You should read up on C:N ratio, it is the basic concept when composting. It is the N that heats up your pile, so if your getting no heat that maybe means its mainly carbon. The other main aspect to conisder is moisture and air. Also if you want to be exact, get a thermometer that is a foot long and then you can get actual temps. If you want to go down that road. Ive made every mistake possible so far with this hobby, only thing that seemed to work without any effort was composting. I just kept throwing everything I had on the pile and turned it over into a new pile once or twice a year. Altought I did make a mistake early on in the first pile adding a tonne of fireplace ashes, little did I know it is like 40% calcium carbonate and raises ph drastically. so my compost ph was 8.5. Since then I have not added ashes into the new pile, and its coming in around 7 to 7.5.