To keep it interesting I saw that Thug Pug Genetics has a Gorillabreath as well. Probably GG4 x meatbreath, mendobreath, peanutbutterbreath etc.
I'm sure it's been covered but what's up with the 3.0? Was it 2.0 x cookieboi?
but what does it mean... Lol
Is the 3.0 making the rounds like the 2.0 is or is that one being held closer? Any notable differences between the 2.0 and 3.0? If the 2.0 is tits enough is 3.0 different enough to justify tracking it down and running it?
On another note, I just put up grow reports of Gluebreath and OGKB 2.0 as well as some others. I don't know if they are visible yet though, pending moderator approval?