The name Irish is derived from the name of Assur. The name Irish is a form of Assur(Ashur) said backwards. Irish said backwards is Ish-Ur. The vowels are slightly different and the order of sounds is different, but the names Assur and Irish(Ish-Ur) are both derived from the dragon sound, the hiss of the asp and the whirr of hawk's wings. Their name says that the Irish were children of Isis and Heru.
The name Ireland is a form of UrRe-land. The name Eire(ere)(aire) is another UrRe-an name for Ireland. The names Erin(Eireann), Iran and Biblical Aaron are derived from Ur-an, meaning they were sons of Ur the hawk god.
Ireland was one of the UrRean nations of the Pagan ancestral empire of the Isis bloodline. Pre-Celtic Irish kings were of the same family of "divine" kings as were the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Ashurs of Mesopotamia. The later Celtic kings were also sons of Isis and Heru before they arrived in Ireland (c. 500 BC).
you guys cannot be seriousa about this, come on...
the above quoted is ridiculous, the etymological analysis is far-fetched, actually, far-fetched is not as strong of a word to describe it...
the above is as serious as presenting a study that says since the word Dog is God backwards, that this mean that everyone who owns a Dog is a devil worshippers because Dog is God backwards! serious conspiracy folks, do not like your dogs!
Moreover, saying aliens created man-kind misses the whole point, for then who created aliens?
God as spoken in the bible is the Absolute, not aliens.
when Moses asked God who he was, what was the answer?