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Diary Fall 2024


Well-known member
Still unsure what's up with the two earlier Dance World x Buddah F2s. They might be particularly sensitive to something that the others are fine with, but its tricky to tell in which direction. I'm continuing feeding at about 1 EC. Wary of going higher at this point.


Fascinated by the leaf deformations in the Blues. I've planted some extra P2 Blueberries (seeds from my 2019 MSNL Blueberry grow) and will be watching them closely. The F1 Purple Bud x Blueberry is now growing out of its early distortion, and the Blueberry #2 is likewise taking off. Notice some similar (tho less extreme) leaf abnormalities in the more sativa leaning of the 2 Bluedigiberry F3s.



Erdpurt is looking fiesty.

I love the form on the Dance World x Buddah F2s. The parents were both really compact plants.


Well-known member
Havent been home for a few nights and again the plants love the LITFA. Lots of new seeds popping, which is always a joy to my tired old heart. Nearly ready to pot-on some of them & turn on one of the other lights..

The 3rd DWxB is also looking a bit peaky, tho there are signs that the 1st & 2nd are reviving. I'm unsure what is up with these. I really really liked the effects of their parents and dont have any more F1 seed left, so will carry on exploring the F2s. Maybe they are just a bit sickly or picky in ways that the other stuff I'm growing isnt. Proper mongrel poly-hybrid with thai, blueberry, sour diesel, & some funky sativas so I'm surprised its being this much of a princess... But whatevs. The other strains are doing ok, so fingers crossed this is a genetic thing with this batch of F2s rather than a sign I'm about to lose my entire grow to some overlooked bit of foolishness.

Currently all are in the upper compartment under a single SF1000 LED board at 100%, about 18" off the tops)

Had worried after only one of three BB#4 popped that germination from this batch might be dropping off. Made the seeds in 2020. BB#2 batch popped 6/6 this weekend, planted 5 days ago. Seems theyre still OK .

2nd sowing of Mistress Kush x Syrian is also up, 3/3.

