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Every superhero needs a lair...



Well, it's been long overdue. The past few months have been so hectic, I am amazed my girls are even still alive. I figured it was about time to get down to it though and start up a thread of some sorts. So without any further delays...

My cab is 3.5' x 3.5' and about 7 feet tall. It sits in a kind of 'pocket' in my basement and stays hidden behind a mock wall of boxes I built for it. I use a 600 W Hortilux for flower, cab temps are 71-78 F between lights on/off. RH is around 35-40 right now.

I do all my veg in a 4x2 metal rack with a poly cover, it's tucked away elsewhere in the basement and isn't too interesting right now. I veg right now under 240 W of shop flouros, with 180 W of mixed spectrum CFL's I save for the last week or two of veg before flower. Eventually I would like to replace this with a small T5 and a 250 metal halide so that I am a little more efficient with my power usage. I have seedlings in it for my next flowering, Lemon Stinky, a few OG Kush f2's from JLP, Wonder Haze and Swang song's Limon and White Rhino x Black Kush. I'll take some pictures of these at a later date as seedlings are not too exciting. Currently, I only grow from seed. I am an inept cloner at the best of times and have never had the space or time to keep moms around. I took a bunch of cuts off the plants I have in flower right now just as an experiment and out of 18, 6 rooted up nicely in straight coco without any nutrients or rooting hormone, just tap water and 24/7 light in a humidity dome. I will pick up some supplies for cloning and will be experimenting with it more as I would like to start keeping some bonsai moms in the near future.

Anyways, on to the pics! I took these just before lights on, pics are not the most stellar quality wise, I am still learning how to use our new camera and the lighting in my grow area is not the greatest. All plants are on day 38 of flower in the pics. I have 3 SOL mix plants, 1 Heavenly from Master Thai (c99 x Romulan) and one Very Berry Surprise x Bubblegum.

One of the SOL mix plants will be re-veg'd for sure. The resin output on it is very nice and the odor is incredible. It's like a mix of blueberry and bad cheese, super pungent and strong enough that I am unable to leave her outside the cab for more than a few minutes without the smell travelling upstairs in a big way. It has started to purple from the top down as well in the past few days at a fairly quick rate. I am very excited to see the end results.

^ Here she is in the bottom left ^

A few greasy closeups, the popcorn on this girl is coming along nicely, and has started to really fill out since my last pruning.

Next up is the Heavenly from Master Thai. I germ'd all 10/10 but had one die early on. I had a bit of a PH malfunction in veg with these and lost a couple more due to it. Out of the remaining 7 I had 5 males :pointlaug which unfortunalty were all the heavy romulan looking ones. I kept this one of the 2 I had left and it looks and smells fantastic! The pineapple odor is amazing, with some underlying funk. Buds look kind of wispy but are the most solid in the cab underneath, which is saying something because the SOL plants are solid as hell. I would like to re-veg this as well and go another round with it now that I have learned a bit more about coco. She grows tall and very christmas tree like. The branches are very thin but tough as shit! I had 2 of them get bent right over almost to the point of breaking and once i unbent them, the stood right back up on their own after a day or so.

Here are some pics of the rest of the SOL plants, I suspect that at least one out of the 3 is a blockhead, the others being sweettooth.

To finish things off, here are some pics of everyone out for the daily feeding. The 1 gallon pots are the Heavenly and VBS x Bubblegum, the 2 gallons are the SOL mix. I did not get any closeups of the VBS X BG, I will get some in the near future.

SOL on the left, VBS on the right

Heavenley, SOL, SOL

Anyways, that's it for now! I will do my best to update with pics every so often and I'd like to keep this thread as an ongoing diary here in the Coco forum. Thanks for looking, have a good one! :wave:
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oh yeah, nabbing me a front row seat for this one :yes:

what a great selection you got there and nice clean set up. great job on them donkey dicks SuperNuck :yes:



Voluptuous Trichomes
I love that intro :D Your plants look awesome and those nugs are dfinitely PHAT....damn!
I got my eye on that Sweetooth.... the SOL gear is looking topnotch....
Thanks for the thread bro


Lookin' nice and fat Nuck, got my pipe and chair for the show :lurk:

rough luck on the master thai ratio but it looks like you still have a very nice gal to work with if you so please

keep up the good work man :wave:


gaius - thank you for the compliments! your threads are what put me on to the coco in the first place. Thanks for working on getting us a place to hang out, the coco forum has really started to come into it's own I think :joint:

vt - thank you for the kind words. I have always enjoyed your threads and this quote from you sums things nicely "...I love growing....it's been therapeutic for me....I'm not trying to win the 420 cup or sell seeds here...I just love this hobby....and love sharing my experience with those new like me" could'nt have said it better myself! I will always have a spot in my garden for something from SOL, they were some of the first strains I saw back when i first became aware of places like OG and have always been my favorites.

thorodee - I have always wondered wether batman had something going on in that cave or not. I mean, secluded location, high tech security, bottomless amounts of bat shit... I bet he makes Robin trim like a fiend to pay his rent :chin:

AbaZabba - thanks buddy! I was hoping to come across at least one keeper in the Heavenly and I think she fits the bill. I would say she is alot more c99 than romulan which is nice because I have'nt grown or smoked alot of the more 'psychedlic' sativas. I can't wait for the smoke!

Thank you guys for stopping by, the next post will have some new pics from last night :wave:


ok, here are some close ups of everyone from day 42 of flower.

1st up, Master Thai's Heavenly. Smelling awesome and starting to put on the last of her weight. I will be cutting her down around day 50-51 I think.

Next up is one of the SOL mix plants. I am fairly certain this is the lone Blockhead. The leaves and the purple coloring that is coming out remind me of alot of the Blockheads I have seen online. The smell is BAD, very unusual. It almost stings my nose, I think a room full of these would be overpowering on the nose. Only a few pics as a couple I took did not turn out well.

Here's my favorite, This is the second SOL mix lady. Smells very blueberry/cheese'eeee. Awesome resin output and very dense flowers. I will be doing everything in my power to keep this one around! We'll start out with a few attempts at some closeups..

Next we have the Very Berry Surprise x Bubblegum from Brownpants. This plant smells very spicy and sweet with a very faint bubblegum undertone. She looks like she will go for 63 days at least, her flowers look like they are still in the process of filling out.



whoops, too many pics in the last post, guess I will have to finish up here

Finally, the third of the SOL mix. If I had to put my finger on it, I would say she's a more grapefruit dominant Sweettooth. She has been hard to feed and has suffered a little. She is doing much better now and has a very sweet fruity smell to her. Calyx to Leaf ratio kind of sucks, but the bud density is awesome and she is super greasy. I was careless while working with her last night and my arm hair got thoroughly gummed up.



oh my ,... ihad to log in to tell you that is an awesome line up of flawless plants. beautiful. how long do you veg from seed? do you lst or top? what size pots?
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SuperNuck, congratulations man. Great grow and really nice looking plants.



Voluptuous Trichomes
Damn, that Sweetooth is frosty....I had my eye on Chimeras GF/BB (not trying to stir up anything), but I think they are basically the same cross? Anyways I definitely wanna run SOL's or his....haven't seen anyone run Chimeras though....
I'm gonna order seeds in a couple months so I may just see what's available at the best price and go that route...

lookin good bro! :wave:


oh yeah SuperNuck :yes:

way to grow, i love seeing seed plants on coco, they always maintain their traditional structure not like a clone of the same plant, which will generally not stick to the Xmass tree shape and instead grow where ever it can.

great show....:wave:


puttputt33 - thanks for stopping by, glad to have you. I usually go around 5-6 weeks from seed. The coco would have been a little shorter in veg, but it's my first time around with it and a dead battery in my ph meter set me back a little. I don't track my veg time to religiously though, when I think they are ready, they go in. The only plant that I topped this time around was the VBS x BG and it seemed to respond well. I have done some LST in the past, but usually i just try to weave as many of my side branches through my fan leaves as I can and then i wind up with a little plateau of tops. The SOL plants are in 2 gallon pots and the Heavenly and VBS x BG are in 1 gallons. I will not be using 2 gals again, in the first 2 weeks of flower the plants in 2 gals stretched and grew so much that i had to scrap 3-4 of them just to fit everyone in there. I do all my veg in square pots, 3" and then 5", so I would like to pick up some square 1 gallon pots to flower in.

mojo - thanks for coming! have a good one :wave:

VT - I am fairly certain that Chimeras Grapefruit clone is the same one that Breeder Steve uses so they should be very similar. I like Chimeras stuff, the calizahr i grew out over the winter was awesome and when finishing up was one of the best looking plants I have ever had.

gaius - thanks man! I really like growing from seed! I like the variety I wind up with, although growing a male for 6-7 weeks until i can sex and cull him can get a bit tiresome. I am hoping to get a small cloning project off the ground so I can keep a few small mothers on hand of my 'must-haves' and then still do seed runs to evaluate potential new mom's.

Thanks for stopping in guys, I will have more pics after the weekend most likely, but I start university on monday and will probably be a little swamped. Cya


Yeah sounds like the same pots i am about to order. I was using the American agritech 5.5x5.5x6.5.. same ones they use for the turbo garden...Anyways they dont hold enough media for my liking. Roots have filled it up 3 weeks into flower. If i ever ran them again i would have to get a coco mat. Anyways they are some 7.5x7.5x8..i think.. Something like that at bghydro.com that i am about to order, it says on there site that they hold 1.5 gallons of media..so maybe right there in the middle is good. your plants look really well, on my first 2 grows i had bad problems with streching.. i am hoping it was because i was using a old 250hps...now i got 600 maybe they wont strech so much. What do you do to keep it minimal? That one plant looks almost blue.pretty.


very nice grow there Supernuck

very nice grow there Supernuck

very nice grow youve got going Master Thai says,
Master thanks you for the Heavenly show, Master says so sorry about ratios but for Heavenly germs their a little picky and usally sprouts in a ratio of 6 out of 10 to be male , not Master fault this comes from constant inbreeding on seeds from others sent used Master recived for this experament, only way out of this problem and as we speak we are doing now , is cubing,
hopefully this will reverse the ratios,
sometimes it works and turn ratio into 6 out of 10 female,
or better were shooting for the number to be 8, we'll see,
anyhow this was developed as a " special headstash only strain "
Master had in mind when made, Master is now also working with a orginal seed of Romulan (the pepper smell type strain of pheno ) & a real F1 Cindy99 from Bros Grimm.

This pheno batch of "Heavenly" came from a Reeferman Romulan a more sativa type of a pheno used in the cross with GN's Cinderella 99 F2's.

As for now like you said SuperNuck very kewl smell and wait till you'll taste it its going to blow ur mind,the high Xlnt,
Master very happy with the results of this Headstash herb
Glad ur happy with what you got
Looking forward to the smoke report
Again a XLNT GROW on all plants there
Happy Harvest
Master Thai ;-)



Sorry for the delay folks, I am back in a classroom for the first time in almost 15 years and it's been an adjustment to say the least.

puttputt33 - I veg with shop flouros, they're cheap and allow me to get the lights right on top of my plants. This and weaving all the tops i can through the fan leaves as early on as possible keeps things as squat as I can in my setup. I lower/raise my hood in the early stages of flower alot each day to try and keep it perfect between temps/distance. I did experience a little more stretch in coco than in my soil grows, but it was definitely due to my being new to the medium. My soil plants stretched in the first few weeks, the plants in coco stretched AND grew at the same time. I cut 2 others down after 2 weeks because i had outgrown my space. I will not go with 2 gallon pots in my space again, for my purposes, square 1 gallon pots will be perfect. I really want to grab some of those spiffy white botanicaire ones, but I can't find them up here in Canada.

Master Thai - Thanks for stopping by! I am not concerned with the ratios in the least, I got EXACTLY what I was looking for out of those seeds. I urge anyone who received these from Seedbay to give them a go, Heavenly is top notch! Will the new batch of Heavenly be available to the public at all? I am truly impressed with the results, it's like i have a jar full of juicyfruit gum already, the smell and taste are fantastic. It went into the jar yesterday and has already lost 99% of the fresh/cut/green odor, I have a feeling it will cure very nicely. We took my doggy to the park this afternoon and smoked the heavenly with our trusty magnifying glass, hands down the best solar blazing/daytime weed I have come across yet. I am re-veg'ing her right now, I really want to keep this one around. The high is certainly very heady, psychedelic, but I did not experience any of the racy/paranoia/anxiety that i read about with C99. Evens out nice in the end with almost no burnout either, a real daytime winner. I will do up some budshots and a smoke report soon after i have cured it for a week or two, I have a paper due on Tuesday though so I am a little bogged down right now.

I have some new pics of the ladies, no heavenly pics unfortunately though because my camera tanked out on us during chopping day. I'll get them up sometime tonight hopefully, thanks guys :wave:


Absolutely fantastic looking plants, dude! Sounds like the taste and the high were both what you were looking for and we can't ask for more than that, huh?

I hear ya on the back in the classroom shit, man. I'm back in the classroom after 30 years and close to graduation. Got this summer off and 2.5 months in the fall and I'm done.

Peace to ya


lol all the best for your studies SuperNuck, can't be easy getting back to classroom learning mode. i hope those fine buds you gonna be smoking don't make it too difficult to study lol.

peace out



Master glad you like that !

Master glad you like that !

Ahhh SuperNuck
you honor Master so well
Master very humble thankful for so such very nice
& postive rave about the Heavenly of Master Thai's
verry verry nice sirprize makes my heart go a bump bump bump, glad I made you happy grasshopper and thats all its about no more,

:canabis: :bongsmi: :rasta:
:smoke: :smoker:
Master very impressed with ur show,
Master is looking more closely at this coco thing
like what I see so far
by the way SuperNuck,
what kind of feed are u using w/ this show/coco thing ?
so sorry if I have you repeating urself SuperNuck
Seeds ???
Master says yes
Smoke report coming soon to ???
well Master
:lurk: :lurk: :lurk: waiting,
Master Thai ;-)

Heavenly at a knarly 63 days (chopped @ 63 report soon)

yea yea Master will fix this too soon so busy growing ;-)


About time for an update? I've been kinda busy the last little while, but I have some new pics for you guys! Summer temps here have sky rocketed and the humidity is kinda nuts with all the rain we have been getting, cabinet climate is holding up though @ 83 degrees with the light on and about 37% rh 24/7. I'm on day 35 of flower with these, pics are all from day 32. Feeding Canna a+b, pk 13/14 and hygrozyme (ran out of cannazym, hygrozyme works just as well and i use slightly less of it). Al plants are in 6" square pots of coco/perlite, I hand water once a day with some run-off, 18 plants total in a 40"x40" area. Plant heights vary from ~20" to 48".

Wonder Haze

Sugenites OG Kush Bx1, F2's made by JLP

Swan Song Seeds White Rhino x Black Kush <-- Black Domina x Hindu Kush

Swan Song Seeds Limon ( Double Sour Diesel x Citral )
