What is the one you call real deal sour diesel?
I know two cuts of ESCD, DHK and chaco. There are more?
Riri cut too but it's exactly the same as DHK cut. Except in power.
I consider the real sour diesel to be the clone that was circulating in Central New York State in the early to the later part of the 2000’s ... The sour diesel before Chaco, Many people have told me they are one in the sameDHK is supposed to be Chaco which is definitely ECSD.
IE: all the same.
The labels that people put on things as they make the rounds further confuse things.
Sometimes mistakes are made. Sometimes lies are told.
Riri is a selection of Rezdog's gear like what karma started his work with.
So if your DHK is exactly like your Riri, and both are different than Chaco, then one or more of the 3 is mislabeled.
If you are smoking flowers grown by other people to base your questions on, then it could be grower problems changing the nature of the smoke.