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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...oh...it's starting to bother me...

my eye-sight is not what it used to be and I find it increasingly difficult to look at a screen without wearing a pair of spectacles......trying to locate the glasses is pain enough....

...does anyone have a similar problem?


Active member


i've been wearing eyeglasses for 33 years now...

astigmatism & nearsightedness... :badday:

i went to see about contacts a while ago, but could not stand the feeling of having something in my eyes!!

talk about red eyes!! :rasta:

if i don't wear my glasses, i get really bad headaches, so i wear them all the time.

good luck, Gypsy...(insert you are getting old joke here)! hehehe :muahaha:
same boat gypsy..i will tell you what has really helped me..i got a wireless laser mouse from microsoft and it has a magnifine glass on it really neat you click on what you are reading with the button on the side and boom you can see it...the mouse is 39.00 usd it is microsoft wireless laser mouse 5000
high definition laser technology
tilt wheel...i can see great now and i love looking at buds with it lol...peace
i would be glad to fetch you a link if you would like
Gypsy Nirvana said:
...oh...it's starting to bother me...

my eye-sight is not what it used to be and I find it increasingly difficult to look at a screen without wearing a pair of spectacles......trying to locate the glasses is pain enough....

...does anyone have a similar problem?
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getting older does indeed bring on eye problems ,,i been suffering for bout 3 years and if i dont wear glasses enough i too suffer with headaches ,even wake up in the night suffering ,

wearing glasses is a must if u on pc all day ,even if they make u look nerdy like mine do lol ,,take regular breaks away from the screen too,,, the other solution is get laser eye correction (which really does work ,my dad dont wear glasses anymore :headbange )

chin up old man :joint: at least u got sat nav in the jag so u dont have to squint at roadsigns :laughing:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It's not only the fact that I have to wear glasses now......it's having to find them every time I log-on.....one more piece of stuff I have to get in order to be able to see things around here...that gizmo sounds good upgradeshafted....I should give it a go....

...now where are they?....*squint*.....*squint*


upgradeshafted said:
its what you are looking for my friend...trust me you will be happy with this little doohicky
this is ebay link if you want to read up on it...peace
Is the zoom feature you describe the same as when you hold CTRL and scroll up or down to zoom in and out of text on the PC?

Just wondering, because nobody I've met even knew it was there, and it's pretty usefull (especially for people with not so good eyesight).
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Active member
i'm fortunate enough nt to need glasses yet, tho i'm havingn trouble seeing at the mo... but thats bercase i'm baked....
dude i had no idea about the ctrl scroll just did it awesome...nevermind gypsy do the hold ctrl button and scroll from mouse...awesome i learned something new today..thanks kizzattack
Kizzattack said:
Is the zoom feature you describe the same as when you hold CTRL and scroll up or down to zoom in and out of text on the PC?

Just wondering, because nobody I've met even knew it was there, and it's pretty usefull (especially for people with not so good eyesight).
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I went to the eye doc a few years ago because I was having trouble reading a tape measure and blueprints. He fitted me up with some progressive lens'. I asked him what causes this to happen? He asked; "How old are you now?" 43, I replied.
"That's what caused it!"

Gettin old is hell, GN...but hang in there old man!

Raistlin Majere

i am a member at another site
and they have a dark "forum skin" option for their forum background
dark blue and black i think

anyhow try it here it seems to be a big hit there
with the folks having eye troubles
i like it too - but when i come here the screen seems more brighter



gypsy, have you had an eye exam? eat more carrots and stop the losing of the vision!

high gypsy, glad to see ya around on the boards!



i have a slight astigmatism in my left eye. i almost have 20/20 vision with both eyes open, but if i lost my right eye i would need glasses.


My little pony.. my little pony
Tell me about it.. if I want to read the ingredients on a lable I got to hold the damn thing at arms length then shine a light on it.

The good part is it has increased the number of good looking girls out there.


Active member
hazyfontazy said:
getting older does indeed bring on eye problems ,,i been suffering for bout 3 years and if i dont wear glasses enough i too suffer with headaches ,even wake up in the night suffering
Gad hazy.......sucks to need glasses to see your dreams......


my Dad says you need eyeglasses when your arms become too short....lol..I'm at that stage now, but so far have refused to get my eyes tested and get reading glasses......call it vanity!

my current attitude is : who needs to know what the fine writing on the label says anyway! lol

fresh carrots are good, so are daily eye exercises...and so is pushing yourself away from the monitor and going for a walk where there are trees and looking at things at a varying distances...but old age catches up with everyone

anyone tried laser surgery?..I read somewhere there's a new improved technique coming out that is ten times more accurate/better than the current method
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
Verite said:
Tell me about it.. if I want to read the ingredients on a lable I got to hold the damn thing at arms length then shine a light on it.

The good part is it has increased the number of good looking girls out there.
VERITE I SWEAR YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME WITH THE CRAP YOU MANAGE TO PUT UP ON THIS SITE SOMETIMES. FIRST IT WAS THE FLYS HUMPING , NOW YOUVE GOT A TWO LEGGED HORSE. YOU ARE A DAMNED FOOL !!!! (if you ever listen to the steve harvey show on the radio, you will know that calling you a fool is a comedic complement)

definite comic relief :rasta:


My little pony.. my little pony
Its a two legged horse???

Damn my eyesight is going .. I thought it was a plastic toy baby hanging out of a vagina.:wink: