My grow room is 8x10. I currently have (2) 2x4 trays under a 1000 watt light, and have a 4x8 tray ready to throw in there when I get the second 1000 watt light. Temps are getting a little high with just the 1000, as I live in a hot part of the country, and my room is on the side that catches the hottest part of the day. The guy at the hydro shop told me that for a dual hose A/C to work properly you needed to have the exhaust hose vented to the attic, and the intake hose sucking from a different room. Unfortunately I don't have another room to pull from. The grow room borders my living room and my bathroom, both of which are used by guests. The grow room is secure with light getting out, and has a lock and people rarely come by so I'm not concerned with it being in such close proximity, but I can't have holes in the wall that would automatically beg questions. Can I run both hoses through the roof of the grow room and into the attic, or will the intake air just be too hot for the A/C to handle?