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Do Your Critters Like to Get High?

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I agree, one should never Force an animal to do anything. However, if they come up and beg for it, I say let em eat some or whatever. My cat loves to crop leaves every chance he gets.

h^2 O

how come people say "punch in the face"? Is there any other way? Say "tune him" or "jacked up"...sounds tougher


had a ferret that would sniff out my weed every time!! it would burrow through my stashes when i wasnt looking and would eat up! he would then go pass out in his hammock after eating. this is not animal abuse, this is nature.

and please pleaseeeee show me a report where a mammal has died from mj. lol.


haha that ferret story sounds typical. It seems Mammals like to get high and then eat and sleep.

I saw some monkeys on TV once that loved alchol and terrorized a beach to get drunk. Nobody wanted them to get their drinks, but the monkeys wanted the drinks bad.

haha drunk wild monkeys on an island...


how do you know that the animal knows that the consumption of the plant is what causes the psychadelic effect. Maybe the like the smell and taste of it but not the effect. Chocolate comes from a plant and is harmful to dogs, what is your point. I guess maybe a small dose i'm not opposed to if it is for medical reasons, but my dog has stolen edibles before too, and ever since then i have felt it is NOT OKAY to get animals high. Not their choice either. like forcing a todler to get high IMHO. Some people dont like the effects of smoking weed, makes em paranoid and freaks out, maybe some dogs are the same way. Sounds like it might be the case. I'm generally against it, and have never heard of any animals liking it or trying to get high, unless it was from some dumb movie. Birds you arent supposed to blow smoke at, because they hold their breath in some sort of bladder as it makes them more bouyant for flight. Just incase anyone out there is doing that. But ya, i'm against it. On a totally seperate note, I also hate when people on this website try to justify things they have done so that they dont feel bad about it after they realize they are wrong. Not saying that is going on here, but i do see it quite regularly and I think it is whack. Also, i wish people would keep in mind that we are representing weed users to the rest of the world who might stumble upon this website, we dont want them to view us as heathens or fiends. Bad for the cause. I'm gunna go over to the complaint thread now, because it seems like thats all i'm doing here...

PS, i love weed and think its natural and all that too, but it doesnt mean it should be given to dogs and babies against their will. Again, not directed at anyone.


how do you know that the animal knows that the consumption of the plant is what causes the psychadelic effect. Maybe the like the smell and taste of it but not the effect. Chocolate comes from a plant and is harmful to dogs, what is your point. I guess maybe a small dose i'm not opposed to if it is for medical reasons, but my dog has stolen edibles before too, and ever since then i have felt it is NOT OKAY to get animals high. Not their choice either. like forcing a todler to get high IMHO. Some people dont like the effects of smoking weed, makes em paranoid and freaks out, maybe some dogs are the same way. Sounds like it might be the case. I'm generally against it, and have never heard of any animals liking it or trying to get high, unless it was from some dumb movie. Birds you arent supposed to blow smoke at, because they hold their breath in some sort of bladder as it makes them more bouyant for flight. Just incase anyone out there is doing that. But ya, i'm against it. On a totally seperate note, I also hate when people on this website try to justify things they have done so that they dont feel bad about it after they realize they are wrong. Not saying that is going on here, but i do see it quite regularly and I think it is whack. Also, i wish people would keep in mind that we are representing weed users to the rest of the world who might stumble upon this website, we dont want them to view us as heathens or fiends. Bad for the cause. I'm gunna go over to the complaint thread now, because it seems like thats all i'm doing here...

PS, i love weed and think its natural and all that too, but it doesnt mean it should be given to dogs and babies against their will. Again, not directed at anyone.

you do have many valid points, but you have to remember these are domesticated animals. they used to eat many different plants, in the wild, and I for one trust their instinct that they have been given from their ancestors. I remember when i first started to smoke weed, i experienced way better digestion, which i could see them using it for that. or pain, or upset stomaches.

here are classic examples of animals self medicating....there are many many more than this.




It is wrong to force kittens into shut outs and smoke them out.

Now kitten juggling, that's tons of fun! (i'm just joking.. just joking....)

My dog hates smoke, but my cat comes up when I am smoking and snorts up the exhales if he can! He will get right in your face and close his eyes before I start to exhale, standing on my chest. I don't force animals to do anything. My cat loves to eat leaves.

The evidence seems to support that some animals like weed, and some don't. Some hunt it down.

Try not giving a steer a hit that weighs 1000 lbs. I tried to bogart that joint, but that damn steer was determined to get a turn and would push us backwards across the lot if we did not share.. Since he outweighed me by 910 pounds...I shared... :biglaugh:


you do have many valid points, but you have to remember these are domesticated animals. they used to eat many different plants, in the wild, and I for one trust their instinct that they have been given from their ancestors. I remember when i first started to smoke weed, i experienced way better digestion, which i could see them using it for that. or pain, or upset stomaches.

here are classic examples of animals self medicating....there are many many more than this.



I respect your argument as well, and think that your theory is quite plausible, but here is where the hole is. Being that they are domesticated animals, they are no longer subject to the theory of natural selection. So maybe once there was a time when some animals instinctually knew which plants are poisons, but that does not matter because dogs or all domesticated animals, are now bred and engineered for qualities other than survival... that is where it sort of looses traction. They could have lost those instincts because it is no longer "survival of the fittest/smartest" My dog still has animal instincts, dont get me wrong, but I think you see my point. Domesticated animals may have lost some of their instinctual behaviors because they no longer help them survive. We give em food now, we give em medicine now. They dont have to know how to find there own. BTW, i saw on discovery or something once about these reindeer that ate psychedelic mushrooms.

haha, also, i didn't mean domesticated animals dont have ANY instincts or whatever, so what are we even debating?

also, my dog would eat poison if i acted like it was food or if it smelled/tasted good to her. Dogs die from licking puddles of anti-freeze all the time because it has a sweet sugary taste. ( i realize anti-freeze is not a plant, and i think your argument specified that it was a plant, natural to their ancestors environment in most cases.)

^^^Point being that just because your pet might ingest it voluntarily, or even seem to seek it, does not mean that they like the effect or that it is good for them or natural for them to seek it or anything like that.


Active member
My cat loves weed leaves!!!!! she smells around and chooses her favorite then mows down.... she prefers the tips.... and she really really loves them... shes 10 years old this year.

First she cries a little

Then she gets what she wants

Then its bed time

Also did u guys know lemurs get high in the wild... its insane how they do it



My cat is 15 and cries at the grow room door.... Meow! Meow! Which is cat for "Let me in to eat your fan leaves". If I don't let him in he gets mad and will come bite me until I relent.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I've never had a cat that likes pot. They'd always leave the room, probably didn't like the smoke. My dog, on the other hand... there has been more than one occasion where I've camped on a bowl until he nudged my hand, to remind me it was my hit. You see, I blow em his way, and he was quite ready to wake'n'bake.

Not only does he smoke... he drinks. His first drink was a spilled beer which was consumed while I ran to get a towel. I'd call that free will. He's also been witnessed climbing onto the table (a feat for a dachsund-mix) and knocking over beer bottles so that he could drink them.

Killerdemo, I don't think he'd appreciate you telling him which indulgences are allowed anymore than you appreciate the government doing the same for you.

Who says chocolate is poison for dogs? Munch is small and twice has stolen bars of hersheys chocolate from us and eaten them down...once almost a half pound!! We were worried because we heard that also but the only result was a bit of constipation and hard poop for munch for a couple of days. but perhaps SOME few breeds have an issue with chocolate. Come to think of it, I have given chocolate to a lot of dogs and never had an issue. After hearing it was bad I worried, but I don't think its a big deal in reality.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I'm not sure it's a risk I'm willing to take, but I've had the same experience with every dog I've owned, Smoky. Chocolate either gives 'em the runs or stops 'em up. Haven't had anything more serious than that.

*knock on wood*



just do it
so much for heading for the bin, its funny, its ok for us to get high, but if our pet wants a little buzz its animal abuse


just do it
oh yeah,off topic but cheese for dogs is a nono, as they are usually lactose intolerant , my friend gave his awesome 10 year old yellow lab a chunk and it dropped dead, sad sad day


just do it
i didnt want to say this because its kind of embarassing, but my dog is really into crack


just do it
im sorry i should have been more specific, ass crack,
please dont laugh, i feel terrible about it, one time, when i was getting busy with my lady, he stuck his cold wet nose where it should never be, it was terrible, but a least its not as bad as his brother, who tried to enter my friend mid flight, and left scratch marks all over my fat friends back, now thats some funny shit
Some of my cats love the plant, some don't. It's a personal feline preference I believe. I wouldn't blow smoke at them, a little sniff of the plants supervised is somethin' I would do.
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