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driftinggggg.....to my new spot :)


You know, the thing that really ticks me off about these forums is that everyone is so quick to label someone a 'hater' just because they ask critical questions..

GOOROO is clearly not hating on Adrift's style or performance - he's merely commenting that the accepted industry standard is to hang one's lamps in a symmetrical linear fashion so as to harness every possible lumen (you're paying for it, why not!). I too have been following this thread since its conception and was also wondering why you chose your hoods, and secondly why you chose to hang them like that.

Definitely not disputing your results, but I would have to agree that getting them all dialed in symmetrical may have a marginal influence on yield. Obviously, with your current setup there is plenty of overlap between hoods, and if one lamp is tilted 5 degrees or something that deflected light will end up hitting other plants, but in the end you simply cannot argue against mathematics and physics. There IS no more efficient configuration than having all your hoods aligned perfectly - even a few degrees tilt here and there or a diagonal light footprint WILL cost you in the end, albeit maybe only a few grams or a few dollars in unused lumens.

Adrift, bro, love your style and results and been watching you since the beginning, but please think about this one before you respond. GOOROO's observation is a valid one. Sure, you may still say fuck it I don't want to change anything, and that's fine, but keep in mind that he wasn't asking you to change anything - he was simply pointing something out that he saw in your room.

Isn't that the point of these discussions after all, to get critical feedback and to share and discuss ideas and techniques? If you are not open to engaging in a discussion with GOOROO then why post on Icmag at all? I'm just trying to get you to keep an open mind here and not be so quick to refute someone's observation. Sure, it's a menial point. Sure, changing your hoods will have no dramatic effect on your yields. However, mathematically it would still be the most efficient use of your hoods. THAT'S the bottom line, and that cannot be denied.

Hats off to you as always, and keep it rocking' in there! Don't mind my intrusion, but I always like to clear shit up when the water gets murky. This was defiantly one of those moments that needed to be addressed, so I hope you don't take offense to my posting..



Active member
its comments like, " did a monkey hang it" that tick me off. every light is hung to cover the table exactly how i want it, and thats it plain and simple, thanks for the feed back but if your gonna give advice, do it in a civil manor. not in a did a monkey hang your lights kind of way..

all about respect, all ive done this hole thread is share my ways and help ppl out, including gooroo a whole lot in the beginning of the thread...

so again, thanks for your input but i am perfectly happy with my yields and my setup,

whats that old saying, if its not broke, dont fix it???

as long as im hitting close ta 2 pounds a light, the hoods stay :joint:

to everyone else! nice to have you all in here, i really dont want this to be a thread of arguing, if you read threw this thread you will see that clearly is not my goal!

so goo roo- its not about being but hurt, its about respect man, if you have criticism on my grow, discuss it in a positive way, or take that shit else where! no hate man , sorry if i came off up set....

so now that this is under the belt, please lets keep this thread in a positive direction! im only trying to show you all how I do things, if you like it great, if not, theres other threads!

time for me to puff a fatty and eat some tamales ... later :)


I thought we were chill enough to joke around, considering I've been in here the whole thread and we've talked about a multitude of things.....

All good. I'm outta here.

Holier than thou know it all!

you could have just explained why you want them like that, and entertained the convo instead of shutting it down....

and so I leave you with one picture that speaks volumes about what I'm talking about.....

4 plants per light with the middle 4 being 3.2lbs

and since you think I'm full of shit, dicking around with your help...




Active member
goo roo- i did explain why i like them like that, because they are over my tables. ya know, 2 lights over 1 table, how im doing it. and the light spread is soo good that i have no complaints!

if you wanna boast about your grow show and your mathematically hung lights then do it somewhere else, as i dont care! haha

im not looking for any help, but thanks.

you did not come off as joking, you came off like a d*** ...

if you would have came about it in a dif way i would have gladly talked about my methods. as i always do when someone "ask me a question".

and at this point i really dont care man, was not trying to fight, and im still not trying 2.

take this bull shit else where, and that doesnt mean come back and post more pics and talk more shit then say your leaving, it means dont post in my thread if its not positive, plain and simple!

waste of ic's server!!!



Active member
also, im not seeing how your lights cross spread is any better then mine???


notice how each side is COMPLETELY orange. obviously i have light drop in the huge middle isle .. but hanging the lights any way in the world would not fix that... theres no tables there...


Whatever you say boss.

Your not as cool, level headed or intelegent as I thought.

peace adrift. Your floating on your own clearly.


Active member
this thread needs to get back on track, and in order todo that ima post a pic of a really awesome plant i no longer i have :(

it was buddahs sister, some of the sweetest most tasty stuff ive came across! really miss her!!!


i hope to find her again one day as she was a very nice medicine for me!!!

well not to much new stuff right now, ill be back when i got something cool/informative to show you!

:thank you:


What up Adrift..
Very efficient setup, love how your updated w/pics everything from start to finish.

I have a few ?s, can i pm you so not to clutter your thread?

also how do i rep you on this site?? not that you need it lol


Active member
What up Adrift..
Very efficient setup, love how your updated w/pics everything from start to finish.

I have a few ?s, can i pm you so not to clutter your thread?

also how do i rep you on this site?? not that you need it lol

hey there don! nice to have you, since you have under 50 post you cant p.m me, but feel free to ask any questions you have here, ill do my best to help answer them.. also on this site if you wanna rep someone go to the bottom left hand side of a post, and you will see a green dot. its the icon in between the green dot and the red out lined triangle with a ! in it...



hm maybe theres a post limit on that too, i see that on my post but nobody elses...

I saw that you have the a/c unit inside your basement, Ive never seen that before, im guessing its cause its cold where you live most of the year?? I live in a state where it only get below freezing maybe 1 month of the year

also how are you venting the exhaust from it??


Adrift it's not any better, I as well as you and goo roo/moo goo
or whatever his handle is have virtually the same setup. His room looks tight also I'm not gonna lie. Reason mine is setup like yours is for two reasons
1. Workability I need to get in and around for a number of reasons. This is not a "set it and forget it" type of operation.

2. My nerdy side coming out, inverse square-law says the middle row would be a waste of time and energy. Physics is a M'fer

And to sum it up 3lbs per light as he claimed is real i've seen it done many times but the genetics are not "AAA" they are mid level meds. You got this thing nailed at 2 per with your banner which is a bubba cross. That speaks volume as those genetics almost always yield conniseur amounts. Yeah we all know what that means.

And by the by Buddah sister looks great and I have recently seen that floating around some so cal clubs. You may one day get your wish:biggrin:

also, im not seeing how your lights cross spread is any better then mine???

View Image

notice how each side is COMPLETELY orange. obviously i have light drop in the huge middle isle .. but hanging the lights any way in the world would not fix that... theres no tables there...


also, im not seeing how your lights cross spread is any better then mine???

View Image

notice how each side is COMPLETELY orange. obviously i have light drop in the huge middle isle .. but hanging the lights any way in the world would not fix that... theres no tables there...

also, your plants aren't really tall enough to get mush out of hanging bare bulbs in the open area

if you were growing trees, but you get ample light for what you are doing. Could anyone have more, yes, do they need it?


banner is not a bubba cross, it is a strawberry diesel x og kush. That bitch yields...specially banner #3


banner is not a bubba cross, it is a strawberry diesel x og kush. That bitch yields...specially banner #3

Cool I stand corrected, where is this strain out of? Is it a nor/cal,
sol/cal, east coast strain? A buddy told me he tried it once and it was like strawberry quick and pinesol all wrapped into one. But of course fire meds like these rarely ever make it to clubs in my neck of the woods.Ahh well I can live vicariously through adrift


this cut is from colorado. Delta9 is/was? a dispensary/ breeder guy.

He sold cuts like no ones business back in 09.....there is a banner #3 and a banner #5


yea. Banner became a drama mama, when d9 tried to pass one pheno with restrictions and someone let it out.


Active member
hm maybe theres a post limit on that too, i see that on my post but nobody elses...

I saw that you have the a/c unit inside your basement, Ive never seen that before, im guessing its cause its cold where you live most of the year?? I live in a state where it only get below freezing maybe 1 month of the year

also how are you venting the exhaust from it??

hi again!
you might be right, might need 50 post before you can do that aswell!
to answer your question tho

the ac in the basement is pretty common for a sealed grow room.

basically the ac is a split unit , so theres a outside condenser, and a air handler in the room, acts like a normal house ac so there is no need to vent air, the air handler in the room eats the hot air and produces the fresh air that comes in via dif lines....

hope this helps! later