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Drug Offender could be added to licenses



BATON ROUGE - Second-conviction felony drug dealers should have that noted on their driver's licenses, a House committee said Tuesday.

The House Transportation, Highways and Public Works Committee unanimously approved House Bill 139 by Rep. Rickey Hardy, D-Lafayette, after increasing the fee assessed on offenders from $10 to $25 to cover the cost of issuing a special license with "DRUG OFFENDER" in bright orange on the bottom. Similar licenses with "SEX OFFENDER" already are issued to people convicted of certain sex crimes.

What? The story goes on to quote some of the legislators talking about how an "officer" when was handed this license would be aware in their words "who they are dealing with"

So now if you do the time you get cavity searched and dogs called to any incident the Drug Offender is involved with.

Seems like a Star of David worked pretty well in the past.

The beat goes on.

Full story on Shreveport Times
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Wow. Thats fucked up. Sometimes when I stop and look around I can't believe what this world is becoming. What happened to the good ol days?


this is the same info any cop can get from their car or motorcycle laptops. The only reason I can see for them to know sooner than that, is to give them a reason to shoot first, or tazer the terrible "drug offender"

I love how all the DRUGS are lumped into the phrase of "drug offender"

only in America.Worlds greatest DEMOCRACY?


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Lol, this means nothing.

It will not happen. Everything is going to be rearranged, kinda like opposite day, ya know?
Yes, in America where conservative views can be practiced insanely liberally this doesn't surprise me. I don't see how it is necessary, I am pretty sure a cop can check their computer and see what your past convictions are.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If this information is already at the cops disposal when he runs your tag number, this must be for some other instances.

Say if your on foot or a passenger in a vehicle and a cop asks to see your identification and you voluntarily give it to them. In this instance, they are counting on people not knowing their rights.



Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Makes it easier to pick out the unarmed civilians to shoot in the back.


listen to this..talk about america..new nazi germany...im inclined to AGREE

I was taking my kids home last week..about 30 miles away..I take the interstate and set it on cruise in broad daylight.

I'm crusing along at 70 mph..posted speed limit..behind an off duty state pig (I figure hes off duty cuz he got a little girl in his car)

this guy stays in front of me for miles..just a car length in front of me..in the LEFT lane while im in the right...

All of a sudden..he SLOWS down..quickly and dangerously..to at least 50..so he can get a peep at my license plate ...why I dunno..cruise was on 70..

so he checks my plates and speeds back up..stays with me still

a couple minutes later i see another piggie coming opposite direction on the interstate..he going north while me and the off duty pig is going south..

this motherfucking loser does a straight dukes of hazard and SWERVES off i n the dirt and swing around damn near flipping his pig mobile..swerves from going north to going my way..south

right as soon as this happens..the off duty pig speeds away..

longer story short..the pig saw i had a suspended license when he ran my tags (or should i say ..the REGISTERED OWNER had a suspended license..they cant prove thats me till they stop me)

the piggie told me that..he still never told me why i got ran in the first place..but we're in a country where you can get pulled for anything and they can damn near lie and get a warrant for your house for ANYTHING..thats my point..dont think your safe even if you follow the laws \outside your house...i hate fucking pigs

(oh yeah..the guuy who did pull me over was cool..i got a ticket and he actually let me drive off to take my kids home..he just said if i got pulled over again in that time itd be jail for me)..but there WAS NO REASON FOR MY PLATES TO GET RAN.they supposed to have a REASON


We need a hot tub time machine. Pretty soon we'll all have rdif chips implanted into our skin that tell law enforcement everything they need to know about us.

Im gonna lay off the conspiracy theories now


"Drug offender" sounds pretty harsh. Can you get personalized alerts? I'd like mine to say I [heart] Marijuana.
Hi Watson540

I'm surprised the U.S don't have ANPR cameras (automatic number plate recognition) in their cars like they do in the UK.

In the UK they have these cameras in cars parked on the roadside running the plates of all passing cars and stopping anyone that doesn't have insurance or in your case -if the registered owner shows up as a banned driver.

I totally agree that your plates should never have been run in the first place, however, i do think that the old bill had a right to stop you after they ran them as their info said the reg driver was suspended. They should have let you go immediately after finding out you were not that person - Banned drivers/uninsured drivers etc are a public liability!

What i fear the most is the OP info, as someone who has served their time/proved innocent would likely be subjected to a full search in proving their identity just cos their license showed this info.

This is really against the law as they have to have just cause to search you. Prior convictions do not suffice as a just cause.

If this extra info was on the license I would carry other ID on me so if stopped for a motor offense they could check my id without cons being divulged.

However, pigs being pigs they would most likely ask for past cons while id'ing you!

Count yourself lucky you aren't watched as soon as you leave your house like in the UK with all our cctv!

It's not just the U.S! This whole planet is turning into one huge nazi regime!


Next they'll force you to tattoo it on your forehead. You know b/c you deserve it! You are nothing but a dirty drug dealing asshole who deserves to be dragged through dog shit and beat up by anyone and everyone.

They can go fuck themselves and the high horse they sit on.


Hi Watson540

I'm surprised the U.S don't have ANPR cameras (automatic number plate recognition) in their cars like they do in the UK.

In the UK they have these cameras in cars parked on the roadside running the plates of all passing cars and stopping anyone that doesn't have insurance or in your case -if the registered owner shows up as a banned driver.

I totally agree that your plates should never have been run in the first place, however, i do think that the old bill had a right to stop you after they ran them as their info said the reg driver was suspended. They should have let you go immediately after finding out you were not that person - Banned drivers/uninsured drivers etc are a public liability!

What i fear the most is the OP info, as someone who has served their time/proved innocent would likely be subjected to a full search in proving their identity just cos their license showed this info.

This is really against the law as they have to have just cause to search you. Prior convictions do not suffice as a just cause.

If this extra info was on the license I would carry other ID on me so if stopped for a motor offense they could check my id without cons being divulged.

However, pigs being pigs they would most likely ask for past cons while id'ing you!

Count yourself lucky you aren't watched as soon as you leave your house like in the UK with all our cctv!

It's not just the U.S! This whole planet is turning into one huge nazi regime!

Some police cruisers do have those cameras in the cars and in my state they started putting them on every fucking traffic light to catch people running lights or speeding through the intersection late at night. That way you think you got away with it, but a week later you get a ticket or some other notice to show up to court in the mail.


Active member
Living in America is fun. It's like a big game.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, but it's always a rush.
In the city here (UK), virtually every traffic light has a camera on them, it's awful!

At least in Plymouth they got rid of their speed cameras!

What's the street cctv situation where you are? Where i am as soon as i walk onto the main road i am tracked on the street, travel network, shopping... everything!

I'm waiting for them to install one to see me taking a dump!

Doesn't this proposed license info breach your constitutional rights?

Thinking about it, it probably comes under a 'terrorist threat' though. What a joke!

Grass Lands

I see it both ways...not that I'm for LEO in anyway but we all have the right to protect ourselves. What we must remember is there are a lot of awful drugs out there...POT not being one of them...so with that said, I'm not completely against what they are doing...I sure as hell would wanna know if I was dealing with a methhead/speedfreak...or a heroin junkie that might just blow my ass way.

Is this against our constitutional rights...you bet your sweet ass it is, but then again how many things are against out rights that we choose not to defend...



Watched a youtube video with a cop driving down the street automatically reading and running every plate in view of the camera. I've also seen it at the state line on a toll road. If you're a fugitive with a known plate number, you get busted about 10-30 miles into the state, like clockwork.

Not quite as bad as the UK, where they have your cars entire route logged for the past six months at all times using hundreds of networked plate readers. Or so I hear.

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