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EZ-Cloner/homemade cloner on/off times

the gnome

Active member
I'm making my own cloner and the timer is the last item I need to get.
Does anyone know what kind of timer comes with the EZ Cloner and what on/off times they recommned?

I have the cheapo push tab 15min timer that will go
15 on and 15 off.
Ive also seen the CAP digital for around $60 that does 1min on 4 off, this sounds good in that it doesn't let the pump get too warm and affect water temps.
which is my next Q, does the 15min timers make the water too warm in the resivoir.


I have bought a few ez-cloners over the year and I dont recall them coming with a timer.


i keep mine on 24/7 with the water heating up...i just saw roots on majority of my cuttings yeterday....sometimes for like an hour or 2 ill manually turn the pump off or put a few ice cubes in it

the gnome

Active member
I have bought a few ez-cloners over the year and I dont recall them coming with a timer.

I didn't know if they came with one or not dan, but for the price of those things, seems like they would

the EZ cloner brand runs 24/7

i have found that i get roots faster with a 1 min on, 4 min off timer, than i do with a pump running 24/7.

i just the CAP NFT-1e timer

hope this helps.

thanks for the reply cloud,
Ive heard good from everyone that uses them for cloning.
moneys tight right now,
Ive been looking on the Bay for a used one for a month but none to be had.
does it only do 1on 4off or is it programable with different on/off times??

does the cheapo 15min timers cause too much heat bulid up in the resivoir or has anyone hear used them with good results??


I have an EZ-Cloner® 120 and it did not come with a timer.

The instructions say specifically not to use a timer, and that the use of one will void the pumps warranty (how would they know?).

Just Google the EZ-Cloner instructions if you have questions about how they operate.

the gnome

Active member
so cutty, you let yours run 24/7 then...

well if they say not to use a timer then it runs 24/7 by the looks of it.
so I guess I can save a few peso's and not get a timer.


"easy growing type"
I would listen to Cutty on this. He really put me in the right direction with the EZCloner. Use cold water bottles and drop a temp sensor in the tup. I got roots in 5 days. Also replace the water everyday for the first 7 days. This helps prevent bacterial buildup if using straight tap. Do use clonex and don't worry about it washing off because it absorbs into the stem pretty fast.


Active member
i made one.. it worked awesome. I had it on 15 mins off 15 mins and that kept cycling over and over.

24/7 didnt work for me cause the water would get to hot.

Cloud 9

New member
i suggest:
run it 24/7 and see how you like it.
if that doesnt work for you, try your 15on/15off timer (you already have it, so there is no cost)
if after that you still dont like the results, then look into a different timer.

no need to spend money up front without trying the free stuff first.

the timer i linked it a 1on 4off only. it is not adjustable.

the gnome

Active member
i suggest:
run it 24/7 and see how you like it.
if that doesnt work for you, try your 15on/15off timer (you already have it, so there is no cost)
if after that you still dont like the results, then look into a different timer.

that sounds like the best route to take.
a few months ago I started some cheap pressed mex seeds so I could practice
my cloning technique without risking my xpensive strains

cutty, sumdumguy, benzo also excellent advice.
Ive read the EZ clone thread, not all the way through but a fair amount.
lots of good advice and conflicting too but the variables of usage from different users accounts for that imo.
I think the revelation of not using bleach to clean out the unit will save people alot of headaches. and I plan on using EWC's to amke a tea with
Is there a general concensus as to what the water temps should be kept at?


Active member
Holy shit the guy asked a simple question

NO 15/15 doesn't make the water heat up too much, been using mine 8 years on that timing.

For all the people who let theirs run 24/7, people have done many tests and more people report better results with timers than without.


24/7 i said it earlier...so did everyone else on here
just run it 24/7 and youll see roots in 5-10 days.
as i said throw some ice cubes in there from time to time or just turn it off for about an hour manually and turn it back on if ur pump is too big and it gets too hot...clones love the heat


Active member
24/7 i said it earlier...so did everyone else on here
just run it 24/7 and youll see roots in 5-10 days.
as i said throw some ice cubes in there from time to time or just turn it off for about an hour manually and turn it back on if ur pump is too big and it gets too hot...clones love the heat

And have you ever tried other timings? For many people 24/7 cause complete failure where using their cloner on a timer doesn't.

The guys question wasn't about using a timer or not, it was about heat built up at 15/15.


Active member
Somebody is going to have to correct me on this because I don't remember the exact degree but somewhere around 75 is supposed to be ideal with clones rooting quicker in warmer water compared to cold.


Active member
Or if you live in a hot place where the heat from the pump will ruin your run.

I've seen people who couldn't get their cuts to root in aero-cloners no mater what they did....till the put it on a timer and boom...roots.