I made a coat rack from one big outdoor plant once, but usually i just toss em, true story bro.
I made a coat rack from one big outdoor plant once, but usually i just toss em, true story bro.
i chop my stems up along with the big fan leaves and it goes right back into the soil that i grow with.cannabis would naturally die and drop its leaves and stems on the ground and it would rot and feed the next crop or wild grow of them.i have found that the best compost for any given plant is the plant itself.if you walk into a forest or anywhere in nature the plants that are perrenial or naturalized annuals are growing out of ground thats covered in there dead plant matter from the past.if you took a pine tree and raked all the needles off the ground every year and replaced them with rotting dandelions the pine tree would not do as well as one that is feeding off the needles that it naturally drops.
no way.... have too much stuff around as it is, i dont need a bunch of stems laying around
sounds good but the dea is way to dirty for me