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Does today's music, television suck, because today's creators smoke indo?


Active member
No it's bad because the entertainment industry tries to spread far left messages in all types of entertainment. Instead of creating art they want to be trendy and show everyone how in tune they are with the message ( socialism, racism, gender bending, transgender, open borders, sexism) etc. Of course the message frequently is a stranger to reality but it's supposedly cool, it's fresh and trendy. The entertainment industry is, full blown, the propaganda voice of the far left. They are producing nothing new and it's all just a rehash of trying to find new ways to send the same message.
It's not interesting, it's not creative and it's not entertaining.


Well-known member
If you can’t find NLD varieties your not looking hard enough.

I have looked for and I have got pure NLD. But in my neck of the woods they are not so easily found. If you rely only in seedsbanks most NLD are not so. Also if you get seeds from a country where they used to grow NLD you will find some, if not most, of them, depending the country and the zone, smell like any Dutch hybrid and the leaves aren't so narrow as they should to be. About the clear cerebral high, it is the first thing a NLD lose when it is hybridized with a BLD.

Since Heavy Metal was replaced by commercial pop and rap/hip hop, yada yada,... music it's not was it used to be. It is something more like an annoying noise.

Entertainment industry is fully capitalist. So I think we cannot blame far left or socialism. It is only NWO!

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
"Gersh dernit, it were butter in the old days"

- Every Aging Generation.

You know how much crap music was made between 1950 and 1990? Pick any time period.

A metric shit ton. Today we can look back and it is easy to only see the cream.

Cream was a very good band, lots of good tracks.
Like their version of "Crossroads"


Well-known member
As someone old enough to have smoked sativas in the 1970s, I agree with a lot of this, especially the sadness of growing broad-leaved hybrids in places like Mexico, Colombia and Thailand. Most of it boils down to the fact that the producers make more money growing Indicas and their short-flowering hybrids. I don't understand why there isn't more stratification/differentiation in the market - if sativas take twice as long to flower they should cost twice as much at the dispensary! I think there's a burgeoning role for niche suppliers of fine sativa cannabis at a premium price.

All that said, I'd bet that the guys who create Rick and Morty smoke sativas!


Well-known member
Cannabis being the most handled plant in human history.
I figure we have been in poly hybrid territory for a long time.
The early 70's cannabis experience was a joy.
Bless the APO !

Kill the TV with joy and passion

Brother Nature

Well-known member
We get lots of S.E. Asian Sativa around here and our local music scene consists of mostly white guys playing in reggae bands, but hey, some of them even win Oscars (and Grammys).

Had an argument with a friend in Cali recently though about NLD's vs. WLD's, he was saying the sativas have no taste and produce shit 'dabs'. I stopped talking to him, rolled up some red beard, and forgot what the fuck I was upset about.


Active member
I don't know how the music industry is linked to sativa but I do know that if you want sativa genetics, ACE is the plACE. they got many great NLD varieties in seed form.
I moved back in with my parents to save cash when I got a job near them and they only consumee media from the forties to the seventies. And some is iconic, most is racist trash. Which leads me to think it's not just this time period that has a hard time making good films, it was back than to.

For instance, go see what the top 5 songs were today during this sixties. Almost certainly the iconic sixties bands that have stood the test of time are watered in with a bunch of corporate trash. Don't pretend this era is the only one with that problem.
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Well-known member
I don't know how the music industry is linked to sativa but I do know that if you want sativa genetics, ACE is the plACE. they got many great NLD varieties in seed form.

Watch by yourself...


Supposedly there was a mistake. But once the seeds were replaced, about 3 years later...


Old Timer Haze 2007

Old Timer Haze 2014


I cannot show more pics because the links are considered spam here https://es.**********.eu/strain-info/Panama/ACE_Seeds/gallery/18091519209412274/

Also some pics are lost from the original server and only appear in google cache.


Active member
I don't think it at all has to do with weed. Anymore than in the 90s LSD come back or heroin made great music.

My music interests have changed. TV and movies are simply hard to enjoy. If anything, I enjoy a lot of the old movies. Old westerns, old black and white movies and such.

Too much of music and media is focused on mood. I'm not looking for a worldly emotional trip. Some sounds that help me forget this world and my troubles, can be most enjoyable.

Nothing to do with politics either. I don't know what today's music is however. The music I listen to is a genre and online only.

I can see that everyone wants to make something out of nothing.


Well-known member
Flower time and lower thc level has a lot to do with the booring indica trend. Its hard for people to wait 2 or 4 weeks extra. So if your sativas take 16 to 26 weeks thats 2 or three 8 to 9 week crops and some even go 6 or 7 weeks and make the shitty indica worse thats when the 30 minute high indicas show up. 3 or 4 crops of early indica for a "head high" lol and you cant charge double or triple especially if your thc is 8 to 15 % even if 25 30% thc sativa you still cant charge double or triple because its so cheap and available. I guess 20 a gram would work instead of 5 to 10 a gramm so hmmm yea it can work! Two crops of 10 a gr or one sativa crop of 16 weeks at 20 a gramm or four crops of 5 a gram or one crop of 27 weeks at 20 a gramm. It evens out until you get greedy and start selling that 5 $gram for 15 or 20 and start frowning on some 16 to 26 week sativa. Everyones mantra.
Is More product more money who cares about high.


Technology is to blame, digitised action scenes in movies, digital manipulated music vocals, digital music, internet hyping up sheight. Corporate domination over it all yada yada...

I need to blow up my internet and tv ffs for real. It’s messing with my head and it won’t be the first or 3rd time even I’ve done it.

Replace it with a transistor radio,some books, musical instruments, cross words, art supplies, and a workshop I’ll be happy as a pig in shit.

If i need something, info or purchase go to town and tether with wifi..

Just woke up need coffee..


Well-known member
Rick and Marty and South Park and always sunny are classics imo
My spun ass has convinced itself the writers of these show get free weekly 10 strips-lol
As for the eternal indica debate, us wannabe creative types are willing to wait 11-16 weeks for the ultra heady shit


ICMag Donor
Reality TV killed it, too.
Still drawn to acoustic, 12 string, great percussion, but you don't hear that w/ rap.


3rd-Eye Jedi
part of it is lifestyle

so many things effect teh receptors that allow us to enjoy the aspects of the plant that effect our mental health and opening doors of perception

I said in the past I can tell many things from what people like to smoke and how they react to certain strains and one simple one is that most people who eat benzos and opiates can't sense certain cerebral aspects of pot especially sativas

I have smoked plenty of potent sativas that did little for benzo and opiate heads who only saw pot as narcotic (makes em tired) or doing nothing

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