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Dodo's Organic Grow


clone and flower updates - end of week 4 - 12/12

clone and flower updates - end of week 4 - 12/12

quick one, i know i get long winded sometimes =(

end of week 4 update, running a little late here... should have week 5 tomorrow.

flowers are looking awesome... not quite as much weight yet as with the last chem run...yet(maybe), but the resin production seems to have started earlier with the organic. i'd say a sweeter smell too... I moved up to 1.5 Tbsp of molasses/G. now once every week. pretty happy with what i've been seeing.. can't wait to try'em

-dodo :joint:


seedling shoulndt be hngry at that stage, what is the ph of your water?? they should get all they need from the soil?? or are you soiless? sorry if i missed tht info..:)


clone and flower updates - end of week 5 - 12/12

clone and flower updates - end of week 5 - 12/12

Lookin great.

Love the box...can't wait to see how things go.

FlaDankster :wave: hows it going? thanks for stopping by. i'll post some better pics of the construction when i harvest.

seedling shoulndt be hngry at that stage, what is the ph of your water?? they should get all they need from the soil?? or are you soiless? sorry if i missed tht info..:)

hey Rusty, no worries. i believe things are lookin' up tho! ya, i have the same caution about giving nutes so soon too. although, i've seen some decent growers here give 1/2 strength nutes around the same growth stage, so i figured i'd try a little sunthin' sunthin' and things are lookn' good.

my RO water has a pH of 5.5. i think that's probably a bit low for soil, but it may technically be "soiless" since it's coco based. Then again some of the hype of growing organic is that you don't have to pH your water. the critters should be doing that for me, and so far it has worked out well in my flower room. here is the mix i used:

LC’s Soiless Mix #1:
5 parts Coco Coir
3 parts perlite (small, it's all i have)
2 parts wormcastings
Powdered (NOT PELLETIZED) dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix. Sunleaves Soil Sweetener - pulverized dolomitic limestone

the clones and seelings are starting to rebound, getting a nice green color back in'em. i've been giving them water once, maybe twice a day. I'll see how much they green up over the next week or so and decide where to go from there. nice to actually see a difference in growth day to day now.

here are a few more pics of the flowers; end of week 5. noticing things are starting to fatten up a bit more now. i'll probably start to give them 2Tbsp of molasses/1G of water this coming week. i may bump that up to 2 gallons, but i'll wait and see.

life is good,
-dodo :joint:


clone and flower updates - end of week 6 - 12/12

clone and flower updates - end of week 6 - 12/12

running about a week behind with the updates =(

here are some pics from last week. end of week 6 of flower:

things are looking good to me. very comparable bud size to my previous chem grow. Maaaaaybe a tad smaller. while the strain isn't really frosty, it appeared to develop the trichomes earlier and the buds smell a bit more sweet. i really dig just giving them water and some molasses treats every once a week. so simple!

I have decided to recycle this batch of soil and have just started a new batch of soil for the next run. been doing some reading on the forums and will post my method once i have decided what i'm going to do.

if you've been following you know i've been having issues with my clones and seedlings. although they look 100x better today than when these pics were taken, that's because i decided to use a multi-purpose fertilizer until i get a better handle on organics. for a while i was just making a high N guano tea and feeding it to the little ones. it worked good for a bit then they started looking like they do below.

anyway, i decided to go with PBP Grow until i can get them planted in the bed. While i don't think PBP is 100% organic it's gonna have to do for now and i'm hoping that it's way less chemmie than say GH. my goal is to eventually pull away from using PBP all together, but the show must go on.

stay tuned for this weeks end of week 7 pics... hopefully posted this week =)

-dodo :joint:




personally, some of what i see here looks like Ca/Mg def even some nitrogen. so a few days ago i fed them some epsom salts at around 1/2 Tbsp/G. There is dolomite lime in the soil, but my thinking was that because the cups are so small. when i water, it may be washing the lime away?. not sure how much sense there is to this, but thought it was a good place to start.

-dodo :joint:

i believe i miss-spoke here. i don't believe that epsom salts provides Ca/Mg, but rather Mg and some sulfur. i have stopped using epsom salts as i don't think i should have used it in the first place. in the future all i plan to use is the dolo-lime, but give it enough time in the soil to do it's thang before putting a plant in it.

-dodo :joint:


lookin' better

lookin' better

Beautiful ladies you have there bro! :canabis:

hey Sirus :wave: thanks for stopping by. glad you like what you see. hopefully we'll get the wreck-D going for the next round... really hope i have not stressed them too much and end up with 7 more males!

Finally got a chance to take some pics of the young ones yesterday:

As compared to the pics i posted yesterday i think it's a great improvement over the last week. I'm going to keep using the PBP Grow until i get them transplanted. Hopefully the run after these i'll have the organic soil dialed in and won't need the PBP at all.

still working on the flower pics for this week. i'll have those posed later.

-dodo :joint: