I'm making my own cloner and the timer is the last item I need to get.
Does anyone know what kind of timer comes with the EZ Cloner and what on/off times they recommned?
I have the cheapo push tab 15min timer that will go
15 on and 15 off.
Ive also seen the CAP digital for around $60 that does 1min on 4 off, this sounds good in that it doesn't let the pump get too warm and affect water temps.
which is my next Q, does the 15min timers make the water too warm in the resivoir.
Does anyone know what kind of timer comes with the EZ Cloner and what on/off times they recommned?
I have the cheapo push tab 15min timer that will go
15 on and 15 off.
Ive also seen the CAP digital for around $60 that does 1min on 4 off, this sounds good in that it doesn't let the pump get too warm and affect water temps.
which is my next Q, does the 15min timers make the water too warm in the resivoir.