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Well-known member
Hi Farmerlion,
We are so lucky to have access to some of the most mineral-rich soil in the country. Not everyone has the churned up glacial dump that we got. Not only that, but as a relatively 'new' part of the world, as far as 'growing' goes, as the east coast has been cleared and cropped(and poisoned) for many more decades. Just too bad that we are in glysophosphate country, too. Our gardens are in 'virgin' ground, probably only grazed by bison for centuries, and a few cattle in recent years. The soil is too high ph for many plants, and there is not as much humus as found in warmer-wetter climates. This can be worked with, though it takes years to build good beds, despite the good basic elements. Water is a challenge, most years.

Well, it seems that i need to add a phone number in order to send in a comment and i won't do that. So, if someone could add my 'thumbs up' to the company, that would be appreciated.