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Ethiopian sativa


Well-known member
what is the deficiency?

Looks like they need some Calcium and Magnesium. Also try misting the plants every hour or two during the day with just plain pure water to help them adjust to the Intense light from the LEDs. It makes a huge difference in health and structure.

Best of Luck!!


Active member
If the light was running at 100% & 30cm that would definitely have been too much light at their age,. given how compact of an area I imagine that light covers.

I'm using 450W LEDs in my tents but IMO 40cm is a good distance to aim for (dimmed in veg) from my experimenting so far, and then 60-70cm once you're running at full steam. On good LEDs, light intensity is a lot higher than some people realise compared to HPS so you do have to be careful.


Active member
If the light was running at 100% & 30cm that would definitely have been too much light at their age,. given how compact of an area I imagine that light covers.

I'm using 450W LEDs in my tents but IMO 40cm is a good distance to aim for (dimmed in veg) from my experimenting so far, and then 60-70cm once you're running at full steam. On good LEDs, light intensity is a lot higher than some people realise compared to HPS so you do have to be careful.

I turned up the lights and administered calmag, the situation is now back to normal, thank you.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Quinta+ :) A pleasure to see you growing pure Ethiopian, thanks for starting your grow diary.
Do you measure the ph and ec in your watering and feedings ?

If seedlings are already rootbound (most probably) then better transplant them to bigger pots with more soil and they will surpass the nutrient imbalance, but to avoid it again in the future it's very important you know the ph and ec ranges you are playing with.


Active member
Ahoj. Môže to byť etiópsky? Mám to z tropickej zmesi.
I cut it in half when it was growing because it would have 2 meters hehe. It is also a type of octopus. The flowers are growing quite slowly. Now it's a month that's still the same. I drove her back from a beautiful male Malawi. Of course, at the time of the pollen, she only had her first pistons. But about 50 seeds will. They are already on their sticks ..... nice big ...... thank you for the response if he is an Ethiopian ...


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome Cannabologic and thanks for supporting our pure Ethiopian release.
Let us know about how do you plan to grow them (indoors or outdoors, soil, coco, hydro, etc ...) and your goals with the grow and we will try to assist in the best possible way.

H e d g e

Active member
Thanks burningfire! Not sure what an ellipse is in this context but it works now, dubi posted the links on page 4.
I don’t understand the results much either.


Well-known member
I'm struggling with keeping a good temp and VPD since the tent is in my living quarters and I like to be comfortable. I have also had to deal with white flies, I hung a few sheets of yellow fly paper and sorted it out but the plants have been scarred.

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My soil mix might be a little hot too, it's a mix of black earth, peat, vermiculite, chicken manure, bone meal, potash and feather meal.

either way I already decided that #8 is my favorite next is #1 which may be suffering from low vigour or something soil related

there's a few others that are still in seedling stages since I had some mishaps with damping early on. I am a bit worried seeing those lower limbs stretching out like that. I plan on taking clones so I will probably take off a few nodes when I do before I switch to flowering just to make sure I can deal with the inevitable stretch. It would have been better if I didn't have to start new seeds and had everything ready at the same time.
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I grew a few Ethiopian (12 in total). Fermented all the males for an FPJ (all but one, the most vigorous) and I'm wantig to use for some crosses.
Today it has 25 days since I switched to 11/13 in the flowering time. I have the idea to crossed with some short flowering indicas with sweet smells (China Yunan, Bitter Scotch, WifixKnockout) and with another selected etiopian female and also with a Nigerian (or what is suposed to be).

The thing is, i still don't know when this plant will start releasing pollen. My idea was to send the indica females (the female etiopian has the same flowering time than the male) on day 28 -start if week 4-, so that in 3 weeks they will be in the perfect time to get pregnant. It will be on the 49th day of the male, or week 7.

Does anyone has experience with the release of pollen of the etiopian males?

This the male:




Well-known member
I grew a few Ethiopian (12 in total). Fermented all the males for an FPJ (all but one, the most vigorous) and I'm wantig to use for some crosses.
Today it has 25 days since I switched to 11/13 in the flowering time. I have the idea to crossed with some short flowering indicas with sweet smells (China Yunan, Bitter Scotch, WifixKnockout) and with another selected etiopian female and also with a Nigerian (or what is suposed to be).

The thing is, i still don't know when this plant will start releasing pollen. My idea was to send the indica females (the female etiopian has the same flowering time than the male) on day 28 -start if week 4-, so that in 3 weeks they will be in the perfect time to get pregnant. It will be on the 49th day of the male, or week 7.

Does anyone has experience with the release of pollen of the etiopian males?

This the male:

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I think that you could err on the side of being too early with the pollen, because you can always save the pollen?


I think that you could err on the side of being too early with the pollen, because you can always save the pollen?
I don't save the pillen because ir has never worked for me, so I just relly on good timing, wich Is easier on indicas o hybrids, but everytime i do ir with a true sativa it's just guessing


Well-known member
Those will begin releasing pollen in a week or so, with individual flowers at the branchpoints opening sooner (days probably), and if kept healthy can produce pollen for at least a month or two. You can root cuttings now under flowering conditions, and they will get bigger. They'll even root in water and continue to flower if put on a windowsill.


releasing pollen in a week or so, with individual flowers at the branchpoints opening sooner (days probably), and if kept healthy can produce pollen for at least a month or two. You can root cuttings now under flowering conditions, and they will get bigger. They'll even root in water and continue to flower if put on a windowsill.
Thank you for the awnser!
Let's ser how ir goes.