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Do women get as high as men?


Well-known member
in my experiance as a Caregiver.

Yes, Women get as "high" as men if not Higher.

although, genetic ancestry seems to have an effect as well.

Cannot find the spesific study or interveiw regarding this but it was Dr Paul Hornby that brought it up,the short of it being the more whales based, and african based ancestries are the more tolerant individuals and those with more Russian/Siberian or asian ties in their ancetry are less tolerant.

maybe anicdotally, but all my Scottish/irish/english friends smoke like chiminys, those of more eastern desent are definitivly lighter weight one puff and done sorta lot.

CITE: https://news.wsu.edu/2014/09/03/females-more-sensitive-to-cannabis-males-get-munchies/
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Well-known member
I'm curious as to how they would determine the answer. Asking men and women to describe the buzz , or maybe get them stoned while they are on a cat scan


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
You betcha

You betcha

I have 2ea 50ish country hippie women hang around in the afternoon and get into the desktop vape. I turn the temp way up to max out the delta-9 output and it is like a combination of laughing gas / truth serum with them :biggrin:.

You betcha they do, as well as gobble up beers. I love 'em and the company, and could have a hilarious youtube chan with this pair's stories.


Hormones and behaviours

Hormones and behaviours

I have to say.
I'm a male
I'm of Scottish and Yugoslavian genetics (as much as I know)
And I had to smoke probably 5 or 6 times at the very beginning of my cannabis use before the high ever actually hit me.
Which is very strange.
And I would cough my guts out those first times smoking joints with my sis'
She would always ask me
Don't you feel relaxed ?
I'd say no
Not really
I just feel the same as usual.
We had decent weed too.
But finally on about the seventh try of smoking weed.
I just looked up at my sis' and my friends and said
Oh my god, it's finally working!
I remember it like yesterday.
How silly I became and how happy I was.
And how I expressed an odd sense of synesthesia while enduring the munchies saying as I put a Joo Joob over a lit candle and melting it and exclaiming "I want to taste what it looks like"
Haha just saying that makes me me happy and fills my heart with love for my sis' for having shown me this amazing plant/herb.
But alas
My sister got high from the very first time she smoked.
She didn't seem to have the strange tolerance that I did.
Perhaps it was that I had a strong ego.
Or a strange grip on reality that made me unwilling to feel any bit "high" or altered at all.
And after years and years of smoking with different people I've noticed women don't often want to smoke as much as Men.
They seem inherently aware of keeping their head a little more stable.
Or perhaps they are more aware of doing things in excess and how that may relate to addiction and it's behaviours and or process' to feeling addicted to something.
Cannabis is considered a mild 5 alpha reductase inhibitor which means that it will stabilize, very mildly by the way, hormones such as testosterone and or estrogen, from their breakdown into their proceeding compounds.
Usually going from testosterone to estrogen in males that are prone to this by genetics and in Females who are prone to this absolutely normal breakdown as well. And some Men who are less likely to have the genetics that cause testosterone to breakdown to estrogen have testosterone that breaks down into a more powerful form of Test. Called Dihydrotestosterone which actually blocks estrogen and keeps male attributes more prevalent.
Which might play a role in inducing some higher risk taking type behaviours. Which could lead to the more prevalent choice to "smoke even more and get even more high and development of tolerance"
So as some men seem to gravitate towards smoking more, they may be just expressing the interaction between their natural Hormone levels and the 5 alpha reductase effects that are caused by THC and after the prolonged use of THC they may experience a sort of calmed down level of said hormones and their behavioural effects which would be the effects of less hormones being broken down and less estrogen based in their chemical make up.
Whether they are male or female might be irrelevant according to my theory here.
But Hormones and Genetics and epigenetics may be a key part of how, what, and why, we are what we are. be it people who love to smoke more weed or less weed.
We are all unique. Physically, Hormonally, and Mentally.
I wish I knew this much about actual women.
And not just blah blah blah hormones this and hormones that!
Genetics and Endocrinology are an amazing thing that must relate to whether men or women do or don't get more high.
And epigenetics and our inherited traits are definitely key factors in this topic of conversation.
But I don't know if we will ever get a definitive answer to subjective experiences like who gets more high.
Sorry to write such a long post.
Thank you to anyone who read the whole thing.


Active member


Hi chillywilly answer to your question is yes women get just as high as men. Im new to this forums thing my husband has been on this forum well not this one but icmag in general for multiply years and loves it but i can say as a woman him and i get just as high no difference at all unless you smoke more or a different strain thats the only difference. I hope you found this useful. I prefer edibles myself or the vape pen. I get twisted off both my first time eating edibles i was still high the next day it was crazy as hell my son's girlfriend and i split a 100mg brownie and we were stuck on stupid big time we even locked ourselves in the truck and couldnt figure out how to get out we had to call my son to come home and through the keys.out the window cause the doors wouldnt unlock for us thats how high it got us but the next time i ate one which was the next night we didnt get that high i giess you gotta wait awhile idk just how it affected me i havent eaten any since cause i moved and so did the person i got it from

mayssoune ray

New member
of course women can't get as high as men. it is well known and self evident that women are of a completely different race than men.

as darwin has said, women have smaller brains and their skull development stands between a man and a child, they cannot think as deeply as men nor can they achieve as much as men because of their lack of intelligence and rationality.

and as möbius has pointed out, they should be viewed as not human and are abnormal.

the completely different genetic makeup of men and women make it impossible that women can feel the same as men.
i suspect that they only fake it, they are well known in the world as fakers and liars, so why should it be different in this case?

no, no, no women can't get as high as men, that's a fact, everything else is fake news.

good day

I would disagree with that. Women actually get higher then men the thing is they have the stamina to control it. :tiphat:


Well-known member
My GF has a much higher tolerance. If I would smoke her amount I couldn't do much afterwards. I grade potency on a 0 to 10 range, she has a binary evaluation, weed is good (strong) or not good (weak). No difference between more stoned or high.


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
My GF has a much higher tolerance. If I would smoke her amount I couldn't do much afterwards. I grade potency on a 0 to 10 range, she has a binary evaluation, weed is good (strong) or not good (weak). No difference between more stoned or high.

I know exactly how you feel

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