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Eagle watching.......


aka "Doc"
Live eagle watching--from wifey's laptop. No pips yet...expecting today. This is soo cool! Over 3million views so far....
They said the egg laying dates were 2/17, 2/20, & 2/24...so I guess the chicks will pop from their eggs about 3 days a part as well.
Saw lil red mouse eyeballs peering at the nest....lol, guess they be checking out for baby eagles too.


aka "Doc"
...yep, it can be addictive. Watching the papa bird sitting on the eggs was a first for me....lol!--guess I gotta get out more.


aka "Doc"
Hah...found these on wifey's laptop--

Pic of the eggs from Monday afternoon....see the pip?


Pic of a proud mama....

Pic of mama & papa building nest around December or so...


aka "Doc"
One fuzzball this afternoon...4.3 million view--plus lots of classroom kiddies, too funny! Now wifey connected the laptop to the big screen. LOL....


Active member
had one that always hunted in the back 40 years ago. especially an open field. was cool as hell. got to see it in action catching prey a few times. now i only see rad tailed hawks snaching birds near my feeder. tore apart a pidgeon in my back yard last month.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Bad news in Decorah ~ Young bald eagle electrocuted

Bad news in Decorah ~ Young bald eagle electrocuted


One of the world-famous American bald eagles from Decorah, Iowa, was found dead Sunday at the base of a power pole, a victim of electrocution.

News of the loss, the first known fatality among 14 eagles that have hatched at the Decorah nest, spread Monday via social media platforms, including the Raptor Research Project and Decorah Eagles Facebook pages.

Among RRP posts was this one:

"We are very sorry to announce that D12 is dead. D12 was found electrocuted at the base of a power pole on a Sunday morning. We notified the power company, who modified the top of that pole on Sunday and several other poles in the area on Monday. As of this morning, they are continuing to identify and modify poles to make them raptor safe."

The Decorah eagles won millions of fans from around the world during the past two seasons, thanks to a high-definition webcam operated by the RRP and its director, Bob Anderson.

Fans tuned into the live feed to watch the eagles hatch, grow, compete with each other for food and ultimately take their first flights.

D12 was the first of three eagles to hatch this past spring.

David Lynch, a volunteer for the RRP, told KWWL News 7: "Many around the world watched the eagle go from egg to chick to fledge right out of the tree. To see something happen, they feel like they lost a member of their family."

Anderson told the Gazette that an off-duty employee for Alliant Energy responded to the incident by installing a temporary insulation shield on the pole to prevent D12's two siblings from also being electrocuted. Since fledging, all three have remained near the near the nest tree and the power poles.

One of the three, D14, was fitted last week with a satellite transmitter so its movements can be monitored. The bird is faring well, Anderson said.


where i grew up there were always tons of them, then they started to fade away. A giant effort was put forth to save them from the BS we spill into the rivers, and by god they made a comeback. It is cool in the winter seeing 50-100 or so giant birds standing on the ice fishing at an open hole.



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