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DTOG's Bunny Ranch


I probably missed it somewhere but how do I see your pics DTOG, love all the knowledge you spread and would love to see the show


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
So there's a tab now over at GLG for dans auction. Just nothing listed yet. Hopefully in the next couple days they get listed. If you haven't already send some seeds in. It's for a great cause. Losing your grow spot, getting diagnosed with the Big C , kicks to the nuts that I can relate with. Never been sick myself, but my grandfather passed from colin cancer and the man was like a father to me. I have lost my grow spot and means of income , so I can fell that part of the situation. And why I donated seeds and you should too.


Well-known member
Good on ya man, and thanks for the heads up

Been keeping a eye on the listings going up..



i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
GLG???? I'm not in the loop??? What's that??? I thought ppl under the stairs was doin the auction on ig... put some stuff up there for him and milo also got outbid on some stuff damn it...but I'm down to help however I can ...


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Old retardo gear
bkgk originals
f13 pure in cross and back cross to chosen male
floating genie -(genius x f13)xf13
yota mota - (mango haze x f13)x (bubba x f13)
and some other super nice stuff made by a good friend went in ...
Secret recipe

Should be up soon but if someone else is having an auction lemme know I'll kick some that way to


Masochist Educator
Before I forget. Been thinking a lot about how coco would do in my room. So next trip to the farm supply store, I'm gonna get a brick of coco. Try a plant in coco, with the Jack's I use and some Epsom and see what happens.

The bricks are a pain in the ass ime, decided the bagged loose stuff was worth it after trying them lol.

You might have seen this already, but justiceman posted a great thread on getting healthy roots in coco.



Active member
I think peopleunderthestairs is getting he's account closed due to people reporting he's posts about the auction please don't forget to follow he's back up account


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
I was planning on taking pics last night. Then realized my phone was almost dead. So I'll try for some pics tonight. Ole' Insta really sucks the battery life right outta the phone, lol.


Well-known member
Speaking of Instagram. I was thinking I should jump on that wagon, to make sure I'm not missing out on anything. Any recommendations on who I should check out first to get a gist of what's going on over there? Growing related, to clarify!


Active member
I'm not a social media guy, but insta is full of awesome pics. once you get on they suggest a ton of other like minded individuals and you'll soon be drooling over the bud porn. I believe double triple's handle is dubs_trip...I'm otis_seed_popper and many have pretty much the same insta handle as they do here at icmag...