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Dynavap......hybrid more than true vape?


Well-known member
Got my first few Dynavaps recently and have only heated them by butane torch lighter until the "click", spinning the vap the whole heating time. I get that a person has to "learn their cap, vap, etc", that there's a "learning curve", etc but even though the Dynavap is capable of actual vaporizing below any level of combustion, my experience is that I believe in most cases the outermost layer of flower of a packed bowl combusts, or nearly so.

I've seen reviews where people say the Dynavap is a good unit to use for people transitioning from smoking to vaping. That supports my opinion that really, in many if not most cases, you're hitting a bit of smoke and of vape at the same time. I think most accurately, it's a hybrid between a one-hitter/chillum and a vaping device.

To be clear, I can't speak for induction heaters to heat that may be more consistent and controllable, but with a torch flame? There's combustion in there, even if a small amount. I hit one recently, likely did overfire it a bit and skunked up my whole place for hours afterwards. Nothing even close to that has ever happened with an electronic vape I have. That vapor is devoid of any lasting odor at all.

I'm thinking maybe I'll try to ignore listening for the "click" that sometimes doesn't happen at all for me leading to combustion and start hitting it before any "click" at all. Just sneak up on it low and slow.
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Well-known member
I don't recall getting actual combustion if paying attention to the click but indeed it does get hot to the degree that some less desirable compounds get created, well above the 420f I use on my Volcano and even that is too hot to be super healthy.

But sure, nothing preventing you from hitting it even before the click I suppose.


Well-known member
I got the latest one and two older stainless models and each is a bit different in heating, the different stems, the two different cones and the caps all influence the heating. The cap from the latest model is the worst for me, it dont sit firm enough and i got overheating with it often. try to pack the cone not too thight so there is a minimum movement in the herb when you rotate the device.
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Active member
They make (or you can DIY) this little copper band that goes on the cap. Makes it real heavy... But it makes it so you can just point the torch at one spot, and heats it up slower, more evenly. Seems like if you are burning the outside, the additional heatsink will stop that. Oh, it stays hot longer. You can cash it out in 1 or 2 cycles. Night and day difference. I kinda hated it without.

I only ever burnt it when I lost track of what was happening and torched too much. I agree, you can probably get a better vape. But, it works just fine for me.

Here... this the official. You could also just wrap a piece of copper around it...


Well-known member
Hey oldworld, do you know or can you guestimate how heavy the copper ad on is? I want to diy one myself, not sure about wall thickness


Well-known member
I see there's also battery-operated induction heaters out there for them
^ I got one of these and I can say that it dramatically improves the performance and provides for far more consistent operation. I would only use a flame as a last resort after using the IH.


Active member
Hey oldworld, do you know or can you guestimate how heavy the copper ad on is? I want to diy one myself, not sure about wall thickness

Dynavap captive cap weighs .8 grams.
Simrell Full Metal Jacket weighs 3 grams

These are rounded a bit... but that was what my gemini 20 just gave me, and its reading 9.997 on the 10g calibration weight


Well-known member
I could never use it right with a torch, I'm just not that dedicated, but induction heat is amazing for them! Its one of my favorite ways to vape, pick up a cheap dental induction heater if you can!


I could never use it right with a torch, I'm just not that dedicated, but induction heat is amazing for them! Its one of my favorite ways to vape, pick up a cheap dental induction heater if you can!
I have one of those it takes two cycles first heat then it clicks quicker on the second heat.
I like to hit it right before it clicks.


Active member
Never tried the induction heater. Seems like it would be nice. Torch works nicely with the add on though. I just learned dynavap had made an armored cap. I guess it had the extra 3 grams built in.