Its all good bro i have another Erdpurt indoors that is starting to look a real treat i will get some pics tomorrow of the indoor girls the ErocDp/Dc x Arne is getting real fat already for the start of week 3
How would you describe the smell of the Erdpurt we had a nice warm day today with a slight breeze and when i was working on the other plants i kept getting a sweet berry smell wafting towards me it was quite intoxicating
well that was the first thing that popped into my head got me excited
outdoor plants are cranking along well but unfortunately my wife has been in hospital so i haven't had time for pics and updates, they girls all started full flower this week and are stretching
The indoor girls are looking great they have suffered a little heat stress and nute burn but are still filling
The indoor Erdpurt was hit with some of Shanti's Haze C male and i can see some seeds forming on the branches i hit and no others so my targeted pollination worked well
The Erdpurt is forming some tight white frosty buds and smells so sweet
The ErocDp/Dc x arne is getting to be some big girls going to be a good yield from them to keep me and the wife puffin for a while
The indoor girls are ate day 37 of 12/12
any idea how long they will go esbe?? roughly?
Oh must upload some pics of Esbe's gear indoors...I think that is just insane!
Tip-try take pics of plants on concrete part if looking down on it or use our fence as a backdrop if taking side profile...might be just my eyes but it's hard too make out the plants from our grass! LoL...All in kindnessx
Thats my boy! Just stunning....and how the heck did ya get the pics big? did ya enter bb code manually as thats the only way round it i could figure...Bella is really pissing me off, she wont even let me type on the laptop with out nudging my hands for kisses...bloody cats are attention seekers!!!
ok here are the outdoor girls
DC x B3.. these plants are the biggest ATM and have been in full flower for about 12 days now
Plant 2 has more compact node spacings and chunky buds already
Here is the little Erdpurt beast only about 18" tall and just compact bud with a few seeds here and there from the Mr.Nice Haze C male doing his thing lol
Hard to get good pics because its so compact and has a lot of leaves but stinks bad
Karma's Jack'O'Nesia 1st the fast flowering pheno i had indoors
and 2 clones from the tall pheno(only just flowering now)
and lastly the OG Kush bx1 x G-13 Haze from OJD
these have just turned into big bushes and stink to the high heavens i thought they smelt indoors but wow stink stink stink
I tried to capture the 9lt watering can in the background for size reference
Thanks bro i thought it might be something special, it is just pumping with resin well b4 any other plants has started and smells oh so good
I have been feeding with liquid guanno but it doesn't seem to be slowing the yellow N def.
i will give em a feed of liquid carp high N to see if it helps