Did you know when you get your 215 wristband, your signing up for a collective? Some collective signed up 25000+ people this weekend, DO YOU KNOW who you signed up to? Told them to take all my info out of there system and watched them do it...
I didn't have to sign up for anything. We were among the first 300 people in, saw the line for 215 bands and decided to use the restroom, look around a little, and get some food. I got a Polish dog and a beer and we hung out in the beer garden for a few.
About a 1/2 hour later, I walked over to the 215 booth and the line was like 10 people long. There were two girls checking recs and there was another group of people at the booth itself. One of them looked at my rec and my ID and gave me a band. I asked what the other line by the booth was for and she said it was to get on some email list or some shit. I walked straight to the 215 tent, lol.
My girl refuses to get a rec on principle, but I left her out there with a couple joints and she was puffing away while I walked around inside the 215 area. Very lax atmosphere, which was nice. Met some cool people, everything was pretty mellow despite the HUGE number of people.
Bean prices were steep!! $200/pack for a Durban backcross? Maybe someday, but not that day. I don't roll like that