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Do States Report Drug Misdemeanors to the Feds?


Pops said:
that you lose the right to vote and own weapons for the rest of your life.

In Some States, you automactically get your voting rights restored when you are off probation or parole.

Also, you can petition the Judge to have your felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor charge, and ultimately expunged. thus allowing you to own and possess a gun agian, but it helps to have a good lawyer on retianer.

but then agian, I never had a drug charge. but I did get convicted of a serious felony, which was later reduced to a misdemeanor, and then expunged. the next week, I purchased a bunch of guns on my wish list, including a couple of silencers, and a full auto weapon (MP5 which are legal for private ownership in my state) all of which requires a BATF background check before you can legally take posession of them.
Oh yeah, one more thing: Just because you get your record expunged doesn't mean a conviction still isn't on your record. What it really means is that LEO cannot disclose its existence to most people outside of government.

IOW, it shows up if you apply for an LEO position, security clearance and some other things which escape me. Again, I know this for a fact.
What about youths?

If a minor is busted at school for a joint, will that get flagged?

When that 12 year-old with a joint turns into thirty year-old, will he be able to buy a gun, become a teacher, or practice law?

When I was in the army (1988) a buddy of mine wanted to join Special Forces but he was denied when the DOD background check found that he had been busted for a joint in high school.

What if he wanted to become a doctor or a cop? Would it still follow him?
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