Lots of breeders have behind the scenes works available on special request, and all strains begin with aquiring them from someone else. He never advertised them as they wern't a finished product. That was a long time ago, many people have put the horse before the cart and failed on certain things, I can say that anything publically offered in the past 6-8 years or so has been pretty darn good. I do remember a red project that never panned out. There have been people who reported problems with him over the years but almost every other breeder has bad press put out by unsatisfied customers too. It was their risk for buying the beans in the first place if they were not an advertised strain. I'm just reporting my personal experience of the past decade with him and haven't had a single bad experience but I've never hotly complained about anything to him, I've always been very civil and have been treated the same way.