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does anyone NOT do catch and release anymore?

St. Phatty

Active member
i pretty much hunt and fish for everything and will eat just about anything...

ever had Haggis ? (sheep lungs I think)

I butchered a cow about 3 years ago in my driveway.

The lungs are BIG - but after death they sort of shrink, leaving space in the chest cavity.

I tried not to spend too much time looking at it, just kept cutting and dropping pieces of meat in 5 gallon buckets.

I never thought of eating the lungs.


if it smells like fish
I caught and released over 25 saltwater bay bass yesterday...they fight good and are pretty ..I have never kept one ever...yeehaw..I did keep a few bigass jacksmelt I caught for bait..i will strip them and then onto salt for 4 days before getting frozen....

Wendull C.

Active member
First deer I shot by myself. Was 18 or so. Got it boned out packed to camp.

The old guys looked through my pack, asked,where the heart and liver were? I said on the mountain with the rest of the guts.

Wrong answer. That was a long hike in the black Colorado night to get that liver and heart. Whole damn time hopin a coyote got em.

Ever have liver for breakfast?

Space Toker

Active member
oh hell a thread of mine that went to 4 pages instead of like 4 nasty posts and 200 views?! Nice!!! I have to review, for now thanks and I hope to get all kinds of veggies and game in the freezer this year for sure!


Well-known member
Used to run trot lines for redfish off Port Mansfield as a kid.

Times sure have changed.
try this site.
Next time your bros friends gives you the stink eye ask him where the hell he thinks food comes from.
The European eel is a critically endangered species.[1] Since the 1970s, the numbers of eels reaching Europe is thought to have declined by around 90% (possibly even 98%). Had that conversation last week, about eating eels, wich she thought was TOTALLY FINE because she always ate eel and her eating eel has no effect of its population, at all.. there just wasnt any logic behind it, and she got mad when i asked if she ate white rhino beef or dodo egg salad Eel is a great example as its eating a lot, could be "artifically" grown and ive seen populations disappear myself over the last 10 years, when you live next to a large body of water and see them die off, you stop eating them WHY DOES IT BECOME ONE WALL OF TEXT WTF


Active member
Here is a limit of bluegill and crappie. Bluegill were mostly 9 to 10 inch with the large one at 10 1/2. The crappie were 10 to 13 1/2 inch that we kept. We released two larger crappie as they were too big for table fare. The large one we let go was 15 1/2 which is large for Michigan.




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That up there is some of the finest eating! Lightly cover filets in yellow mustard and shake in a bag of flour and a little cornmeal.

Space Toker

Active member
OH I love fishing wish I could do more! Living off the land is a noble thing something I hope I can do at least somewhat! Yes vulnerable populations must be protected species must be saved! I do love fishing! There can be a balance we must achieve that!

Space Toker

Active member
OH geez bluegill "civvers" where pest fish,just thrown back,later wished we kept them for fertilizer as they seemed to limit more "desirable" fish. Anyway have not done fishing for a while would love to get back to that and do what I should

Green Squall

Well-known member
I've released dozens of stripers this season, as the majority were not the legal 28 inches. I need to get my ass a boat!

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