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Durban GSC info

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Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
The Durban GSC was reieved as a mother, with typical "cookie" aroma and a heavier stacked, zig zag node pattern and nice branching.

Growing it out, she was on a schedule to be and was pollinated by our DMT. Sporting tiny, dark purple calx', I didn't get to truly check the mother/slip. Clones had been taken for this purpose, to "check" 'em. Growing them out for sensi, they grew out the same way as the mother, nothing unpredictable... This was the first and only time greenluv (the person we recieved the cut from) had ever seen this cut flowered out, smoked, etc. Harvesting and drying, we started clippling them up; airy as shit, a bitch to manicure, by the time they were done with the trim job, they felt weightless. The aroma after curing was like a nice cherry/berry juice with absolutly NO cookie smells. Disappointed that the cookie profile didn't retain through cure, I was hoping that smoking would prove differently... WRONG. Just berry juice, no fuggin' high/stone and yeild so pitiful, it was literally light as a feather.

Fast forward to when I had tested them... Planting 20 seeds to check, I culled the males and grew the girls out. Again, no cookie aroma but improved, thanks to the DMT, giving the cross the power from the stud while keeping the juicy, cherry/berry palette an nose.

My goals were not met with the cross and beans were passed to just 3 people. Unfortunatly, my wishes for not letting the seeds go and be bred with was not headed and thus, just barely 9 months after passing said beans to just acouple guys, already you can see people using said seeds in cross.

Setting the record straight, this was NOT the "forum" cut buta cur, from mother to tested seed. Fellas have asked that I throw some out to play with, and again, though improved by the stud DMT, it's more for "playing" than for breeding.

Peace be with you all,
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The Mad Monk
Yeah, that fake greenluv passed out really sucked ass. That dude has some explaining to do. If you pass cuts without knowing what it is or growing it yourself you're a dumb ass and deserve to be clowned and called out for it.

Good to see you at least correcting this bullshit and letting people know the GSC x DMT isn't actually.

BTW, this isn't a "Durban" GSC. It's just a shitty cut that has nothing to do with GSC. I hope you're not trying to say it's a Durban pheno of actual GSC...?

Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
Ras, ageed it's a piece of shit, however it DID hold "cookie" tones and grew very Durban like. Purply flowers from the GDP and no OG growth, aroma, nothing. I have experience growing all 3 of said strains and beings that the S.F./Bay Area have many cuts, seeds and bullshit, my conclusion was that it is a shitty durban cookie. That said, it is only a hypothoseis and not meant to start another cookie debate; we all know how "passionate" those threads can be,lol.

I also wanted to include that my intention isn't/waned to have a "clowning" session. Greenluv also provided GH with a verified Diablo OG that is KILLA. This thread is provided for the info; seems the seeds in question I produced have found favor in some groups but my intentions were to send em down the sepic, before all the mess.

Whoever did put them out, I can't say, but forgiven regardless... I do think it's funny how seeds can be leaked, shoots, gsc seeds were leaked as well, lol. I have tons of these seeds and though I didn't care for 'em, if folks want 'em, I guess they can have 'em.

Bless it up,


Good info to know Steele!! I will keep all of that in mind when running the ones I just started. I am sure the DMT will be dominant enough to make it some good herb. Only time will tell.

Very cool of you to be up front with everyone on the strain. That to me is very respectable whereas alot of breeders would try and say its something it is in fact not.


The Mad Monk
my conclusion was that it is a shitty durban cookie. That said, it is only a hypothoseis and not meant to start another cookie debate; we all know how "passionate" those threads can be,lol.

A hypothesis is one thing, no harm in that. No one knows what it is so that is all we'll have about that cut, guesses. All we can agree on is it's absolute junk.

So why would you refer to it as a Durban pheno of GSC? You're making the claim with nothing to back it up other than a hunch. It'd be one thing if people weren't growing your stuff, but they are and some of them think it's something it isn't and will likely pass it on to others. It's an unknown cut that you pollinated with Sour Bubble pollen. Just call it what it is.


ICMag Donor
I had talked of playing around with the Cookie Monster beans I received, but upon sprouting them and seeing nothing that even slightly resembled "Cookies" as I knew it - and certainly seeing some strong DMT traits - I just kind of dismissed any real direct plans. Hard to use plants when you have no clue what they are.

I do still have 3 "Cookie Monster" females and 1 male in veg - but they've been neglected. Just not been overly thrilled with them as a whole while they have been growing, to be honest...

I felt my whole acquisition of the Cookie Monster and DMT beans was a bit "off" ... hmmm


Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
Ras, I can only do so much. When stipulations on gifted seed isn't honored, whether it be my seed (just for Squad Members and not to be bred with) or the folks responsible for GSC; issues like this arrise . Some fellas found merit with them, though not living up to standards. With this declaration, at least folks have the opportunity to know.

As stated earlier, I shipped in limited numbers at a price to "play" with. They do have a cherry juicy like taste with the DMT kush aroma/taste and strength, though the potency dropped considerably. Dome shapped nugs...


ICMag Donor
Yeah, I really wasn't trying to knock the line - as much as I was just giving an honest review of what I had seen thus far...that aside I'm being honest in saying they are SERIOUSLY neglected. So much so, I'm actually going to stop the plants that are in flower now at nearly 3wks...cut them back and re-veg them...set them aside - and come back to them once they are fully healthy.

I think I took a personal bias against them - as I said - the vibes around my acquisition of the seeds was a bit odd and shifty...

I'm HONESTLY VERY GLAD to hear Steel talk about this line and give some thoughts/feed back on it. I'm a bit disappointed to hear I was mislead by this same party...



The Mad Monk
Steele, what does this have to do with gifted seed? Nothing. Let's not get sidetracked.

This is about calling the female plant involved a Durban pheno of GSC without any basis for doing so. Your "declaration" as you call it only went half way in addressing the obvious: it's not the forum cut of GSC.

Yet you want to allege it's a Durban pheno? That it's a sibling of GSC? Based on what?

It's very simple: if you don't know what it is, you don't know what it is. So the cut is unknown. OK. It's not the end of the world. And people would appreciate the honesty, well some would. By the looks of it, GH fanboys seem to prefer smoke blowing up their ass.

You admitted yourself you don't know what it is yet still you titled this thread "Durban GSC Info" and refer to the cut as "Durban GSC".

It's unfortunate that you're only willing to go half way in addressing that the cut in question is not GSC by alleging it's a sibling.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, especially from active seed vendors, and I haven't seen any evidence to support that this cut is related to GSC in any way.

Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
I won't be drug into a shit slinging fest, not anymore. I have already stated my reasons for belief, with another reputable member privatly backing the claims. This isn't my first rodeo... All info regarding this was put up for folks that had already recieved 'em and for fellas that picked up the Durban gsc x DMT. Call it @ whatever you want buddy. There's nothing else I can say, as I seems you already have an ax to GRIND. You've attacked anyone who has praised the work I've put out, for what?

I'm gonna ask that no more negative responses are made here anymore... We could go round & round but it's of no benefit to anyone, unless trolling.

One Love,


"Hey bud, lets party!"
He's being pretty polite in asking why you have the nerve too call it Durban gsc when you have no way of confidently calling it that

Buddy Holly

just another pollen chucker that doesnt do his homework. just repeat whatever you were told even if its wrong. dont think about it. just call it what the people want.

you pollinated the cut before you even knew what it was or had grown it out? some breeding program.

get educated.

Buddy Holly

and steel im no gh hater. ive grown prophet and ancient afghan. i dont know what happened but you were onto something a couple years ago.


Active member
Steele, where did you get your slick moves bro? Cuz you sure are dancing around the issue...

lloyd,where do you get your fat bitch mouth from? cuz you sound like a bitter little fat girl who got all her cookies taken away.so how bout you take your fat bitch ass back to your rock and continue passing your bitch ass fake cuts around so you can feel cool.


Active member
A hypothesis is one thing, no harm in that. No one knows what it is so that is all we'll have about that cut, guesses. All we can agree on is it's absolute junk.

So why would you refer to it as a Durban pheno of GSC? You're making the claim with nothing to back it up other than a hunch. It'd be one thing if people weren't growing your stuff, but they are and some of them think it's something it isn't and will likely pass it on to others. It's an unknown cut that you pollinated with Sour Bubble pollen. Just call it what it is.

why are you being a dick just to be a dick?anyone who can read can see it's not the cut.he said that before you even posted your redundant reply


"Hey bud, lets party!"
im still wondering why hes calling it durban gsc... Clubs sells nugs of durban cookies, so calling his cookies that is going to make people correlate the two together, when they are obviously not the same.
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