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Ebb N Growers! Whats your PH and PPMs?



not sure the system matters. Hydro in general has a general rule of thumb you want to follow

PPM's is usally dictated by the plant.


i run my ebb and flow at 1000-700 ppm @ 7 and 5.5 tru 6.2 ph and she healthy as a horse
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This is a great reference....and it's stickied too. Under Blaze1up's Recirculating DWC Thread:


Feeding scedule

Ok heres a chart adjust as needed to maximize growth with your particular strains needs,This is just a good guideline to get you close enough to insure no problems,To allow you to find your plants optimal nutrient levels and adjust to the strains needs.A good thing to do is slowly test your strains raise the ppm's a little drop it a little,Same with the ph take note of the differences in growth save it and use it to see where your getting the increased health and vigor then keep it set at proper levels.Test it often through-out the whole grow slowly making adjustments,You will eventually find the levels your strain best grows at.All strains have different genetic make/ups,And will require different levels of nutrients,And temperature/humidity levels to maximize yeilds/production,So be sure to slowly change all aspects a little at a time and learn your strain,Then maximize your growth/Yeilds!

Seedlings and clones 300-400ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 500-600ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 600-800ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1300ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1400-1600ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph

seedlings and clones 250-350ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 300-500ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 500-700ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 700-900ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1100-1300ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph


I have this and the chart Yamaha1 fan posted printed out and hanging side by side. Invaluable
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I prefer the lucas formula with a few additives in my ebb and grow buckets.. I run my rez around 900ppm x500. Works great!

Also just a little side note. Everyone that is posting a PPM should specify the conversion. Wouldnt want to cheat yourself on few hundred PPMs. Peace out and good luck

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Good Thead.

I have an ebb and Flo table I run. 8" Coco pots with straight Canna Coco. Flood three times a day in mid-late flower.

I use House and Garden Coco A&B, Bud XL, Top Booster, and Shooting Powder.

PPM's during initial Veg were around 350, Then I ramp them up to about 500, then 700 first week of flower. Right now around week 7 they're at about 850. I use an Oakton Pen. I keep my ph between 5.5 and 6.0. Let it start at 5.5 and float towards 6. Top off with water every 3 days and change out whole Resi every week.

I'm not sure if that's too low but since I'm new to this I wanted to err on the side of caution.

If anyone else uses H & G let me know if you think you can ramp it up higher during mid flower or what your experience has been.

I run a mix of strains which makes it hard to dial in.


Active member
My well water starts at 300-365 ppm, First 2 weeks i bring it to 600 with nutes, then up to 1000-1100ppm for week 3 and 4 vegg then to 1200 max for flower.Change the reso's every 2 weeks. The PH stays at around 6 to maybe 6.2 the whole time. Everything is green. No RO needed. Am using GH grow, hard water Micro and GH Bloom, along with vitamax, spray and grow and hydrozyme.Peace




Just got a new pen and I'll be monitoring this so I can post my stats.

Thanks for the info all and great basic graph at the top.


mojave green

rockin in the free world
looks like icmag folks got u covered. i would just add: slowly swing ur ph a bit from like 5.8 to 6.2.


900-1000ppm on a .5 scale or 2EC. 5.5-6.2. I use RO water and the nutes I use adjust the water automatically to 5.5-5.8. Dump and refill once a week.


Well-known member
I know the original question was some 6 years ago.

One thing that i see is people aren't posting their room lighting, rh, an whether or not they are running C02. These variables WILL EFFECT the amount you need to feed. A higher demanding environment will change these numbers greatly...

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