuse to over plant and try and justify it under the guise of research. lol. Either way I'm having fun. Peace brother

Well, I think most plants/trees if not all build up a root ball of a width of that of the canopy...and the latter can get at least as much as the height...so I reckon no bag can be big enough to provide a wild sativa ample accomodation :)...for max prodactivity that is...
I take you're just fine with the sizes...yet I agree with you on that " 2 in 35" :)
As for the number of the whole bunch, I'd surely do the same thing, did I live in a canna free place...not for the dough of course...there's no such thing in my grows...afte having gone quite far in the cultivation field and learnt a few things there's a new perspective in the whole process and since it takes at least half a year it somehow weaves into me teaching me stuff...

On a side note, did you live in the Aegean, you would have spared yourself the pecuniary bit... ;) and your plants would cherish every bit of the sun...



Microbial Repositories
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orfeas, No Aegean for me. That is only a dream in my world. The snow comes end of October and leaves in May. For four months we cram as much life into life as we can get. I can't go on a Mediterranean or equatorial vacation. My wife says you only want to go there and get seeds. She's right. She says I want a winter cruise in Alaska. I work outside all winter. F... that! So she goes to Vegas with her sisters and I order seeds from Dubi. This year my vacation was a greenhouse. I look forward to the day I actually get to try some of the cannabis I've grown. Growing is so rewarding and I truly enjoy everyone here on the Ace threads.

Holeshot 22, It seems to be going Ok so far. My water tank jumped from 6.5, 6.7 range to 7.8 Ph. I stirred tank up and took another sample. I haven't retested the sample yet. I used an acidic powdered fertilizer that contained citric acid as the base. I don't know if it just settled out or not. I will remix and do a couple samples before I dump it and go a different route. The plants seemed un effected by the single watering. Back to rain water until I get it resolved. Peace

Old Toker

Well-known member
Subbed. Don't know how I missed this thread but I'm looking forward to following along. Good luck Farmerlion!:tiphat:


Microbial Repositories
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Hey Old Toker, Welcome my friend. I was reading through your thread the other day. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for stopping by this one. So my Ph issue discussed above is getting worse.. Not sure why. My thoughts are the fertilizer in the lake water used. The algae growth exploded within a few days in the tank. I thought it would add to the micro nutrients when used. The Ph just kept climbing. So today I carried about 125 gallons of water, 5 gallons at a time to the trees on my property. Didn't take long to wear my old ass out. I have about 225 more gallons to drain. The tank has a garden hose fitting I will use now for closer shrubs and trees. I still have about 100 gallons of rain water in two barrels. I can always get more lake water and not add fertilizer this time. (learning curve). I will spray the inside of the tank with vinegar when empty and start over. Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Picture update 06-11 GH

Picture update 06-11 GH

I'm going to just post a picture of each grow bag and strain name only. Since I was hauling water today I didn't do any notes today.
Angola x Kali China.
Chna Yunnan.
Orient Express x NepJam.
Last edited:


Microbial Repositories
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More pictures.

More pictures.

Queen Mother.
Malawi x MaPettit.
Kali China x New Malawi Killer. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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more pics.

more pics.

Zamaldelica x Kali China. Purple Mexican. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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last batch for today.

last batch for today.

Michoacán Cream.
I didn't check for clarity of shots taken. I hope they are clear. I did open the roll up side today for the first time. It doesn't operate from one side evenly. I walked back and forth a few times twisting each side a few turns at a time. Opening 1' seems to be plenty for good air movement. I'm hoping my Malawi breeders pack is here early in this next week. I'm going to germinate two seeds still. I will put one in with the China Yunnan and the other in with the Angola x Kali China. Yes it could and will get very crowded in there over the next couple of months. Since I have more than one plant in most pots I can thin the heard and keep the most unique phenotypes of color and smell. Baby birds throw each other out of the nests fighting for food. These girls can fight for light, and I will see which ones want to be cured the most. I will certainly gain some experience in tying ladies up and down. I hope all of you have a great week doing what ever you do. I have a job at O dark 30. So I better get going for the night. I'm certainly open to trying a few different types of restraint. When the time comes, give me a shout and your thoughts of what might work well. :tiphat: Peace


Looking incredible man, top notch outdoor growing in a Greenhouse :tiphat:. I hope my Greenhouse looks as diverse as yours. Can't wait to see more progress. Happy growing.


Microbial Repositories
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Gorilla Ganja, I hope your right brother. Yes they have been shooting up quickly. Compared to my last several indoor grows. It is accelerated for sure. While being very busy with work. I'm trying not to overlook anything that could be an issue. It won't take long for a small problem to become out of hand in a hurry. I may order some insects this week just to be ahead of the game. If they fly off in search of food and my room is clean. I'll take that outcome and order more if things change. Peace my friend.


Microbial Repositories
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Dr.King, You are The man I look to for greenhouse help. Please let me know when I'm getting off track. My apologies dubi. The first advice he gave me was on over planting. When The master speaks, I'm supposed to listen. Dubi in my defense, It would take years for me to grow out all your genetics if I didn't overplant. At this pace I will still be overplanting in half a decade just to run your current library. lol
Dr.King, Thank you so much for stopping by my friend. I have my doubts that diversity is an issue you will encounter. I'm thinking you could grow one plant and each node could be a different phenotype. Peace my friend.


Microbial Repositories
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Holeshot 22, yes it is starting to smell like a grow room now. My job canceled for today. Heading home soon to hang with the girls. Peace