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Dog breed bans going toooooo far!


Active member
Big Bud Bear said:
that is like banning black people, because statistically, they commit more crimes then other races

i actually doubt that any particular race "commits" more crimes than another.

...certain races are targeted more than others. i really believe that, and i have seen it.

sort of same with dog breeds.....yeah some breeds are more aggressive, but in the proper hands and with the proper socialization and training the meanest pit or cane can be the most loving pet or even therapy dog.

...just as the nicest golden ret. can be mean and bite....i think that there are actually more emergency room visits from golden ret. bites than pits....and i have NEVER heard of anyone being bit by a great pyrenees....i dont think they would do that even in the wrong hands.
The only breed on that list that freaks me out is the pit bull. Though I find it's always those goddamn tiny rat-dogs that make my hair stand, with their fucking yapping. Their asswipe owners think because it's small it doesn't need a leash. On my job I had this one little shit follow me for a whole block, yapping louder than any "vicious" breed, with the owner doing jack shit while it disrupted the whole neighboorhood. I've never wanted to kill a dog so much in my life :badday: .


Powerful breeds of dog are hard to control for some people, yet they still buy them. This leads to the notion that "pitbulls are crazy and rottys will tear your arm off" But its just neglect and bad teaching by the human.

Why dont they just ban martial artists because they have the potential to harm others, or gun owenrs because they have the potential to shoot someone.

Fuck, most of the authoritarian dictator governments that claim to listen to their people would pass a law against masturbation if they could make money and get the people to go along with it.

The only next step would make a fucking law against breathing.

On the other hand if there is some piece of shit gangster wannabe getting dragged around by his rotty to seem like a badass, i believe that owner should get put to sleep and they should release the dog back into the wild somewhere lol.
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So are laws against personal and private cannabis growing and use, but the constitution is open to interpretation when your a 10th generation white collar polititian with no sense of human dignity or concept of improving the human race.


Rubbing my glands together
Here are a couple of real meanies. English Mastiffs, Outlawed in (Yale, IA) Although you may be drowned by slobbery lickings

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Hey that dog knocked over the bong, take him out to the shed and do him like ole' yeller before the cops do.

How can you tell the general population "YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS OR DO THIS"

Who the fuck ascended you into heaven to rule upon the earths people?

Did you die on a cross and come back to guide us?

Fuck authority.
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Deed not Breed!!

Original article: http://deednotbreed.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=38

Written by Mick Martin
Monday, 15 January 2007

These are personal views and do not represent the views of the BBC in any way

A few years ago while on a research trip at a dog training school in America where at least 6 dogs in a class of twenty were Pit Bulls I came home with a totally different outlook on the breed, the guys were into sports like weight pulling, agility and obedience.

While I was there I also did some training at the local Gun Club, I had been trained as a Police Firearms Officer but there I was able to train and get a better understanding of different types of weapon.

In Britain today we basically have one rule if something bad happens lets ban everything associated with it.

For example something tragic like a Numb-nut going on the rampage with a gun, let’s ban all the responsible Gun Clubs and shooting clubs.

Some d*** heads play at being hard with their dogs so we ban an entire breed.

Banning hand guns certainly made a difference to the gun crime, did it f**k! Police Officers are still being shot and killed. Not I hasten to say by the Olympic small arms club, but by Criminals.

Statement: The Dangerous Dogs Act made a massive difference to Dog Attacks. Did it?

When the law came in I worked it, I had to enforce it, not some politician that wouldn't the arse end of dog from the biting end. I was one of the first members of the Police Dangerous Dogs Team, we would assist in the capture of Dangerous Dogs or offenders using dogs as weapons against the Police, we shot some and captured some but most just went on a lead and were honestly a lot more frightened of us than we were of them. What happened they all got put down, because they were dangerous? Not really, because they had the misfortune to have a F***ing idiot as an owner.

For every irresponsible Labrador, Chihuahua, Collie owner, I will show you a responsible bullbreed owner it’s not the BREED it’s the OWNER.

And Criminals still run puppy farms and they still control dog fights in Manchester Birmingham and London and they still have guns.

Politicians: Those little brainy kids I hated at school, the sort that couldn't kick a ball straight, had no real idea of what was happening around them.

They grew up...... and now we've put them in charge.

They still don't know what's happening around them, not one of them a natural leader, just good at paperwork.


We've got the same shit here in the UK with the dangerous dog act.
Disgusting if you ask me.


Now I own a pit bull, she is just now getting to be about a year old. She is a great dog, loves attention, loves people, not only the ones she knows but she loves absolutely anyone who she meets, she is worthless as a guard dog but that is fine by me as I didn't get her so I would appear to be a bad-ass. I believe full heartedly in the idea of being a responsible owner because someday I hope for the next generation to be allowed to have the dog of their choice and I am disgusted that the actions of the irresponsible owners of today are going to affect the responsible owners of today and any that may want to be responsible owners in the future. I love my dog more than I love most people. This pisses me off more than any other part of the politics now-a-days, pretty much because someone who was placed into a power position and thusly was incorrectly informed about my breed by both the media and the wannabe thugs who perpetuate the stereotype of pits being bred to solely be vicious killers I may have to fight tooth and nail to keep my always dependable and faithful sidekick. I know that if anyone was going try to take my dog from me simply based on THEIR OPINION that pits are bad dogs they would be in for one hell of a fight.



ruger 500
this country is regulating its self into a civil war,the supream court just ruled on the gun ban in ny and in dc ,threw them out said it was wrong,and now they want registration ,like the bad guys gone do that? thats not who there targeting,there after the tax payer,you will be assemilated


Resident pissy old man
Why shouldn't the good Christian moral people of this country ban certain dog breeds? After all, they ban certain human breeds as well. They have decided that pot smoking nogoods like us belong in the same category as baby rapers and armed robbers. We have been banned and will be encarcerated just like those dogs, to protect society. Personally, I wish they would ban the moral right wingers, fat ugly chicks with an attitude and guys who show more than 6" of ass crack. The world be be a better place!!


Active member
Pops said:
Why shouldn't the good Christian moral people of this country ban certain dog breeds? After all, they ban certain human breeds as well. They have decided that pot smoking nogoods like us belong in the same category as baby rapers and armed robbers. We have been banned and will be encarcerated just like those dogs, to protect society. Personally, I wish they would ban the moral right wingers, fat ugly chicks with an attitude and guys who show more than 6" of ass crack. The world be be a better place!!


G. Sensi

NOKUY said:
This is the list of verified breeds we found in the United States
affected by bans or restricted in some way. If you have verifiable
information on any other breeds affected, please let us know.

Dogs currently affected by BSL in the United States

Doberman Pincher (Fairfield, IA) (Sisston, SD), (Westfield, IL),
(Travelers Rest, SC) (Lynnville, TN) (Buffalo Center, IA)
Fuck that Shit!!!! Whoever made that list can lick my Dobes Anus and swallow!

That list has everything except Paris Hilton's Toy Yorkie and Lassie!!!!




Here is my 2cents; The law (or blackwater) do not want to contend with a 100+ pound dog when they come to take away your plant, gun, car, house, or your basic human rights. So they band handguns / rifles with magazines over 10 rounds... no billy clubs, etc.. The law wants you to be defenceless... The law wants to be your protection, and thinks that they can be (for some odd reason). The forces that be, dont want us to be able to 'resist' them what-so-ever. Dogs are know to be "speed bumps"... i.e... if the criminal breaking into your home has a dog sic'ed on them, they have to aim the gun/knife at the dog, while the home owner puts a bullet in the intruders head.. and if you have more than one dog,, it gives you a bit more time to plug that fuck who broke in. the Cops know this, hence the ban. So.........
I have thought about this a bit, and being a animal lover myself I thought i would 'go around this' obstacle. I had to put down my bull mastiff / American bull dog due to my neighbor telling the law that my dog got into the sheep. I have been a little pissy ever since. I took exotic animal classes in school and have only 1 more year of schooling left to get my license. Once i get my license i'm getting a chimpanzee to raise. I will have a few select words for him to learn ("right turn clide"). The person who breaks into my home or tries to fuck with me has another thing coming. My chimp will be raised watching MMA and drinking booze (jking). I will teach him/her to attack intruders with some crazy monkey style kung fu. and so what if my kung fu dummy wears a uniform :cool:... I think that is about the only way to get around this Bullshit ban. Dogs have been mans best friend since man can remember dogs.!. I have given the law the benefit of the doubt by giving up my guns, my security dogs, data encryption, etc... and two years after giving all that up (to ease my stress) I feel 'very alone and vulnerable'. So seriously i'm getting a chimp... or i might look into heavy explosive training.
I wonder if it will ever come to the law coming to large dog breed owners homes and taking the dogs away from them by force? Oh wait didnt they just do that with some 400+ 'children' from a polygamist church in Texas? and if they will do it with HUMANS, why not dogs as well?.. :( complete crap! Anyways i'm on a rant sorry all.. i'm outta here.... peace, be well.



gets some
The End Is Near said:
The only breed on that list that freaks me out is the pit bull. Though I find it's always those goddamn tiny rat-dogs that make my hair stand, with their fucking yapping. Their asswipe owners think because it's small it doesn't need a leash. On my job I had this one little shit follow me for a whole block, yapping louder than any "vicious" breed, with the owner doing jack shit while it disrupted the whole neighboorhood. I've never wanted to kill a dog so much in my life :badday: .

I have a pit mix that's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet. This applies to most pit bulls so we'll have to disagree on that. But the rest? Spot on. The ONLY dogs Ive ever been bitten by in anger (not play fighting) are LITTLE SHITS. Chihuahuas and the like. People that have little dogs generally do NOTHING to train them because they think since they are small, they can't harm anyone. Absolute garbage. Little dogs are the most vicious dogs Ive come across. Growling, teeth-baring, snapping little rats.
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Great Thread!!!!! Idiot politicians......god I hate politicians....they should be banned because not only are they a worthless breed but they are also dangerous to our health!!!!

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
cannabudz said:
Here is my 2cents; The law (or blackwater) do not want to contend with a 100+ pound dog when they come to take away your plant, gun, car, house, or your basic human rights. So they band handguns / rifles with magazines over 10 rounds... no billy clubs, etc.. The law wants you to be defenceless... The law wants to be your protection, and thinks that they can be (for some odd reason). The forces that be, dont want us to be able to 'resist' them what-so-ever. Dogs are know to be "speed bumps"... i.e... if the criminal breaking into your home has a dog sic'ed on them, they have to aim the gun/knife at the dog, while the home owner puts a bullet in the intruders head.. and if you have more than one dog,, it gives you a bit more time to plug that fuck who broke in. the Cops know this, hence the ban. So.........
I have thought about this a bit, and being a animal lover myself I thought i would 'go around this' obstacle. I had to put down my bull mastiff / American bull dog due to my neighbor telling the law that my dog got into the sheep. I have been a little pissy ever since. I took exotic animal classes in school and have only 1 more year of schooling left to get my license. Once i get my license i'm getting a chimpanzee to raise. I will have a few select words for him to learn ("right turn clide"). The person who breaks into my home or tries to fuck with me has another thing coming. My chimp will be raised watching MMA and drinking booze (jking). I will teach him/her to attack intruders with some crazy monkey style kung fu. and so what if my kung fu dummy wears a uniform :cool:... I think that is about the only way to get around this Bullshit ban. Dogs have been mans best friend since man can remember dogs.!. I have given the law the benefit of the doubt by giving up my guns, my security dogs, data encryption, etc... and two years after giving all that up (to ease my stress) I feel 'very alone and vulnerable'. So seriously i'm getting a chimp... or i might look into heavy explosive training.
I wonder if it will ever come to the law coming to large dog breed owners homes and taking the dogs away from them by force? Oh wait didnt they just do that with some 400+ 'children' from a polygamist church in Texas? and if they will do it with HUMANS, why not dogs as well?.. :( complete crap! Anyways i'm on a rant sorry all.. i'm outta here.... peace, be well.

:muahaha: @ the chimp