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Does technique exist to 'sex seeds'??


I searched and could not find any posts on this topic so sorry if it's been covered already... I am wondering if any growers have discovered a technique to determine to eventual sex of a seed simply by examining physical characteristics of it? I heard many years ago that it was possible..if I remember correctly it had something to do with examining the 'butt' or endpoint of the seed. If the the 'butt' was flat, it meant either a male or female. So, a little while ago, I remembered this and decided to really examine a batch of my seeds carefully to see if I could accurately separate the seeds into two piles...one with flat endpoints, and one where the endpoints have one side higher than the other. I found that for most of the seeds, I could easily separate them, but for about 5-10% of them, it was too hard determine one way or the other....so now I can grow them out, labeling each plant as to which pile it was in and see what the male/female ratio turns out to be. Has anyone else tried a similar technique and what was your results?


And just to be clear, the 'endpoint' as I am defining it is the point which stays connected as a hinge when the seed germinates.


Genetic Resource Management
No, you cannot tell the sex of a seed before it is germinated.

You can however extract the DNA after the cotyledons or first true leaves appear, and run a test called a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for male associated DNA markers- you may need to hire a lab to do this. MADC markers are a series of markers isolated from cannabis and found to appear on the long arm of the Y-chromosome, making them useful for identifying plants with Y-chromsosomes, ie males.

That's your best bet. I'm set up to do PCR in house, so plants can be screened for markers like MADC, or B/T alleles, or any other marker you can pull from the available genomic data, at an extremely early age, avoiding the necessity to grow plants out to full maturity to determine phenotype.... this is essentially a method for determining the genotype of the plant, within just a few days of planting the seed.

Hope that helps,
huh ..

huh ..

now how many times has this come up in the past .. lol .. hey chimera been a long time .. good to see ya ..

ss ..
Germinating and growing seeds take 'Technique'. There's a lot that don't know how to grow from seed. AMAZING. It's like a guy not knowing how to use a wrench. LOL

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
All non-feminized seed's sex is undetermined, and it decides based quality of conditions. using blue light like Metal halide or blue spectrum cfl's, plus a little extra nitrogen, high humidity, and low stress encourage a seed to be female. I read about it and tested it. When I pop seeds they are about 90 percent female with my technique. last time i popped beans i got all females.

If this does not work than I have been constantly lucky with seeds for 12 plus years, and so have the other people that do this. However you still get throw away females sometimes.


Active member
I remember an IMG, describing the traits of a seed and how to tell one cannabis seed from another, male or female. Obviously this is outdated knowledge now LOL Does anyone have a link to that image by chance? It went into detail about all the traits of a seed and what they meant, back then anyways.

Thank you in advance if you have this!


Well-known member
I've always heard this from older hippies and just laughed them off.. Science and all that u know, but I'm curious as all hell! Is it just superstition or is it not, what will the experiment show? I can't wait to find out.

Please keep us updated...


Found this: Supposed to use a 30x scope and look at seeds


  • Identifying Female Cannabis Seeds.jpg
    Identifying Female Cannabis Seeds.jpg
    80.5 KB · Views: 24

lost in a sea

yeah there might just be something to that watts!

i have noticed that numerous times but never thought it could be linked traits..

thanks for sharing k+


3rd-Eye Jedi
one of the things i read many many years ago was were the root emerged from the seed

if it emerged from the endpoint it was most likely female if it emerged from the margin between endpoint an it would be male

i never tested it myself
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cant re Member
i guess so. the thing is the seed or species has evolved to germinate the most fool proof way to ensure germination etc. so i dont think a male or female would sprout differently.

there might be some truth in the ones which germinate first..


I'm definitely going to test for this myself in future, there's no reason not to; it's easy to do and takes only a few seconds. Just label the pot with the prediction and see how often it's right.

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