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ever been dog bit ?


Parker Schnobel
More times than I can count.I worked as a dog groomer for a while,guess its an occupational hazard.The worst one was on the tip of my middle finger by a Jack Russell.


New member
when i was 6 a pit bull attacked me for no reason except i had those little gloves on that attach to your coat and they hang and dangle.well i guess the fucker thought it was a game when i got scared and ran.got bit in the face and the piece of shit owner really painted white bitch on my moms door because she called animal enforcement on them.people suck and i have the scar to prove it.


when i was 6 a pit bull attacked me for no reason except i had those little gloves on that attach to your coat and they hang and dangle.well i guess the fucker thought it was a game when i got scared and ran.got bit in the face and the piece of shit owner really painted white bitch on my moms door because she called animal enforcement on them.people suck and i have the scar to prove it.

Damm bro thats some messed up shit 4 sho got chased plenty of times by dogs in the hood but never actually got bit..friend of mine got his faced chewed off by a dog he fell asleep in the bathtub and the dog chewed his face off found him dead lying in the bath tub he had that dog for years since it was a puppy ..........ST


New member
If dog have anti-rabia vaccin, you not have to concern more. Only if you have diabetes or problems with blood clotting you need to be in alert
Hopefully you don't get the dog in trouble if it's his first offense, you were after all on his property. I'd tell the lady , girl, look you have to control your dog, if I was a child I might be dead, this is a friendly warning as I don't want your dog destroyed, and would appreciate if you'd help me with what insurance won't cover (and show her damage). Also ask if it's had all it's shots ect?

Still you need to a visit to the dr. They'll probably get you on some anti biotic at min just to eliminate chance of infection spread and you need an xray. Although trust me if your arm is broken I don't think you'd be guessing, you probably have a deep bone bruise which hurts like hell.

I volunteered and worked with abused/rescue dogs that were powerful breeds and staff didn't want to handle and had two like forearm to bicep type cast things on and still ended up with bad bruises from some of the german/rottie types, and have been bit probably 50+ times lol. I ended up getting a ton of shots, and a few stiches from time to time, but the biggest problem I had was from a bite from a lab that had something and I ended up having to be on an iv and get series of shots and overnight stay at hospital. You'd know in 12 hrs, as you'd have a giant fever and be so dehydrated. Guess it was just a very powerful infection as it wasn't ever clear what it was.

Anyway good luck, and hope both you and the dog end up ok.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
had a neighbor yell at me this morning, asked if i had a cat. went over & talked with her for a few minutes, turns out her 12 yr old pussycat had died yesterday. walked into her attached garage with her to get the litter & cat chow. as we were turning to go back out front, her deranged german shepherd broke open the inner door, burst through the screen door , & leaped at me. i stuck my left arm out to protect my face/neck, & he got me good on the forearm. got teeth punctures all the way to the bone, & arm feels like bone is broken. if i had known he was a biter, i'd have finished him then while i had a grip on him. now she is scared that i am gonna sue her. hell, i don't want to sue her, but strangling her idiot dog is starting to sound better all the time. first chance i get, baby...

That dog didn't like you stealing his freshly deceased friend's stuff.

He bit you for good canine reason on his property.

Maybe he should have finished the job.... or maybe you can just live and let live.

Should you torch the house the lady and the dog live in? After all, she did "lure" you over there so her vicious dog could eat you.

I don't want any neighbors all of a sudden.


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
all you can sue for is your medical and lost work as a result... not gonna get some crazy amount, but I'd get my medical bills back if there are any...

been bit, broke skin on thumb and tore some skin off, think it was a shepherd or rotti.


Active member
I had miniature pincher almost take my pinky finger off, 36 stitch's to close it, looks like franken finger now, all scared up.


Active member
#1 homeowner insurance claim is dog bite, average claim is $30,000... ive sold insurance in NY for 14yrs

aint gonna cost your neighbor shit except a claim on her policy