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Euphoric sativa strains?

St. Phatty

Active member
Reducing consumption to Zero Cannabis for a few days can have a similar effect.

That first smoke back can be more euphoric than normal.


ICMag Donor
Do many people still grow AK 47? I remember a bag of the stuff I bought back around 2006 I think and to this day is the most euphoric stuff I've ever smoked.

Yeah, good stuff! We use in in several hybrids. Forgot about that one! Good call!


Well endowed member
In my personal observation of fifty years of smoking continuously daily and growing my own.

There is no every time I smoke this strain it's euphoric.
There are strong varieties and there are weaker ones.
The High is determined by "Where your head is at".
Set and setting, just like mushrooms or LSD


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I will respectfully disagree a bit Randy. I just smoked some High Priestess that is super euphoric and was the last time I smoked it. Got it from Snow.

There are strains that just will not have the potential to give euphoria.


Well endowed member
I will respectfully disagree a bit Randy. I just smoked some High Priestess that is super euphoric and was the last time I smoked it. Got it from Snow.

There are strains that just will not have the potential to give euphoria.

Do you think maybe you could have been predetermined subconsciously for that euphoria?
Maybe set yourself up for a nice night out with the Priestess.


Well endowed member
I will say I have had varieties that tend towards euphoria, but they are usually the stronger ones and depending where my head is at at that moment could lead to spinning a negative thought into who knows. But if any is a case of your milage may vary, this is it. Everybody is different.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ I am high on it right now and while not as euphoric as last time it remains somewhat so. I was expecting a trip type effect and not euphoria so much.

Will agree that your mood means so much when getting high, no doubt. Still, some strains lend themselves to certain effects quite often. The Island Sweet Skunk leaves me cold on first try. I doubt it will have the warmer effects and euphoria that the HP has as well as others.

Iowa Grown

New member
92 Kali Mist, incredible, really indescribable! 74 Lambs Breath, the sticky gal, a very crazy high, and you couldn't smoke more than half of a joint at a time cause so much oil would be dripping out of the end the joint! But for seeds you can actual buy, I like Hawaiian Snow, it so yummy!


Brand new oldschool
In my personal observation of fifty years of smoking continuously daily and growing my own.

There is no every time I smoke this strain it's euphoric.
There are strong varieties and there are weaker ones.
The High is determined by "Where your head is at".
Set and setting, just like mushrooms or LSD

Great point brother... I've been relating the Set&Setting to the Cannabis a few times as well.

In my own experience, you obviously have some plants and chemotypes with a more euphoric effect, but again, Set&Setting will be very important too for the experience.

Very differnt to smoke alone on the couch or party up and play some music with a bunch of friends coming to your place. :biggrin:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I think the most euphoric herb I can recall is Ciskei from Tropical Seeds Co. Such a beautiful happy, inspiring, day brightener and a really full spectrum sativa high including that warm electrified energy body high that doesn't make you feel heavy limbed. I suspect that this strain has a decent amount of THCV. No ceiling and no munchies either.


Well-known member
I will respectfully disagree a bit Randy. I just smoked some High Priestess that is super euphoric and was the last time I smoked it. Got it from Snow.

There are strains that just will not have the potential to give euphoria.
I agree Malawi x Ethiopia from Ace kicks my ass up no matter what mood I was in before you cant stop it ha ha.
Your probably growing a hybrid.

If you want a real sativa, you need 20-24 weeks of flowering, at least.

They grow tall, have low yields, and whispy buds with small trichomes


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Your probably growing a hybrid.

If you want a real sativa, you need 20-24 weeks of flowering, at least.

They grow tall, have low yields, and whispy buds with small trichomes
You've been making these claims all over the site today. Yes some great sativa's take 20 plus weeks, but many do not. Long flowering does not necessarily assure quality pot.


...como el Son...
Great point brother... I've been relating the Set&Setting to the Cannabis a few times as well.

In my own experience, you obviously have some plants and chemotypes with a more euphoric effect, but again, Set&Setting will be very important too for the experience.

Very differnt to smoke alone on the couch or party up and play some music with a bunch of friends coming to your place. :biggrin:

Por eso, primo, hay que testarlas al "estilo pastor": madrugas muchisimo y te plantas con el ganado en medio de una dehesa solitaria. Un vez alli , te sientas en una piedra bajo un chaparro y procedes a fumar la muestra, mientras con la mirada pérdida observas a las ovejas y cabras pastar, a los perros dormitar, y a las nubes pasar lentamente en el horizonte cual tus propios pensamientos y divagaciones somñolientas...

...Si de repente comienzas a escuchar el balido de las ovejas con ecos rítmicos en plan Dub, o formando riffs sincopados en plan Funk, esa hierba es psicodélica.
Si además te entran muchas ganas de bailar con el mayor de los mastines, entonces también es eufórica.
Pero si solo te entran ganas de volverte a casa a acostarte, mientras dejas a los perros con el encargo de ocuparse ellos del ganado y de despertarte cuando el sol ya haya alcanzado una altura aceptable en el cielo...pues no es muy eufórica...

Pd: esta pa' ti con un saludo gordo.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
You've been making these claims all over the site today. Yes some great sativa's take 20 plus weeks, but many do not. Long flowering does not necessarily assure quality pot.

You're talking to the same guy who thinks you should grow organic and veganic without manure or plant extracts...