I am waiting for some nice sciencey types to tell me exactly what Psychosis(I hate that name)is? but will not be too soon as is in a big queue behind much more important landrace stuff.
She was not bred in UK by any UK breeder- T'was found in a pricey pack of seeds by a London grower wiv a good eye(ta bruv),called by its real name for a bit until forgotten and called Stinky or Smelly or Skunky One.Then Later on given to Exodus at a rave by a different Londoner of Indian origin that was connected to other party crews(Exodus weren't only people growing Skunk and Putting on raves back then,lol)
Its Not straight NL5H...unless that NL5H was crossed with a Massive Sh-tload of SKUNK! Neither NL or Haze are remotely Skunky and Psy Really,Really IS--therefore--It's a half or Mostly Skunk....Simples Blame Sam_S(4 sure)and likely Nev or Ben a bit too....I know I do
Luck and Lumens JBo
https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=326280&page=105I have just received some clippings from someone who claims that it's the Brightside cheese. The clones stink. I also have the Exo cheese from a trusted source. I'll see how they compare
Thats a lot of pages lol.
Certainly is, but your contribution would be well received...
Welcome on the ICMag!
This thread is about EXO Psychosis.
You grow EXO Cheese, right? thats the other thread!
no problem, the other thread about Exo and BS Cheese is perfect for you.
Exodus cheese is what greenhouse called their seed line. So exodus cheese = fake cheese.
Brightside is a guy that got his cut from the exodus collective and called it cheese which is what exodus called it.
Londinium is right Psychosis wasn't bred or found by exodus just passed to them by a different crew from London who found the plant in a bought pack of seed.