what is more dangerous than belief is ignorance
the chakras all correlate to different glands in our glandular system and ultimately chakra alignment is about optimal endocrine system performance
I can only imagine the limits of some people's minds that they lack the ability to translate and map the perceived spirutual world to our physical reality because in the end that is what theses phenomenon simply are
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Your argument is not supported by any factual information or proof. It’s just based on blind belief. It’s not lack of ability that scientist and skeptics have. It’s lack of gullibility. Keep spending your money on crystals though. Donate some money to Joel Osteen while your at it.
The founder of modern spirit science is a rapist piece of shit. Just like the majority of other cult founders.
The day that anyone can give me a definition for the word 'spiritual' that makes any sense whatsoever is the day I'll think this thread isn't dripping with horseshit.
I cannot believe there are so many scientifically illiterate people in the world. This entire thread makes me sad for the cannabis community, what a load of bollocks.
The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various connotations can be found alongside each other.[10][11][12][note 1] The term "spirituality" originally developed within early Christianity, referring to a life oriented toward the Holy Spirit.[13] During late medieval times the meaning broadened to include mental aspects of life, while in modern times the term both spread to other religious traditions[14] and broadened to refer to a wider range of experience, including a range of esoteric traditions.
The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various connotations can be found alongside each other.[10][11][12][note 1] The term "spirituality" originally developed within early Christianity, referring to a life oriented toward the Holy Spirit.[13] During late medieval times the meaning broadened to include mental aspects of life, while in modern times the term both spread to other religious traditions[14] and broadened to refer to a wider range of experience, including a range of esoteric traditions.
Yeah except this has nothing to do with spirit science AT ALL
Our reality is such all the supernatural phenomenon are natural phenomenon that aren't understood from a traditional scientific lens at this time.
It doesn't ever get more complex then that, EVER.
the point of my post is that there are reasonable scientific parallels that anyone who cares to use their mind outside the imprint biased by their own society/culture/lifestyle.
Your so married to the conclusion that what science has told you is right that you are convinced everything else is wrong.
The lack of critical thinking on this forum and the allowance and the cause and effect thereof is karma we all must suffer.
All that is required to unite dissimilar human perspectives is a desire to, and all that is required to cause disdain is a desire to ostracize those perceptions that you don't understand.
What is the *meaning* of the word spiritual? Can you give me a definition that isn't vague nonsense?
Non-materialistic is a spiritual... growers that grow weed with chems and whithouth
understanding a basic plant needs while in same time poluting Earth with their chemical
BS are materialists... and they are anti-spiritual in their actions as they dont think for those that coming..
Spiritualism is actually consciossness of some being.. it includes knowledge and responsibility to be spiritual,dont hurt Earth and enjoy in best meds cause spiritual ganja is only a organic weed created with love and knowledge to get those nice terps
that are created by micro bennie World..
Hope you get now what is spiritualism..
The "science" of Kundalini Yoga has been investigated, refined and practiced for about 3,000 years, and is about balancing the chakras. Got a friend who's practiced it for years and the experiences she has blow my mind. So trippy they sound psychedelic. I really need to put my inner sloth aside and explore.
Investigated, yes. Proven with the scientific theory and peer reviewed, no.
Technically I’m agnostic, but I was raised jewish. Judaism is almost 6000 years old. It has been investigated. Do I think Moses actually parted the Red Sea. Fuck no. Lol
Do some dmt. That will blow your mind.
Now I’m waiting for somebody to tell me they burn Jesus candles and pray in their grow room so that’s why they have good buds, because god is watching over their plants.