I've had these pics kicking around for a couple years. I figured now that ICMag allows large images, it would be a good time to show them. *edit* well, I THOUGHT we could upload larger images now? Doesn't seem to be the case?
The first ones will be familiar to the Cali scene... Purple Urkle. Tastes like it looks... purple!
Second is a plant many of you will remember from a couple years ago... It's Sharon White Widow from clone that variegated like crazy. The white bud smoked GREAT! No chlorophyll to darken the smoke. Very smooth and tasty. And VERY potent.
If you have pictures of EXTRAordinarily colorful herbs, I'd like to see them.
hey maestro, i always love your threads, wish i had a pic worth contributing here...maybe some day soon. that albino sharon gives white widow another meaning, i bet it was interesting smoke! i'll be keeping an eye on this thread
Passion nr 1 , dutch passion , quality is fuzzy , have new cam now(pic is 2 years old)
frisian dew , multi colour pheno
frisian dew , purple pheno
, dutch passion
power plant dutch passion , wasn't able to harvest it had to throw it all away cuz of mold
Purple widow , sjamaan seeds
another power plant from dutch passion which flowered 5 weeks outside , 3-4 weeks indoor under 600W and then i just put it in my bedroom and it stayed there for 2 weeks as i didn't have time to cut it. SO a very neglected plant , but it's leaves where all purple.
mazar dutch passion , not purple but i just love the red hairs/green flesh contrast