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AlterNet has an article titled Why Are We Drugging Our Kids? which presents the case for overuse of psychiatric drugs. Some startling statistics about the increased prescription of these drugs for kids, their often damaging effects, and Pharma's profits. A few juicy snippets:
At the same time New Scientist's Psychiatry's civil war details the battle among psychiatrists who want to expand definitions of mental illnesses and those who oppose these efforts.
When will there be a huge revolt against the business of drugging our kids for profit? There must be an argument for cannabis legalization here... Skip?
Prescriptions for psychiatric drugs increased 50 percent with children in the US, and 73 percent among adults, from 1996 to 2006, according to a study in the May/June 2009 issue of the journal Health Affairs. Another study in the same issue of Health Affairs found spending for mental health care grew more than 30 percent over the same ten-year period, with almost all of the increase due to psychiatric drug costs.
"All these drugs may curb a target symptom slightly more effectively than a placebo does for a short period of time, say six weeks," Whitaker said. However, what "you find with every class of these psychiatric drugs is a worsening of the target symptom of depression or psychosis or anxiety, over the long term, compared to placebo-treated patients."
"So even on the target symptoms, there's greater chronicity and greater severity of symptoms," he reports, "And you see a fairly significant percentage of patients where new and more severe psychiatric symptoms are triggered by the drug itself."
At the same time New Scientist's Psychiatry's civil war details the battle among psychiatrists who want to expand definitions of mental illnesses and those who oppose these efforts.
When doctors disagree with each other, they usually couch their criticisms in careful, measured language. In the past few months, however, open conflict has broken out among the upper echelons of US psychiatry. The focus of discord is a volume called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, which psychiatrists turn to when diagnosing the distressed individuals who turn up at their offices seeking help. Regularly referred to as the profession's bible, the DSM is in the midst of a major rewrite, and feelings are running high.
Two eminent retired psychiatrists are warning that the revision process is fatally flawed. They say the new manual, to be known as DSM-V, will extend definitions of mental illnesses so broadly that tens of millions of people will be given unnecessary and risky drugs...
Some of the most acrimonious arguments stem from worries about the pharmaceutical industry's influence over psychiatry. This has led to the spotlight being turned on the financial ties of those in charge of revising the manual, and has made any diagnostic changes that could expand the use of drugs especially controversial.
When will there be a huge revolt against the business of drugging our kids for profit? There must be an argument for cannabis legalization here... Skip?