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Does anyone remember their first high?

..and yeah to this day you cant smoke a cigarette anywhere near me...(im actually very allergic to cig smoke)
Well thats a reason to ask someone to stop smoking and I don't like cigarette smoke either, but I don't try and whop someones ass for smoking around me. I witnessed straightedge kids who would beat peoples asses for drinking a beer at a show or doing drugs. I'm not letting some goon with x's on his hands who thinks he's better than everyone get away with something like that, neither would my friends. its fine if you don't do those things for your own reasons, but i hate kids who go around enforcing straightedge likes it a ****ing gang. otherwise we didn't have a problem with anyone else.
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I think 11 is kind of young but I remeber being around 16 so my brain and body were developing further. I can remeber though . It was on my second time that it actually worked.
first time I smoked weed and got HIGH I ditched school I was in 9th grade and I went to this abandoned house right next to th B.A.R.T station....I smoked 2 different bags of weed out of a socket....all of a sudden PANIC ATTACK...I told everyone that were talking to SHUT UP!!....just SHUT UP!!....they kept smoking at me looking at how strange and weird I was acting....then I was like I have to go...so I left with my best friend still till this day been friends for about 15 years.....he walked me home, as we were walking I asked him...am I standing straight up?....and I just lifted my head up....I kept asking him is my head up?....and I would just lift my head up....we both luled about it and walked home....when I got home...I practically ate everything in the fridge and passed out....after that my parents have been having there suspicions
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Active member
George Hayduke said:
Well thats a reason to ask someone to stop smoking and I don't like cigarette smoke either, but I don't try and whop someones ass for smoking around me. I witnessed straightedge kids who would beat peoples asses for drinking a beer at a show or doing drugs. I'm not letting some goon with x's on his hands who thinks he's better than everyone get away with something like that, neither would my friends. its fine if you don't do those things for your own reasons, but i hate kids who go around enforcing straightedge likes it a ****ing gang. otherwise we didn't have a problem with anyone else.

GH I know the exact peeps you speak of, and I dont endorse that.

I was str8 edge for myself and for own reasons.

...now I'm a fukin stoner...and for a spell was a drunk.

in defense of the str8 edge scene tho....there are shows/places where any of that isnt tolerated....the tru militant str8 edge peeps dont want any exposure to it at all, and they have to have their place/scene.

kind of like not bringing a 40oz to church on sunday morning.

I never said I condoned an ass whoopin over a cig or beer, but I def had my years where I wanted nuthin to do w/ anything.
ah i wasn't attacking you man or saying you were i was just sharing a story since you mentioned you were straightedge. like i said i have straightedge friends who do it for themselves and i got no problem with that. they don't tell me how to live and i won't tell them how to live. just like it is with anything else with me. ain't no one tellin' me how to live ya know??

the kids we would fight wore shirts like "kill your local drug dealer" and shit like that.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I was 12 years old, Pete a senior in HS asked the three of us 7th graders if we wanted to get high, Bill took off running as if he'd seen a ghost while Jim & I jumped at the chance to smoke some weed. It was Panama Red, thumb sized nuggs, an immediate high for us that first session. I won't ever forget that trippy feeling, going home to listen to some records, it was such a new experience.......


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
remember it like it was yesterday, although i wish i could put this under my original " nomdeplume" ill go ahead anyway,

i must have been like 19or 20 , KD! my boy!! jamaican cat, had an apartment in a really deadly (like i said deadly, not shitty) part of the bronx. found out he had super ninjas and a sleuth of other kungfu movies i loved and had not added to my collection yet. went over with a couple 40oz. (god this was so long ago, i haven't touched a 40 in ions!! lol) and all he had in the fridge was steak. he found out that i really hadn't smoked before but had no aversion to it, so he went, got every thing and rolled. i puffed a good half of the blunt and nothing, as were watching the movie, hes backed and i turn to him to tell him i don't feel anything, and we haven't even started drinking yet. so, bumbed out, i went back home try8ing to figure out what went wrong. now back then i wasn't asking for it but never minded it around me so i never had any of my own. . . .


. . . in the parking lot of the college i was going to , this kid from my class asks me if i smoke, i take a chance and say every once in a blue. that was obviously the end of that. he pulls out the backpack,takes out a nice sized nugget of this bud called MURDER. i pass him the 10 bones and we part ways happy people.

now i get back to my spot and i had a small vodka bottle 4" pipe. look at it, look at the bud and decide a regular pipe wont do this justice. i had an empty snapple bottle (remember the ones that had really sleak design to them? kinda like a womans frame?), so i decide to take a trip down to WEST 4th, buy a male and female slide set for like $15 bucks. pull out the old drill and go to town, couple minutes later i have a perfectly functioning bong for less than $20 bucks!. . . first hit, i was chinky/red eyed, second hit i was high as hell!!! and this was a lil less than half the nug!! (but then again i was a light weight i admit). now the munchies set in, gotta get to the store. i smelled that weed on me from the time i left my door to the time i got back home!!! some of the best shit i ever smoked and i have been asking/looking around for it ever since! it honestly is my white whale strain. :rasta:
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Smoked some weed with friends from pipe when I was 13. Funny and wierd time, yeah. Still I think it was too soon for a kid that young. Of course I liked it and started to smoke pretty frequently.

chubbynugs, were you smoking often since your early first time at age 11? If so, how do you feel? I mean your mental condition?


Registered Pothead
Yeah i have been puffin pretty hard since eleven. My mental condition seems pretty balanced but i notice when i dont smoke i become very agitated and anxious. I think since i started so young it might have made me more of a heavy smoker today. I have to smoke a lot to get high these days around a quarter and an eighth a day. I always was the guy who would still be awake smoking the bong after the party was done and everyone was passed out.
my first time was when i was 16, i had just gotten my first car so everybody would pile in it after school and we'd go look for something to do. One of them was really into making bongs and he made this huge one out of a alien shaped 2 ft water bottle. Don't know how he got into making bongs since we hadn't been smoking herb before that, but I guess once ya have the equipment then the herb just kinda falls in place. I ended up getting a $15 gram and we blazed it up between 4 of us in one sitting. There was no doubt whether I was high or not, i knew instantly that it was the most comfortable headspace i'd ever been in. And then we grubbed out on everything in the kitchen and couldn't come back for 3 months.. good times.

Anyway i quit smoking in high school. my school was pretty strict and my parents would've killed me if i got caught. College on the other hand.... :rasta:

Storm Crow

Active member
I was 19, it was at a Halloween party at Richard Ford's house (Bless you, sir!). I had been to a couple of other "pot parties" but only observed, I passed joints on without toking. Several joints were being passed in both directions. All of a sudden, there I was with two joints in my hands. I inhaled from both. About a year later I realized that as long as I was toking, I didn't have the migraines that had plagued me since I was 3 years old. That was over 40 years ago. Today, I am a "legal" California MMJ user. - Granny


sunshine in a bag
Man am I the only young person who has a fuzzy idea about the EXACT age they were when they started?

I remember the place, the people and the method... but I don't know for sure if I was 12 or 13. It was my first (yes, first) year of 8th grade and the people I hung out with were your typical stoners later in life. I had a rather fat friend named Joe who lived basically a 3 min walk away, if that. If there wasn't another couple rows of houses and trees in between my house and his I could easily see him if we were both standing on our front steps. We also lived within walking distance to school, seriously a 5 minute walk from my house. So I'd always walk home with Joe and go to his house to hang out, he was an only child and his mom got home way later than mine so his house was a "safe haven" for a pretty good amount of time so we could do the stupid shit we did. Like cooking stupid shit we found in the kitchen or whatever our bored minds could fathom that would probably land Joe in some serious shit if his parents were around. I remember that when we hung out on his back deck he would smoke cigarettes and I always declined. My mom smokes and I hate it, so I wanted nothing to do with it. I think the way it occurred was he was sitting on this exercise bike his mom had on the back deck and he was smoking as per usual. However it wasn't a cigarette, it was a very shittily rolled joint. I doubt it was actually rolling papers, probably spliced cigarette papers or something. I don't know. Anyways, he asked me if I wanted to smoke like he usually does. Sort of jokingly trying to peer pressure me into it. He tells me its weed and my perspective changes, this might be something I want to try. I'm a little nervous and I've never done drugs before and after all the anti-drug propaganda I've seen I don't know if I should. Joe gets the best of me in the end and we puff on the turd joint until it dies and dispose of the evidence. I didn't quite feel too high but I'm pretty sure I was buzzing something good.
It wasn't too bad and it felt like something I would want to do more of.

I remember the first time I got STONED it was in the woods near my neighborhood, where a neighbor or maybe some other kids had drug a sectional couch into a cleared out section in the woods. You couldn't quite see us from the road or back yards but if you came in just a little bit you could definitely hear us, but it was otherwise "safe".

It was a very surreal environment. The "veteran" smoker amongst us was this kid named Nick who I met at school. He had this grandfather style pipe that I hadn't smoked before. He also had a little bubbler that now that I think of it I don't know if it was home made or not. Long story short, it was one of the happiest moments of my life.
first time was awesome...I was 15, hanging out with the older friends maybe 19...they snuck me into a strip club and we blazed some purple....beautiful high...I wouldn't start really smoking for another 8 months...


I would definitely have to say that Weed was my first love. Luckily my wife is understanding.


old skool thread surfin and saw the title, worth a peak, need more stories to make it aok.

sorry dear...

joke: my mom smoked weed so I had a womb with a high view.
was always to wet in there also... LOL


Active member
first time i smoked i dont even think we got high, there was like 7 of us dumb little guys splitting a measly ten sack, then we smoked it out of a can, what a bunch of little retards we were.

the first real time i got high was in golden gate park, san francisco, smokin with 3 of my close buddies, we cheifed a whole dubsack to our faces inside the park, and then we walked around high as hell laughing for a few hours, i remember feeling like i was walking on pillows. i wish i could still get that high.


well my first time was with two of my good friends who i swim with (practically family) sooo
. .we were driving with my friends brother and his friend they rolled a blunt and hit the backroads and lit it up . .i wasnt sure about smoking so i passed on hitting it but . . later that night my friend was trying to find a dealer that had some but most everyone was dry so he called this one girl with his friends approval cause he didnt know the dealer so we picked here up in some sketchy neighborhood she got in we drove her somewhere and made the exchange for 2g of yellow nuggets for 40 . .picked my friends bro from a party and went to roll another blunt. .went to a gas station my friend says to his bro "ill just go steal a blunt"(cause we wasnt over 18, and his brother is) and his bro says " are you stupid" his brother gets it rolls it we head to a county park to light it up with two of my friends friends and we put the blunt into rotation and i hit it twice before we see HEADLIGHTS GO ON IN THE FIELD NEXT TO USSS and get it its a park my friends bro is a ranger at ..so we hit the cars fast and my tounge feels like its rolling my friend says "drive fast but safe bro" hahaha i start cracking up but then get scared cause i see headlights close behind . . and we eventually got away so that was a pretty scary first time hahah


Active member
The year was 1972. I was 11. I was in our family living room. Everyone got stoned in our family. A doob was being passed around. My older sis decided it would be cute if I got high. So, I did. Sat there the next 15 minutes drinking cherry koolaid. Sis laughed her ass off. My head was hazy and I was confused. The End.

~Abbie :joint:


sunshine in a bag
i was with my friend joe. joe smoked cigarettes and always tried to persuade me to share his habit. i would decline, health reasons. he'd shrug and puff away. we'd sit on his back deck and flap our jibs, talking about bullshit. girls, mostly. even though i liked boys, we'd talk about the girls he lied about fucking.

being 12, we did shit 12 year olds did while we dreamt about graduating into teenager status. we rode our bikes around, we lit shit on fire, we fucked up a lot.

sitting on a busted up exercise bike, joe was puffing away on a handrolled cigarette. he had more energy in his trademark smirk. i knew what was coming. he didn't preface it with any bullshit. he just straight up asked me, as straight as always: "you want a hit?" no, i'd say. no thanks. health reasons. "no", he said. it's not tobacco, as he explained, instead it was weed. i'd heard about it of course. i knew what weed was. it never occured to me that it was entirely possible for me to try it, so i never gave it much more than a fleeting consideration.

i didn't hesitate. i probably acted a little more courageous than i ever had been. sure, i said. so, just like a normal cigarette? i immediately wondered why i had asked, considering i never smoked. sure, he said. just like a cig. i puffed, not really inhaling. i blew out the smoke i had in my mouth in cloudy blue plumes. i thought i did well, joe probably didn't hit the shit right either.

we traded like that a few more times before the joint was just a weak roach. he flicked it into a neglected garden and picked up a freshly rolled joint that had been waiting patiently on the wooden rail. brilliant! i didn't know if i was high. i didn't have anything to compare to being sober, so i figured i must be high. i probably forced a giggle, and i felt silly and it embarrassed me. i just wanted to keep smoking.

he lit the second joint and this time i really put my best foot forward. i attacked it with as much energy as my mouth could manage. i breathed in deeply, like i was trying to get a lung full of air to practice holding my breath. this time it burned the membranes of my throat, my lungs felt fiery, and i blew the smoke out, coughing. my eyes watered and i didn't like it. i thought, wow. joe chuckled and said something about that "being it". the joint didn't last as long, and joe let me finish it. each time i took as deep a hit as i could manage. he told me to hold it in as long as i could. back then, i figured it was sound enough advice, joe having seniority in the matter.

i started to notice some subtle changes. my mouth was very dry, and even though i had drank water, i still made slick clicking noises when i talked, because my saliva was turning into something more foam than water. my body felt different, and i felt like if i laid down in the grass i'd feel weightless. i liked that. my brain felt like it was buzzing, and i felt like i could FEEL my brain. it was strange. we went inside and watched Iron Chef, and i grabbed a bowl of freezer burnt cosmopolitan ice cream on joe's good wishes, under the condition i also fetch him a bowl.

i ate the ice cream, which still did not taste good, and watched the television. i sat in a recliner and began to worry about going home. it didn't occur to me that my mother would be home shortly. everyday the routine was meet-up at the corner of my street, and joe's street. we'd walk the 2-3 minute walk to the school down the road, and after our classes together we would walk home and hang out at his house, and i would leave and be home before my mother arrived. i didn't know how long i would be high, and i assumed it might be all night. i panicked a little, and asked if i could spend the night. my plan was to call my mom, and tell her i was staying over. joe wasn't cool with that, he wanted to go beat-off before his mom got home. i thought it was gross he told me that, but still respected his domain and i got a headstart on getting home.

it was overcast and dreary. the sky was grey and didn't change color as far as i could see, only faint lines textured the sky revealing that it was more than just empty space. the wind blew and made a marvelous noise. it was strong, but it wasn't a biting, nipping wind. it felt good on my face and blew my hair and clothes back. i felt strong, not being blown back too. i rounded my corner and hoped i wouldn't see my moms car. i did. she'd gotten home early, or i had lost track of time. i noticed my heart beating very quickly and wondered if she'd notice i was different.

i walked in the door and saw my moms boyfriend watching television. "hey, cory!" i said hey, nothing out of the ordinary. he returned to watching television and cleaning a keyboard on the coffee table. my mom was in the kitchen, making jell-o pudding or something. i told her, briefly, i had just gotten back from joes. she said she figured, and that if i didnt' clean my room or at least pick up my laundry, she was going to spit in my jell-o. i laughed, and so did she. she said, no really hon, please do something with your side of the room. (i had shared a room with my younger brother. a few years ago i traded having my own bedroom for a gigantic box of legos with my other brother. bad deal in hindsight. oh well.) i said ok, and went into my room. i undressed to my shorts, laid in bed and got under the covers. i felt good, but not really crazy. i calmed down and a let a smile pass over my face for a few seconds. i listened to a favorite CD, turned over on my side, and took a nap.

later that night, i had some jell-o pudding, and it was good.


Yes! I was 10. I went to Sara's house where she lived with her boyfriend, a struggling actor. She asked me if I wanted to smoke a roach. Well, I had never heard of that before. She showed me an ashtray with shake or summat and then explained the rolling procedure.
We went to see a great movie with Warren Beatty after I learned how to inhale.
Whereever you are S, thank-you!!!!

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