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big twinn

Super Member
I have a buddy that in the past gave me ECSD S1 seeds he had when one hermed on him. Oddly enough, there was a male found in the seeds, yet nothing else got pollinated in his room. I haven't grown them out myself, as I have the real clone, so there really has been no reason to pop them yet. (to avoid confusion and said remarks about my cut not being real, I received this cut from a very reputable person, not the same source as the S1s I mentioned being gifted.)

Also, aside from those seeds, and the ECSD clone itself, I just received an S1 clone of AJ's Sour Diesel that is supposed to be really good. Sour Diesel S1's definitely exist.

big twinn

Super Member
ha I knew it was coming, and you know what, I have no way to provide supporting evidence. So, calling bullshit is completely fair game. I was not there when it occurred. I have smoked his sour though, and when he gifted me the seeds for the hell of it, he mentioned that it was the only plant that hermed and no male plants were in the room. I believe I was gifted maybe 6 seeds. He also mentioned that when he grew a few out he found a male and thought it was wierd. Other than that, thats all I know about those, which makes for for incredibly bad science. His sour was incredibly on point if it was not the real deal, but being that it wasn't my 1st hand experience, nor does finding a male in s1 seeds correlate with biology, I'll throw that example out of the window as BS, since I have no way to even prove the authenticity to myself. One day I will get around to popping those seeds. But for now they are labeled how I received them. also, like i mentioned, I did not source my own cut of ECSD from this aforementioned friend, so I have not ran his cut...only smoked it.

However, the AJ s1 clone came from a very reputable and completely different source. This is my first time running it and it just went in the cloner. If he says that it is an S1 of AJ Sour D, then I trust his word. He's got the ECSD, and the AJ cut itself and there would be no motive to spread false information. He knows what he is talking about and has been growing it for awhile. Maybe though, being that the AJ and ECSD are apparently different cuts, that might explain the viability of the AJ cut. I hope he chimes in.

Homer J Pimpin

I respect your post, I was ready to be mother fucked and called everything in the book......Here is what I know....The ECSD cut I've been running for years that was given to me by the starter of this thread personally wil pump out nanners every run weather she's dialed or stressed.......she just throws um.........and I've never seen a grain of pollen or a seed not even once so I researched it myself and found it to be pretty common knowledge that many tend to think she shoots blanks........my expierence validates that theroy......not a single seed in countless run's......I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to coax a little pollen from those nanners either....

Big City

not on the real cut it's not and anyone who say's otherwise is WRONG and anyone saying they have s1's are lying......I'm tired to death of kids professing to know more about a strain that's 1 older than they are and 2 the most commonly lied about strain in exsistence....in other words way too many imposters out there and with all due respect to Rez but he has been known to say many untrue things in the name of shameless self promotion.....that has muddied up a allready very murky pool.....Get over it and end the fricking nonsense allready,If you are growing a sour diesel plant that gives off viable pollen then you're NOT I repeat NOT growing the true ECSD..........

Reversing a clone with STS is not the same as a late flower nanner.

When reversed, this cut will produce heaps of viable pollen. Anyone who says otherwise has never sprayed STS on her.

BTW, I don't appreciate your aggressive-ness. I'm not a kid, and I'm fairly knowledgeable about this particular topic. No need to disrespect others. Some of us may have more experience than you

The Baphomet

Well-known member
Allot of people who think they have the sour d actually have the daywrecker and think its the sour ;).....Loads of daywrecker cuts were sold as sour d to peeps from out side the city years ago .....

I ran the real deal AJ cut from the man himself for many years and when it hermied at times I never found a seed in any of the plants and we ran high numbers back then ...

Also having run both cuts I don't see any difference from the two they both came from the same mom foe sure .... ..





Homer J Pimpin

why would you assume that I don't know the difference between a late nanner or coloidial silver ? or that I havn't tried ? I'm not tryin' ta be agressive I'm just saying there are alot and I mean alot of imposter Sour D's floating around and some of them may very well be as good or better than the cut...and honestly Rez has alot to do with that the v3 and the alpha for instance both have AMAZING sour diesel plants and the ibl too he worked the line for years and I've personally found a Alpha Diesel pheno that was a spot on match except for a little more beef in the stems and truth be told if I had that plant still I'd be running it instead because of the beefier stems....at the time the choice was easy ecsd or alpha diesel.......now years later and countless runs I might actually choose the Alpha.....but hind sight is allways 20/20 I just know that the pollen in the alpha nanners was electric...and in my cut just no pollen to give me........here she is flopping 10 ways ta sunday at day 78






I just took these pic's for this post so sorry if they are a little blurry

Big City

why would you assume that I don't know the difference between a late nanner or coloidial silver ? or that I havn't tried ? I'm not tryin' ta be agressive I'm just saying there are alot and I mean alot of imposter Sour D's floating around and some of them may very well be as good or better than the cut...and honestly Rez has alot to do with that the v3 and the alpha for instance both have AMAZING sour diesel plants and the ibl too he worked the line for years and I've personally found a Alpha Diesel pheno that was a spot on match except for a little more beef in the stems and truth be told if I had that plant still I'd be running it instead because of the beefier stems....at the time the choice was easy ecsd or alpha diesel.......now years later and countless runs I might actually choose the Alpha.....but hind sight is allways 20/20 I just know that the pollen in the alpha nanners was electric...and in my cut just no pollen to give me........here she is flopping 10 ways ta sunday at day 78

If you've never attempted to reverse an ECSD clone with STS, then stop telling people it's not possible. Or it "has to be a fake." NO that's BS.

BTW, I never mentioned CS. Peace out .


I think it's pretty well known the ECSD cannot be, or is extremely difficult to be reversed. The only person I know of to have supposedly reversed her is Dr. Greenthumb, whom you may or may not find trustworthy. I've heard mixed opinions on him and the legitimacy of his beans.

But I have not heard of, or seen a single thread on anyone else doing so. If it were possible to S1 the ECSD with CS or STS there would be threads on the said S1 seeds cause they would be very popular. So far I have not found any.

Homer J Pimpin

ohh yes of course,Silver Thiosulfate instead of colodial silver.That should make all the difference....;)

Big City

I think it's pretty well known the ECSD cannot be, or is extremely difficult to be reversed. The only person I know of to have supposedly reversed her is Dr. Greenthumb, whom you may or may not find trustworthy. I've heard mixed opinions on him and the legitimacy of his beans.

But I have not heard of, or seen a single thread on anyone else doing so. If it were possible to S1 the ECSD with CS or STS there would be threads on the said S1 seeds cause they would be very popular. So far I have not found any.

Sun simulator did it and has grown hundreds of the seeds. I think he documented it at another forum.and I know several other people who have reversed her as well. Nothing super hard about it at all. People think a late flower nanner throwing non-viable pollen means that she can never throw viable pollen, but that's simply not the case.

The reason you don't see more people selling S1's is because Rez made a big deal about the S1 offspring throwing nanners. And, people are lazy and just took his word for it instead of seeing for themselves. It's got nothing to do with her being hard to reverse.


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
Can I get some info on that aj sour ? Both those cuts look fire ..and that looks like what we call Ecsd (the bud shots) on the east coast ..light green with dark green leather leaflets + orange hairs ..that pink hair one is sour also but it's light on potency and taste :/ ..I can spot the difference a mile away ..but there both fire ..

I wanna kno the taste smell difference between the aj and the Ecsd ..to me the aj grows like a chem/og ..the Ecsd has more subtle differences ..

I sound crazy saying pink hair and orange hair lol but I KNO what I'm taking about and if u look at the above pics on this page u can clearly see the pink hair sour and orange hair sour ..I always choose the orange


A couple homies and I have our hands on some CS, planning on hitting a bunch of chems, diesels, and several ogs with it this spring for fem beans to pick through. Not sure if one of us was going to use the ecsd as a pollen donor or to hit with pollen (I thought the latter, not sure) but I might try and reverse her just to see whats up. I've heard of a couple diff og cuts not producing viable pollen when reversed but I've never heard of that being the case with ecsd.

I was thinking of reversing the daywrecker and hitting ecsd with it...

Homer J Pimpin

silver haze fiend.....this is the 2nd time you came in here and tried to passively agressively insult my cut.......I don't know what your problem is but I'm gonna teach you something right now that you don't have a excuse for not knowing.Your talk about pink/orange hairs is nonsense.....Maybe the guy you buy yer diesel from picks it early or something so it still looks pink and falls short on potencey or taste....I know after a little time drying the hairs turn orangeish like this


but if you look close you will still see a little pink......but hey, seeing as your mind is made up and there are now 2 ecsd cuts one with pink hairs that is not as good like mine or one with orange hairs......then you shouldn't mind that I'm not going to offer her to you to try out....:comfort:

The Baphomet

Well-known member
silverhaze , the AJ and the ECSD are the same no difference and the cuts came from one mom ...

coastal , daywrecker x ecsd sounds like a good choice ,could be the ultimate diesel .

Homer J Pimpin




hmmmmm maybe the color of the pistals has something to do with light and camera settings too..

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