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Drug Czar doesnt Want to be Drug Czar anymore

Tick Tock Tick Tock Here it is Independence Day and the Cocksucker's still there, still cheering on the DEA Nazis to attack Dispensaries countrywide, sending out threatening memos to the MMJ States. They are all making (what SHOULD be) their last stand in the face of a big tide turn worldwide, esp. legalization of MJ and extremely wide acceptance of MMJ. Stand Against Tyranny on our supposed day of Freedom


Active member
lol, imagine, if whoever the people wanted as president, they´d just each give a dollar to him.

that would be how you voted :D

thats quite a few millions, enough to eliminate corporations out of the picture, probably.

thats one way to ensure the president is on our side, just frigging buy him.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
how could it get worse than this administration?

i was glad to hear Gil wants out, he most certainly was caught up in the deceit. from what i learned of him, he was fooled by Nobama saying there would be change...

wtf. this administration is worse than Nixons'.
{how could it get worse than this administration?}

the bush cheeny admin finishing out reganomics

obama has a much larger shit sandwhich then carter had this country is bankrupt. thx GW Bush, he finished selling us out to China of course clinton started the auction N.A.F.T.A, A.F.T.A G.A.F.T.A. . 2012 election every american should vote None Of The Above for local state and federal posts. get all out and start over get all lobbiest out for starters :tiphat:
I would love to see pot relegalized! A lot of LEO would have to find a new job, but is that a bad thing? To get people to stop beating up on other Americans isn't a bad side effect.
well its almost 2013 and the Drug Czar is still there, bastige. Lets hope he's celebrating legal in Colo and Wash. He's a dying breed

2 Legal Co

Active member
It only makes sense that the Drug Czar is taking another job. Pres. Obama is now a Lame Duck. So in 4 years his Czar will be out of a job. ???? Make sense? unless he's ready to retire.

We should encourage the Tea Baggers to cut the DEA's budget, as a deficit cutting device! They will probably back water, when it comes to DOD, DEA, and State's Rights (regarding MJ) however.

I've noticed that their Ilk only has concern about Individual Rights, when it's Their Own (singular) rights. Yours don't count.

Maybe we can throw them out in 2014 and get something done? Hope so.

We need to remind our elected officials that WE are the swing vote now. Much like the Prohibitionists were on alcohol.