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Dog training



what do u do about a old senile nieghbor that just stairs at your dogs then complains that they bark at em?lol...wtf?


what do u do about a old senile nieghbor that just stairs at your dogs then complains that they bark at em?lol...wtf?

You mean like my landlord?

He aint got shit to say, he had a blind dog walking around pissing himself all the time, he refused to kill him off. Really sad.
Nobody should keep an old suffering dog from dying. If its suffering, let it go to sleep.

It feels like my grammer is getting worse and worse, maybe should be easy on the smoke when answering posts :tiphat:
On the topic of dogs you guys should watch the documentary on I think WW2 or Vietnam and the dogs that the soldiers had. Very heart warming documenty. Its sad how the Goverment wanted to kill all the war dogs, and the Marines I think stood up for their fellow buddys. You want to talk about dogs that will protect you and save your life. One story was a soldier who died, and his dog stayed and protected the dead body and would not let anyone near it. Not even the medi vac that tried to get the body. There is tons of good info in that doc. They also interviewed soldiers who were saying how out in the brush they would run out of food and they would give there last piece of food to there dog. I think its called War Dogs of the Pacific