Decades long toker, long time poster here...
I grew up in prohibition land, and my choices of cannabis were usually "Headies" or "Couchlock." Since I already suffer from ADHD, autism and a few other quirks, I've always pursued the more functional "Headies" strains.
The "Couchlock" strains I remember were super stoney, definitely non-productive for me, but did not "Knock you out" 15min after toking.
The last what... 5-10 years? I've noticed a growing trend of people calling overripe, horribly CBN rich cannabis "really potent." I'm talking cannabis nobody can stay awake from after only 2-3 tokes. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this kind of cannabis when I'm hurt, sick or reaaaally need to sleep immediately. I just prefer staying awake through life and experiencing my cannabis throughout the day.
What's the deal? Does anyone remember growing up with CBN rich sleepy weed as "the potent stuff" when you were a kid? Did this trend start somewhere specific?