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Decriminalisation is already a reality ,, it's this we're looking towards!!!!

Why you say that decriminalisation is already a reality ?? From what i know, in UE less than 50% population is for cannabis legalisation.

For example in my country there is 82% against decriminalisation :)

And now show me where you see here reality for decriminalisation :)

Maybe when old generation will be replaced by younger, but now all legalisation movements are just unsuccessful cry for justice. Its all about mentality of our society. As long as mj will be treated like a narcotic, there will be less or more problems for smokers.

And i want to think, that this will change sometime, but im just realist. I dont believe that the farmaceutic corporations will alow to this.

Good luck



ICMag Donor
The economics of global trade embargo prevents the "legalization of cannabis" , period!

i.e. it is prohibited for one nation to openly trade cannabis with another since then an economic monopoly in the trade of cannabis would exist... which isn't politically correct.

Decriminalisation however exists over small amounts of cannabis in the Netherlands, Spain, Chez Republic, Portugal, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, some states of Australia, some Medi states in USA (for medi use), and in Christiania in Denmark.

Thus the reality,,,


Active member
Why you say that decriminalisation is already a reality ?? From what i know, in UE less than 50% population is for cannabis legalisation.

I think you dont understand diffrence between decriminalisation and legalisation.. Like Doc said, decriminalisation is reality (not every Ue country offcourse.)

For example in my country there is 82% against decriminalisation :)

And now show me where you see here reality for decriminalisation :)

I would like to know source, i didint heard about it.. And dont compare Poland to rest UE. We're behind the times..

Maybe when old generation will be replaced by younger, but now all legalisation movements are just unsuccessful cry for justice. Its all about mentality of our society. As long as mj will be treated like a narcotic, there will be less or more problems for smokers.

again dont compare situation in our country to other. Ive been in Spain,Holland,England and i saw many of smokers there in mid age, offcourse young people smoke it to , but in Poland maybe 5% smokers is over 30 age..

And i want to think, that this will change sometime, but im just realist. I dont believe that the farmaceutic corporations will alow to this.

Youve read to much about conspiracy theory..


Youve read to much about conspiracy theory..

Heh, its funny thing. I read to much about conspiracy theory but i didnt mention even word about it... Maybe you misunderstand me with some crazy computer kid, living in the internet. I must admit that you are wrong :tiphat:


I think you dont understand diffrence between decriminalisation and legalisation..

Look, if there is even only fine for small posession, than you think that all is ok, but it isnt. Why? Because you are still in police and gov. database, marked as a mj user. As i say earlier:

As long as mj will be treated like a narcotic, there will be less or more problems for smokers.

You must understand, then you losing one of your basic, principal right.
Right to decide about your life, as long as no one is suffering because of your action.


Like Doc said, decriminalisation is reality (not every Ue country offcourse.)

I will be never satisfied with their "decriminalization".
I want that nobody can inquire whether i smoke mj or not. This is true and only decriminalization for me, and until things will dont change to this scenario, i will be always fighting with prohibition.
Simple example.
[SIZE=-1]" In case of smoking, every day in the world 10 thousand ppl dye. Every year, this number reaches 3.5 million people.
In the European Union tobacco smoke is responsible for more than 500 thousand deaths in one year.
[SIZE=-1]In Poland, the tobacco burns about 10 million ppls. Every day in case of smoking, over 100 people dying. Smoking causes each year in our country, 18.000 cases of lung cancer. Before the war, we produced 7.5 billion cigarettes. Today, more than 100 billion. [SIZE=-1]"[/SIZE][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]" [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Excise Tax and Revenue. Let us recall that tobacco products are: cigarettes, smoking tobaccos, cigars, cigarillos and snuff. Cigarettes in this group represent about 90% of production and consumption are actually decide on their receipts from the excise tax on the entire group of products. Those revenues were as follows:

  1. 2004 r. – 9,2 mld zł
  2. 2005 r. – 9,8 mld zł
  3. 2006 r. – 11,2 mld zł
  4. 2007 r. – 13,4 mld zł
  5. 2008 r. – 13,4 mld zł
  6. 2009 r. – 11,8 mld zł [SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]"[/SIZE][/SIZE]

And now they come, and try to force me, to dont smoking pot. Yeah, fine is also some type of forcing...

2 simply words - Fuck them :tiphat:


Maybe when old generation will be replaced by younger, but now all legalisation movements are just unsuccessful cry for justice
again dont compare situation in our country to other. Ive been in Spain,Holland,England and i saw many of smokers there in mid age, offcourse young people smoke it to , but in Poland maybe 5% smokers is over 30 age..

This has nothing to do with ppl average age, but with mentality of generation wich our present officiels belong. When thoday generation enter the gov, there is big chance, that they will legalise mj status for their own comfort, because much of them will be still smoking.
Look at the proportion of smoking students to non smoking :)

good luck



ICMag Donor
Decriminalization is about not being criminalized for the cultivating or possessing cannabis. That's all.


Well-known member
I agree with Wariat that in our post-communist countries the old generations are too prejudiced against any "drugs", things that they don't have ANY experience with and consider as imposed strange evil. As long as such people are majority, nothing radical will happen because politicians prefer to use their fear rather than educate them.
Even if Spain, Portugal, Holland, etc. have the political will to do reforms in the EU, there are other countries, and leaders, that prefer to use the fear. And they will not let EU to impose such decisions to its member countries. And effectively, everything will stay the same (for some years) - some counties being more liberal, others - not.


This sounds really good, but until there is younger generation all about, I would hold onto my hope for other things.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I think that the last 2 generations, here where I'm, had the same hope but age and life often corrupt hopes and ideals.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
wow....common sense drug polices on the horizon???

maybe 2012 really is the end of the world.....


some things need to be seen to be believed, theres still a lot of money saying the plant should be illegal....:nono:


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
the conclusions of the hearing will be presented on the meeting of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna of 8 - 12 March.

same last year, and nothing comes out.

repression is getting worst in france, and all you can find if you can t grow is laced hashish. that is sad.

encod is doing a great job, but politicians don't care anymore about what people think, just how much they ll get for getting a law passed....

legalisation, even decriminilazation is not going to happen very soon here.

example :

caught with 1g by the police, while in your car
drug tested, you smoked yesterday, you're positive
they take your driver license for at least six months, worse you ll have to pass it again.
they give you a big fine (300 euros minimum)
they take your medicine of course
and now they sometimes take your car, and sell it (and of course you don't get any money), that's a new law from last year.



same last year, and nothing comes out.

repression is getting worst in france, and all you can find if you can t grow is laced hashish. that is sad.

encod is doing a great job, but politicians don't care anymore about what people think, just how much they ll get for getting a law passed....

legalisation, even decriminilazation is not going to happen very soon here.

example :

caught with 1g by the police, while in your car
drug tested, you smoked yesterday, you're positive
they take your driver license for at least six months, worse you ll have to pass it again.
they give you a big fine (300 euros minimum)
they take your medicine of course
and now they sometimes take your car, and sell it (and of course you don't get any money), that's a new law from last year.



In my country wich is in EU, you can go to jail for 2 years for possession of any amounts of cannabis, or even used pipe. And they are still arguing, that this penalties must be raised, because of insuficient results in "drug-war"

There was once project of law, according to witch you may not be convicted if you betray your supply. :biglaugh:

Only benefit from this project was big amount of laugh in my circle.

good luck and fuck the system :)

Totah Sam

caught with 1g by the police, while in your car
drug tested, you smoked yesterday, you're positive
they take your driver license for at least six months, worse you ll have to pass it again.
they give you a big fine (300 euros minimum)
they take your medicine of course
and now they sometimes take your car, and sell it (and of course you don't get any money), that's a new law from last year.


Sounds like that shit that was going on during Führer Bush's regime.


Here in Slovenia is like beinig decriminalized for years but that mean that you dont go to jail for a joint, but pay from 200 - 600e. We have funny law, you can drug yourself, but you cant have anythink with you. :D caught driving car, bye bye licence and minimum 950e ... here the biggest problem are clerical fashists, commies all smoke :D
We live in alcoholic state who has national anathem about vine, everybody is drinking, seeing 14 years kids drunk is not a problem for most but with joint you are a criminal. Fuck them all, it wont change anythink if we dont change.

Axe is solution, like allways

be strong dont let them beat you down

peace brodas & sistas
We act like it's decriminalised or even legal and we made huge progress with just that. I agree with you about the nacionalists cuz they are very conservative and old fashioned but alot of them are starting to realize they've been brainwashed by their own religion and govermant. About the alcohol it's just absurd how people in my region still think it's not adictive and dangerous...


I agree shish. People dont care they smoke everywhere, and police most of the time just look away, its thrue. But if they find you 2 plants you are news of the day. Depends a lot on the cap.
Its not just alcohol in my home town sometimes is easier to find heroin, coke than ganja and thats bad. It looks like police selling hard drugs, and they fight marihuana just because they dont have it under control.


Green Mujaheed
There was program on TV yesterday, famous french debate emission (C dans l'air) they talked about dope on that one, was mostly about coke but they talk about hash too, with some dastardly anti-dope officials. Same old crap repeated again & again since at least 20 years. And the guys are dreaming of seeing NL coffeeshops to close (within 20 years they hope) and they just don't give a damn heck of hell about what other countries do with their onw laws, they won't move, here in France, toward anything good anytime soon. Them suckers have their head stuck in the sand, and prefer to let the crime rings take all the things in charge (so good people always glad to help, eh?). You know "OK guys, do your thing, but if you're caught you'll have to pay". It clears their consciences, after all they are "fighting" against drugs and traffickers. But they give them a huge multi-fucking-billion dollars or euro or whatever market. One of the biggest market on the planet !
It's an ideology, it has nothing to do with health, crime, security or what ever the hell. It is nothing that a fucking ideology and those sucker want to stick to it, whatever the waste of human lives & money. durgs are great to scare the people, very effiscient. Broadcast a few sensationnalist tv program and you'll get the people to have just enough of that tingling in the brain, FEEAAAAAAR. Be scared, but don't worry we're here to protect you ! Fear is politicians' favorite tool to brainwash people's brains, it works soooo great and illegal dopes are scary, sooooooo scary ! And they don't want to give it up anytime soon.
Qu'on leur foute la tête au bout d'une pique bordel !

Irie !

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