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Ethiopian sativa


Well-known member
The pH value of the soil has risen to 8.5 and I put far too much vinegar in the water due to incorrect information.
I hope that I have got it under control by rinsing and that the plants will survive.

I would prefer to repot them and possibly cut back the root ball slightly, but it is already flowering day 66.

Any tips?
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Well-known member
The pH value of the soil has risen to 8.5 and I put far too much vinegar in the water due to incorrect information.
I hope that I have got it under control by rinsing and that the plants will survive.

I would prefer to repot them and possibly cut back the root ball slightly, but it is already flowering day 66.

Any tips?
I don’t think I would cut back the root ball on something that’s so far into flowering, unless you want the possibility of herming.


Active member
I don’t think I would cut back the root ball on something that’s so far into flowering, unless you want the possibility of herming.
Yes i wouldn't do anything too dramatic either. Messing with the roots too much could really stun the plant's growth. Let the medium dry out a little bit now after rinsing it keep monitoring the plant and try to get back to normal. and see how it will go along. Don't do anything dramatic unless you really have to

It's always better to use proper pH Up or Down and to find the right amount of how much to use it with a pH test kit


Well-known member
Yes i wouldn't do anything too dramatic either. Messing with the roots too much could really stun the plant's growth. Let the medium dry out a little bit now after rinsing it keep monitoring the plant and try to get back to normal. and see how it will go along. Don't do anything dramatic unless you really have to

It's always better to use proper pH Up or Down and to find the right amount of how much to use it with a pH test kit
Even just a simple over watering mistake set all my Ethiopians back the whole run. 🤦‍♂🤷‍♂️

This current run I gave one a 2 week veg in a 1 gallon and now it’s 4 1/2 feet or more tall 🤣🤣 another with no veg time and 1 gallon pot is half the size but now double the height the previous ones were.


Active member
Even just a simple over watering mistake set all my Ethiopians back the whole run. 🤦‍♂🤷‍♂️

This current run I gave one a 2 week veg in a 1 gallon and now it’s 4 1/2 feet or more tall 🤣🤣 another with no veg time and 1 gallon pot is half the size but now double the height the previous ones were.
Sativas are many times sensitive to over watering . and Nitrogen levels too when it comes to nutrients.

But i find that my ETHs have been super easy thus far. even some haze heavy hybrids have been much more finicky and many times i have ran into trouble with them by over watering but my ETHs have been very easy to keep in ok shape so far.

Ace ETHs seem to handle drying out a bit fairly nicely and aren’t bothered by my cobs are easy as some other strains. The leaves on my plants are i fairly ok condition thou couple of the branches are getting a bit too close to the lights. There’s little fading of color but nothing too serious.


Well-known member
The Ethiopian last are definitely more sensitive then the honduras I’ve ran. I bumped up the feed by 5% an they went dark green in the leaves and almost burnt tips. And I’m feeding about 25% of what you would use for your general hype strain already. 🤣

I’ll have to do a review on my Ethiopians I ran. Out of 4 my favorite one so far was #2 and was lemony sweet wood. I’m finding that my body really likes that profile as a feel good happy, but relaxed feel. Not the best for working but good enjoying the day hiking profile. But the #3 is becoming more my favorite as it cures. It went from pure lilac smells to what I would consider a orange/fermented orange woody smell. That one feels very bright and up like coffee. In fact the past couple weekends I had about .5 a gram of it with a large cup of kicking horse brand coffee (mold free, organic etc. no jitters either) and it was almost to much for me combined. As far as the caffiene like high it gave, which was what I was looking for in this line to begin with. Uppity happy daytime cannabis.


Active member
Yes they are light feeders. I estimate i will stay below 2,5ml/L of biobizz nutrients with my plants. It's only 2,1ml/L now and even the lower canopy is happy and green all the way down to the soil. The only yellowin i see was caused by the soil drying out a little too much.

Reading that smoke report makes growing these plants a long wait. That’s the stuff i want


Well-known member
Yes they are light feeders. I estimate i will stay below 2,5ml/L of biobizz nutrients with my plants. It's only 2,1ml/L now and even the lower canopy is happy and green all the way down to the soil. The only yellowin i see was caused by the soil drying out a little too much.

Reading that smoke report makes growing these plants a long wait. That’s the stuff i want
This will only be my second run so far. But I’m doing much better this time 🤣🤣 now if only I could get out of a 2x2 tent! 🤣🤣

Thank man! I will have to say definitely run some numbers with these ones. Each one with a different profile feels completely different then each other but a base feel of clear headed/no anxiety.


Active member
Thank man! I will have to say definitely run some numbers with these ones. Each one with a different profile feels completely different then each other but a base feel of clear headed/no anxiety.
How’s the strength on the #3?

My ETH #1 could be a special one too. it has whispier tops with longer, thinner pistils compared to #5

Yes there’s definitely some variation in these seeds but you can easily see it has been worked little bit and that it’s not a wild/feral landrace.

Super easy line to grow for people who are new to growing sativas and landraces indoors, i’d say.

Seems to handle led lights quite well.

I have few more nice ones in veg and 1 or 2 males but i’m not sure when iget to flower those and i’m not sure if i will flower the males. They are still in their 2dl cups ....over 4 months now? You would think they’d look like shit but they’re quite fine. Amazing hah-ha. I still might cull 1 or 2 females w/o flowering them


Well-known member
How’s the strength on the #3?

My ETH #1 could be a special one too. it has whispier tops with longer, thinner pistils compared to #5

Yes there’s definitely some variation in these seeds but you can easily see it has been worked little bit and that it’s not a wild/feral landrace.

Super easy line to grow for people who are new to growing sativas and landraces indoors, i’d say.

Seems to handle led lights quite well.

I have few more nice ones in veg and 1 or 2 males but i’m not sure when iget to flower those and i’m not sure if i will flower the males. They are still in their 2dl cups ....over 4 months now? You would think they’d look like shit but they’re quite fine. Amazing hah-ha. I still might cull 1 or 2 females w/o flowering them
I’ve only had .5 grams at a time from these because last round was so little. 🤣🤣

But I would compare it to the honduras strength. But in a clear headed less dreamy type high. Literally feels like you smoked coffee. I do t necessarily have other strains to compared that type of high to. There at about 2 months cure and they won’t make it to 3 months as recommended. 🤣 but the next round should.

And yes it has been worked, I was meaning the different terpenes that each had were different enough to give there own unique effects. So if your looking for the speedy coffee up you’ll have to look through a few possibly depending on your body.
Like #1 for me was brain dumbing and non talkitive and felt like a very light indica feel similar to honduras. And #4 was very perfume/wood and super calm and relaxed, but clear headed. #2 was calm happy, relaxed but up. And number 3 was straight happy coffee with orange citrus/fermented/wood.

And all my moms are in beer cups and less then 6in tall. My purple honduras is about 1 1/2yo now 🤣🤣🤣
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Active member
7 ½ weeks in flowering. 11,5h light atm.

Nutrient strength at this point and till the end of feeding

Biobizz Grow 1ml/L, Biobizz Bloom 1,4ml/L + calmag 0,4ml/L, some seaweed extract, some biobizz topmax.The plants got little tip burn 3-4 weeks a go when the Canna soil still had some food in it but nothing major. It hasn't got any worse since then

The plants are getting little too close to the cobs and got dried out too much too often, yellowed a little and dropped some lower leaves, so i put one blumat carrot in each pot two weeks ago which was helpful. I thought about putting the blumats in earlier than that but i was afraid of over watering them

The intake/exhaust is passive at the moment and i have to shut the tent door for few hours in the morning because i have to leave for work and it gets little too warm in the tent i imagine. So the plants are abit dehydrated and yellowed but they still are budding nicely

ET5 has slightly larger flowers but ET1 has better resin production and nicer smell. If ET1 smokes nicely i’m gonna keep her for a while

I still have few nice females in veg, one smells similar to ET1, and one male which i’m thinking of flowering. The male seems to handle stress really well. It’s been in 2dl of soil for around half a year now but you can barely see male preflowers on him. The other male i had strted forming flowers long time a go and was culled

A note to myself for later reference

I would have pollinated these plants after 6 weeks of flowering


Ace ETH 1 - 7,5week.jpg

Ace ETH 1 - 7,5week 2.jpg


Ace ETH 5 - 7,5week.jpg

Ace ETH 5 - 7,5week 2.jpg
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Active member
My ET1 has the same basic smell as the low potency jamaican they used to sell in amsterdam. It’s just stronger smelling. I hope the smoke is too. Earthy woody and minty with hints of pine. the amsterdam Jam wasn’t woody at all, just mildly earthy dusty minty
Ace ETH 1 - 7,5week 3.jpg


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks a lot @Sanjuro for the frequent updates on your Ethiopian run already by mid flowering :)

I usually don't pay much attention to stem rubs unless i'm very familiarized with the strain, and i'm trying to look for certain terpene profile which is usually linked to plants that smell in veg in some distinctive way compared to others from similar genepool, then stems rubs in growth stage could be useful.

Glad to see your Ethiopian females already quite advanced :yes: they usually start to define best resins, terpenes (and even yield if they are under correct conditions) starting from weeks 7th-8th.
My preference for favorite phenotype selection was explained a few pages back.

The burnt curling tips is usually a sign of excessive feeding.
If they are heatlhy, Ethiopians explode best in flowering without pushing them much with ferts.
Just strong sun or light intensity, warm temps, good quality water, good soft soil and enough root space.
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ACE Seeds Breeder
The pH value of the soil has risen to 8.5 and I put far too much vinegar in the water due to incorrect information.
I hope that I have got it under control by rinsing and that the plants will survive.

I would prefer to repot them and possibly cut back the root ball slightly, but it is already flowering day 66.

Any tips?

Sorry to hear about the swing with the ph one month ago @strain_hunter how are they doing nowadays ?

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