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Easy scrog + 126w LED + 150w hps


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey x-man i love your grow - i used a single container+screen like one of yours under my 63w unit.

the plants look happy, but is there a special reason you dont want to drill holes in the bottom for drainage?. im not saying you cant do it but that type of thing may bite you in the ass one day ;) holes let air in as well as water out.




Hello ukganjafarmer and VerdantGreen. Thanks for dropping in.

No special reason for going drainless. Sometime last Fall, I was reading " The High Pod" by inefectualize and he said he grew drainless, so I decided to try it. Actually, before that I did the dunk/submerge and drain Dr.Bud style. That method gave me my best yields to date from one plant.

What I like about drainless it is the convenience of pouring in the nutes and walking away. The danger is root rot.

I am considering going back to the dunk/submerge style for next grow. On the other side of my cab, I will try hydro. I have a new waterfarm that I have not used yet!




New member
Wow, I like the way you have this scrogged. I have been trying to tame a NL5xhaze I have for a space just 17" tall or so. You may have just solved my problems! So far LST has not been working very well.

I like this grow.


Hello I_Lurk_Good. Sorry I missed your post. I am glad that I was able to give you an idea that you could use in your grow.

I have been very busy with work lately. I have also been keeping the cab door closed as much as possible because the ladies stink so much. Took some pictures last night.
All the ladies will come down tomorrow.

I like the colors of the LED Bluewidow. Day 68.

Close up nug shot of Bluewidow

Here is the 3 BWs.

Superbud at day 71. It's almost all yellow.
She is going to be a smooth smoke.

and last is the OG18 day 68. Doesn't look like much.
she didn't like the cold at all. either way she comes down tomorrow. gotta move on.

cheers all.



Hey YobLamina! Nice to see you here.

My grow is done. It has been designated Mission Accomplished.

I snapped a few pics. I was pleasantly surprised by the LED BWs and the OG. The superbud was were I expected her to be.

Here is the 3 BW less all the fan leaves.

Here is the LED BW Scrog minus the screen.
There was so much bud below the screen hiding.

Here is the Superbud and OG inside my DIY dryer.

Here they are in the cab.

now for some R&R.




Active member
Hey X.man...
Very CLEAN setup you run there.

I also have a 150W HPS cab I built myself. I love the canopy shots, I grow very in a very similar style, but without the screen. It looks the same with the even big canopy, I just tie, bend, and tuck to get her to look like that. Great work.

You run a nice tight ship over there. Great pics, too. :smokeit:

What does that OG18 smell like? Have you smoked it before? I may be getting a cut of this eventually was wondering about it.

Anyways, great setup and operation over there. Keep it green.


Thanks Zest. I was so surprised when I took the screen off that I had to take a pic. I just wish it was better focused.



Thanks Synthettek!

The OG smelled like lemon to me while I was manicuring her.
I smoked it before and I like the high but I don't like the taste so much. Maybe it was how I grew her that time. But the high is amazing. Also, I stored my last OG grow in a jar that had some White Russian in it previously, so I can't really say what is smelled like after curing.



Hey x.man, cool grow!
Since you're buying from the Home Depot you might want to consider the Hampton Bay ventilation fan ( Model # TY-50-A (HD) ). It is only .5 sonnes and moves 50 cu ft/min, have to get close to it to hear it run .
I have one on my cab with a homemade charcoal scrubber and it is a 1/2 price alternative ($50)to the Panasonic Whisper.
Mine has been in use since March and was originally vented indoors but the smell still tends to accumulate and I have it ported outdoors now. Never smell anything even when I stick my nose next to the vent.
How'd you make your dryer and is your new cab right off the shelf?